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Posts posted by Bayareaguy

  1. Well, to complete the loop on this thread, Mike Honda's office did absolutely nothing for me, except waste my time.

    I'm also getting email spam from him, which at first pissed me off, but actually it's good, since it is an easy way to keep an eye on the enemy.

    To all in Honda's district (17th), there is going to be a Democratic challenger for his seat. Honda's claim to be behind reuniting families is just empty rhetoric.

  2. Not really. you also havet o remember, CSC is clearing a huge backlog of petitions. VSC wasn't as far behind. I know it looks like CSC is doing better, but they are cleaning up a mess, not approving in order.

    I do feel for all of you that are waiting solong and pray your NOA2s come soon

    Ha ha, yeah, VSC's "slowdown" is about 3X CSC's pace from December-March. We would have killed to have your slowdown rate 1,2,3,4 months ago.

  3. I understand your frustration but take a look at Igor's list. There are still quite a few July petitions waiting to be processed and August is not at the half way point yet. CSC is cranking out NOA2's at a high rate of knots just now. Hopefully your wait will not be too much longer.

    You ain't kidding...holy #######, the number of approvals today is breathtaking. Might be more today than the past 4 months combined.

    I would wait and see at this point. When CSC finally does slow down again, and you still don't have an RFE or an NOA2, then I'd get worried.

  4. Oh, and the timeline is pretty useless unless applications are processed at a consistent rate and in order of receipt. So at times, it will be close, at others, not so close. It can't predict changes in processing rate in the future.

  5. On my drive to work this morning I was feeling really good. Talked to God and asked Him if this was the day. Right around 2pm while sitting in my office I get a text from USCIS.. my heart jumped out of my chest thinking it was for my NOA2. I was a bit bummed to find out that it was just a notice that my "Alien Registraton Number" had been changed. After doing a little research on VJ i found that this notice either means that an approval is coming soon or it may mean absolutely nothing.. just a glitch in the USCIS system. In other words.. nobody knows for sure what this notice means. Either way I was very optimistic that FINALLY someone has "touched" our application and it's not soaking wet in some bathroom somewhere lol. Gave my fiancee the news, but we've been disappointed before and so we've learned not to get our hopes up too high. We decide that we'll continue to pray and wait. Fast forward to 11:40pm this evening, I was getting ready for bed when I noticed another USCIS text on my phone. My first reaction was, "oh no, maybe their system is indeed glitching because it looks like they may have sent me another change of "Alien Registration Number" notice. I quickly check my email to see if there was a notice there too. Lo and behold, i read the magic words that my fiancee and I have been praying for for the past 8 months and two weeks; "On April 19, 2013, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). "

    God is good! To all my fellow July and August filers.. CSC is finally moving and if you haven't received your NOA2 just hang on because it's coming soon! I was even surprised that I got my text so late in the evening... maybe they have people working there around the clock!

    Also, if you're wondering.. yes I did contact my congressman AND senator but neither of them even bothered to contact me back. So if you were in the same boat that I was... with unresponsive representatives in office (*cough* Congressman Mike Honda *cough* *cough* Senator Feinstein *cough*) don't lose hope. :)

    Congratulations! Yep, Honda didn't do jack for me either.

    And FYI, there will be a challenger to his seat at the next election.

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