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The Mean Lady

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Posts posted by The Mean Lady

  1. Hey K, I don't mean to be harsh. And you know I love ya like a little sis that needs looking after......

    But a man's gotta have something to put on the table...... Hubs gotta go get a job dear. No matter how menial.....

    He's gotta go push a broom at Home Depot if that's what he can get. Stock stuff at Costco, Starbucks, etc.....(all these by which chance, aren't that bad)

    You 2 are in the most productive periods of your life. Don't find yourselves in your 40s and have absolutely nothing. Then you've failed. Times flies.

    I'm out of college like...over 2 decades (not counting graduate school). it was like yesterday.......

    Sorry didn't see this.

    The problem we have is that my husband is very antisocial.

    He literally hates people.

    He's applied for some stock jobs in the area and gotten nothing.

    He also can't drive, so that limits us yet again.

    I'm out of ideas of jobs to apply for that keep him away from customers.

    And I'm not sure how that gets us into canada lol

    K, sounds to me you guys really need to get in high gear. Canada isn't the answer either.

    If you can make a living in Canada, you can make a living here.

    You don't have to look any further than this thread. Look at some of our Canadian transplants here. Except stretch, she has a hillbilly...

    Sorry I think you are missing the point.

    Hubby does not like the US.

    He doesn't want to be here.

    At least not in this area.

    The only solution is a move, regardless.

    Regardless of if we move out to the country (ohi limited jobs again) or back to canada.

    I think the solution is to hxc play lottery ASAP

  2. Does your husband stand a better chance of getting work in Canada?

    Do you earn more in the States than he can make in Canada?

    It sounds like a change needs to be made. Can't you apply your expertise to a completely different job in Canada?

    How about having him support you while you find your way around? Could you set up some kind of business?

    IDK. Just trying to keep you positive.

    Well, my husband HAD a job in canada, but it was only 4 hours a week, so no not really.

    And I come with a boat load of bills, so even if we did move to Canada, I couldn't feasibly foresee us just being able to get him a job and buying a house and being able to pay for everything.

    I feel like it's just lose/lose either way.

    Like I don't physically see how to do any of this short of him moving back to canada in with his mom, trying to find a job, filing paperwork at the same time, waiting, being apart again.

    Eventually hopefully end up together somewhere in canada.

  3. Can't you do the same kind of work in Canada?

    Living with parents is stressful and a false economy IMO .

    Why not try Canada ( will your husband have a better chance at work there?)?

    If your MIL is prepared to be so generous I would jump at the chance .

    Well not living with my parents wasn't really an option when I was moving into the country with an unemployed husband.

    We can't not live there because we can't afford to live elsewhere unless I get a second income or rent at 350$ lmao

    The trade show industry... yeah... I could... If I just randomly had a trade show house randomly hiring right randomly where I want to live.

    It's a specific industry that very few even really stop to realize exists.

    These houses aren't just in every city: they are far and few between.

    And I can't just move to Canada and work there.

    There is paperwork just like the US.

    I CAN just move there if I want... but not just move and WORK there.

  4. I work in the trade show industry.

    Because I was trying to save money for a hours.


    Also I failed to mention that hubby hasn't been able to acquire work since being here which doesn't help us save money.

  5. Soooooooooo, let's play get advices from strangers on the internet.

    It's been a year now that I've been stuck at my parents house.

    My husband is clearly unhappy here in the US.

    I didn't need him to even tell me that yesterday, I've known this for months, but it obviously means something for him to admit it.

    I've been unable to save a dime being here due to multiple reasons.

    Mostly, my big chunk went to a down payment on my car.

    The old one was falling apart, I needed to leave for Canada.

    Not to mention, I was putting more money into it than I was saving.

    Then, I'm massively to blame for frivolous spending.

    We can't stand being at home with my step dad so we end up going out just to get away and of course we end up spending.

    I know that's amounted to SO much additional money lost and I've tried to nip it, but I just can't stop.

    Then, there's the fact that I found out Hubby's mom had money saved up to pay for a large down payment on a house, but we up and moved out of the country.

    Going back to Canada made me miss a lot of it.

    But I don't know if that's just being away from our house made it feel like that.

    I don't know what to do at this point.

    I don't know how to make a life change/move to a new career.

    I wish people existed just to tell you what path to take to achieve a goal.

    Like a life coach lmao.

  6. Canada Poutine


    Awe c'mon now that just looks too delicious.

    I need to find some wheat free seasoned fries... or make my own...

    First, this wonderful video I will share because I love it and more people need to listen to it

  7. Hey I have a question.

    I've always had an HMO so I have no idea, but my hubby has a PPO.

    He has a very suspicious mole that I need to take him to get looked at.

    Any time something is wrong with me, I go to my dr, then he refers me to where I need to go.

    But I don't need referrals for hubby so for something like this, do I go to the normal doctor and he will order tests, or should I take him directly to the dermatologist?

    I don't want to pay for an extra appt where not needed or take another half day off work if I don't have to.

  8. Yes, I posted on it shortly after she left.

    Also got someone poaching my number off of it from some 'lost dog service'

    When he said in his thick accent 'hey i realize how very upset you must be about your missing dog' i was like yeah, no thanks.

    Clearly someone didn't even read the part where i said NOT MY DOG.

    Anyway, dog's real house is about 20 minutes away by car.

    We have alerted every city in the area about her missing.

  9. So my god mother had to go to a funeral.

    We were watching her dog last minute.

    My step dad decided to treat the dog just like our dogs and open the door and tell them to go to the backyard.

    God mother's dog bolts.

    Been missing for 24 hours now.


  10. Gofundme from family and friends?

    This chick on my FB that I'm somehow related to put up a gofundme to literally just fund her life.

    She was going to school and needed money to pay for rent, loans, food, etc.

    Weekly she would repost it.

    I thought it was the most ridiculous thing ever.

    Out of the FIVE THOUSAND she was trying to earn, she got about 300.

  11. Idk how much has gone through in this thread, but back to the OP.

    You shouldn't owe anything to Bell.

    EVERY cable/phone company I've EVER been with has had a "no cancellation fee" policy for those moving out of their service area.

    Your phone/cable company shouldn't be something that ties you down to an area, that's ridiculous.

    It doesn't matter how long you've had your agreement.

    I had an agreement apply under this over 10 years ago.

    Not even just phone companies but things like gyms too.

    It's just standard proceedure.

    I suggest you speak to someone else about that.

    I was able to cancel my Rogers agreement no penalty.

    Aside from the fact they wanted 30 days notice and I said screw you here's 15 and I'm not even paying the final bill.

    By that I mean they charged me for 30 days of service including the 15 days after I had moved.

    But I refuse to pay for that.

  12. It's the hard thing to do, but you need to let this girl go.

    You're never going to have an ideal relationship as trust is always going to be an issue for you.

    It's clear she's "cheating" on you by my personal definition of cheating.

    You've read the messages. You're not comfortable with it.

    That thought of what she's doing behind your back is always going to linger.

    The way she's treating you isn't right.

    I think you know what you have to do, or honestly, you wouldn't have asked.

    There is no "one" person for anyone.

    You'll find another person. Don't worry.

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