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Posts posted by jaaaaamas

  1. Well seeing as your going to Newark like we did...

    We had an album full of 200 photos. The officer flipped through each and every page and asked questions. They were more of casual conversation questions though, and not ones of interrogation. But our officer did stress that she felt these were some of the most important pieces of evidence one can bring in, in her opinion.

    So on the off chance you get her, bring in as many as you can! Honestly, I think you will be fine with what you have. Quantity should not matter. All ours were originally digital too :) I suggest kodak.com. They sell them for very cheap. We got about 150 of our photos printed from there and it came out to like $25, including shipping. They're wonderful quality too.

  2. Congratulations! The interview letter has a list of all you need.

    Passport for both of you, birth certificates for both, three years worth taxes (or whatever you can provide), I-693 medical supplement, letter of employment, paystubs, joint bank statements, any insurance or credit card statements you may have, junkmail, christmas and wedding cards addressed to both, any joint magazine subscriptions, as many photos as possible and stuff like that. If you have a sponsor, bring an I-864 for both your sponsor (the petitioner) as well as your cosponsor.

    Good luck!!

  3. I freaked out when we got out letter. Like...FREAKED. Everyone on this forum remembers! ;) Then I felt really calm and sure about it for months. Then 2 days before, I freaked again. And now I realized how silly I was being, because it was not that big a deal...at all. It was like being back in the embassy for a K-1 visa. You will be fine, I promise you.

    It's scary, because your whole world and future is riding on this one decision on Wednesday. It frightens you. But it's that big decision that scares you, because it means so much to you. Were this a small issue about something else in life, it wouldn't seem so bad. So just try and keep calm, because the interview is thorough, but a breeze and you seem to have your evidence in order.

    Once it's done, you'll laugh about being so worried.

    GOOD LUCK and keep us posted!

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