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Status Updates posted by didopage

  1. ROC(k) stage.

    1. Pitaya


      Best wishes for a successful ROC !

    2. didopage


      Thanks A&B! :-)

  2. Hey Kay! I just noticed your USCIS break is off. Good luck with your ROC! :)

  3. Non :( J'espere que tes premiers jours se sont bien passes !

  4. Yes, I did change my last name and my MC shows it. I updated my last name on my SS card when I got my EAD + my MC.

  5. They didn't expedite, there was no reason and I didn't even ask. Don't believe what the website says, it doesn't take that long.

  6. Good and you? In SF, you need to wait 10 days after the ceremony to request a certified copy of your MC. After 10 days, we requested some online (there's an additional fee) and got them in the mail like a week after I think. If you live in SF, you can go in person, it will be easier and should faster. :)

  7. Pour les questions, n'hesites pas en messages prives!

  8. Je viens de regarder, entre LA et San Diego, ca a l'air sympa ! :) Les visas epoux prennent du temps, mais tu deviendras residente permanente des que tu arriveras avec ton CR-1. Mon visa fiance a mis du temps aussi, mais j'ai eu de la paperasse a faire en arrivant aux US avec mon visa K-1.

  9. Hello et bienvenue sur VJ! :) Tu vas partir ou en CA ?

  10. Arg, VJ should have some sort of alert for that!

  11. Hey Harpa, what's the idiom? (your mailbox seems full)

  12. Congrats on your approval! :)

  13. Hello! Where are you going to move to in the US? :)

  14. Hey! :) In SF, you can do everything the same day, like getting your appointment for the marriage license at 10am for example, and your ceremony at 10:30! This is super simple. We didn't hired a photographer, my mother-in-law took the pictures..

  15. You're welcome! Be patient, try to forget a little about it and it will come. :) Good luck and enjoy your life with your husband. :)

  16. Even if the website is sometimes not reliable, you would have received a letter if an interview would have been scheduled yet. Looks like you received your EAD card, and your other mails without any problem so I tend to say there is no problem with your mailbox. Wait patiently! You have your EAD and AP so you can work and travel. The GC won't change much in what you can do. :)

  17. I'm doing good, still job hunting! Hope I will find soon, please cross your fingers for me! :) How are you guys doing?

  18. I'm going to redirect you to my answer on your topic (http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/390824-greencard-interview-appointment-notice/). No one knows when. It can be anytime as it can be in months. :)

  19. SS Card updated and received, no more "Valid for work only with DHS authorization" note, yes, that was my 3rd card, but it was my final one!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. C-ma'am


      YAY Grats =) 3rd one is a charm!

    3. didopage


      Kristin, he needs to keep the SSA informed if his immigration status changes. Becoming a permanent resident is a change of status, so yes. He will then receive a new card (still the same number) but the "valid for work only..." note will be removed. I would say it's not urgent but it's good to do it so all his papers will be "in order".

    4. kristinanddan09


      understandable, thanks, we'll try to get there next week just to get it done. i had no idea!

  20. Not yet, but I still hope! And you? Moving to NY or staying in CA?

  21. Hey c'est cool ca !! Tu sais deja dans quel coin de la Californie ?

  22. Hello Lydia, congrats on your visa! Tu pars dans quel coin des US? :)

  23. Got my CA Driver's License card and my French Consulate card, yay for more steps done!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Swingman_Tomoyo


      Wow that was quick! Congrats! :-) Still don't know when I'm going to be ready for the actual driving test.

    3. didopage


      Yes it was! Just practice by following the rules in the booklet I mentioned to you and you should be ready. :)

    4. Swingman_Tomoyo


      Thanks Didopage I read the booklet already and I got to practice around our new neighborhood. Hope I get used to the roads here soon!

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