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  1. Like
    kytwell reacted to Operator in Is anybody else's spouse like this?   
    I bought my wife a watch for her birthday. She said "Thanks sweety but there is a clock on the stove"
  2. Like
    kytwell reacted to pushbrk in petition   
    It won't. Don't listen to them.
  3. Like
    kytwell reacted to luckytxn in Job market deals decisive blow to Food Stamp President   
    Record 1.2 Million People Fall Out Of Labor Force In One Month, Labor Force Participation Rate Tumbles To Fresh 30 Year Low
    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/03/2012 08:51 -0500
    BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics Unemployment Withholding taxes A month ago, we joked when we said that for Obama to get the unemployment rate to negative by election time, all he has to do is to crush the labor force participation rate to about 55%. Looks like the good folks at the BLS heard us: it appears that the people not in the labor force exploded by an unprecedented record 1.2 million. No, that's not a typo: 1.2 million people dropped out of the labor force in one month! So as the labor force increased from 153.9 million to 154.4 million, the non institutional population increased by 242.3 million meaning, those not in the labor force surged from 86.7 million to 87.9 million. Which means that the civilian labor force tumbled to a fresh 30 year low of 63.7% as the BLS is seriously planning on eliminating nearly half of the available labor pool from the unemployment calculation. As for the quality of jobs, as withholding taxes roll over Year over year, it can only mean that the US is replacing high paying FIRE jobs with low paying construction and manufacturing. So much for the improvement.
    Chart below shows it all - that jump is not a fat finger!

    And Labor Force Participation:

    This is the largest absolute jump in 'Persons Not In Labor Force' on record...and biggest percentage jump in 30 years.

    Chart: Bloomberg
  4. Like
    kytwell reacted to IR5FORMUMSIE in Supermarket Meat Comes From Sick Animals   
    Perhaps it would be best if you discuss premature ejaculation with your urologist instead of here.
  5. Like
    kytwell reacted to Obama 2012 in Working Poor: Almost Half Of U.S. Households Live One Crisis From The Bread Line   
    you wouldn't know what capitalism is if it bit you on the #######.
  6. Like
    kytwell reacted to Gary and Alla in Supermarket Meat Comes From Sick Animals   
    The truly amazing thing is that Stevens definition of "trolling" matches exactly what he wants removed. Amazing. Should make it easy for the moderators...make Steven happy and all is well.
  7. Like
    kytwell reacted to mr and mrs in House Resolution 535 in Pennsylvania declares 2012 as the “Year of the Bible"   
    christ. glad im not in PA.
  8. Like
    kytwell reacted to luckytxn in Supermarket Meat Comes From Sick Animals   
    I thought everything was on topic.
  9. Like
    kytwell reacted to Sofiyya in Supermarket Meat Comes From Sick Animals   
    I'm confused about what can be posted anymore. Going off-topic on threads like this used to be part of the fun. No more fun, I guess.
  10. Like
    kytwell reacted to Sofiyya in Supermarket Meat Comes From Sick Animals   
    Stevie and I are good. He's taking me to Barney Frank's wedding.
  11. Like
    kytwell reacted to William33 in Supermarket Meat Comes From Sick Animals   
    From this Moderators perspective, it would be helpful to have verifiable evidence to support the assertions being made here. Frankly, the thread reports are getting tiresome.....
  12. Like
    kytwell reacted to luckytxn in ‘Israel to Give Obama 12 Hours Notice on Attacking Iran’   
    I don't care about Israel. I want our troops brought back home from worldwide deployments. It is none of our business there. Israel wants perpetual war then let them have it.
  13. Like
    kytwell got a reaction from Susita in Why Apple says it can't build an iPhone in the US.   
    About sums it up:
    “Companies once felt an obligation to support American workers, even when it wasn’t the best financial choice,” said Betsey Stevenson, the chief economist at the Labor Department until last September. “That’s disappeared. Profits and efficiency have trumped generosity.”
  14. Like
    kytwell reacted to sly_wolf in Why Apple says it can't build an iPhone in the US.   
    If you read the article it does not sound like a Tax reduction would have any impact. Perhaps Corporations would be influenced by some sort of local headcount incentive. Hire local or else face some kind of opportunity cost
  15. Like
    kytwell reacted to Ban Hammer in political cartoons and graphic images   
  16. Like
    kytwell got a reaction from one...two...tree in Why Apple says it can't build an iPhone in the US.   
    About sums it up:
    “Companies once felt an obligation to support American workers, even when it wasn’t the best financial choice,” said Betsey Stevenson, the chief economist at the Labor Department until last September. “That’s disappeared. Profits and efficiency have trumped generosity.”
  17. Like
    kytwell reacted to Bad_Daddy in Woman with 2 vaginas   
    "Double the fun" and/or "when two are better than one".
  18. Like
    kytwell reacted to Obama 2012 in Last year was ninth warmest in history, NASA says   
    stfu Steven.
    Seriously, no one cares about your tax the ** out of everyone answers.
  19. Like
    kytwell reacted to Ban Hammer in America on Israel’s Altar   
    it was a site solely devoted to maligning islam - it therefore has no place on this board. the same would apply to a site solely devoted to maligning israel.
  20. Like
    kytwell reacted to Sofiyya in America on Israel’s Altar   
    First of all, you need to stop calling us Pals. I'm a Palestinian, WoM's husband is Palestinian. We are not pals.
    Second, it's obvious to us, who have been at it longer, that you are emoting rather than posting facts. You have no real knowledge of the sites you use, you don't know the history of Israel's founding, you engage in generalizations of entire groups of people based on the acts of a few. You've even stooped so low as to call those who disagree with you "terrorists" and "rock throwers". Name calling is the highest order of retort you seem to have.
    I'm an Israeli, I don't get upset when people criticize Israel anymore than the American part of me gets upset when someone criticizes America. Both are my right.
    If you believe that Israel needs defending, then defend it from an objective position, not just with emotional appeals. Whining about how there are "hateful" people who have the gall to disagree with you gets no sympathy here.
    I could post hateful stuff from racist, influential Jews, anti-Muslim sermons by bigoted "Christian" pastors, or twisted Stormfront racists here all day; there's plenty of that stuff on the net to see. But, we're talking politics and political processes here, not the rantings of individuals who happened to be on YouTube.
    So, post away, expect that your posts will be challenged and grow a thicker skin to deal with it.
  21. Like
    kytwell reacted to Sofiyya in America on Israel’s Altar   
    You need to take a chill pill. You are definitely overreacting.
  22. Like
    kytwell reacted to sandinista! in America on Israel’s Altar   
    i'm going to go out on a huge limb by presuming to speak for others here as well as myself when i say that no one here cares about you or your limp drivel enough to come close to hating you.
  23. Like
    kytwell reacted to PalestineMyHeart in Netanyahu: Israel's greatest enemies are the NYT and Ha'aretz   
    The biggest threat to Israel is its own government.
  24. Like
    kytwell reacted to sandinista! in America on Israel’s Altar   
    Jewish gunman was no terrorist, Israel rules
    Chris McGreal in Jerusalem
    The Guardian, Thu 1 Sep 2005 00.00 BST
    Four Arab Israelis shot dead by a soldier opposed to the closure of the Gaza Strip settlements are not victims of "terror" because their killer was Jewish, Israel's defence ministry has ruled, and so their families are not entitled to the usual compensation for life.
    The ministry concluded that the law only recognises terrorism as committed by "organisations hostile to Israel" even though the prime minister, Ariel Sharon, described the killings by Private Eden Nathan Zaada, 19, as "a despicable act by a bloodthirsty terrorist."
    He shot dead four people on a bus in the Arab Israeli town of Shfaram on August 4 and was then lynched by a mob.
    Arab Israeli leaders have condemned the decision. Mohammed Barakeh, an Arab member of the Israeli parliament who lives in Shfaram, said: "The decision raises a strong scent of racism, which distinguishes between a Jewish terrorist and an Arab terrorist."
    The defence ministry proposes to pay the families of the Shfaram victims an undisclosed lump sum instead of a lifelong monthly amount.
    But Mr Barakeh says that denies the dead their recognition as victims of terrorism. He noted that Arabs who had committed individual attacks but were not members of armed organisations had still been branded by the Israeli government as terrorists.
    Mr Barakeh has proposed an amendment to the law, recognising anyone harmed by "hostile activities by a terrorist organisation" as a victim of terror and therefore entitled to full compensation.
    There was pressure to amend the law in 1990 after a 21-year-old Israeli soldier, Ami Popper, shot dead seven Palestinian workers. But it was not approved by parliament.
    Another Israeli who killed Arabs in the run-up to the Gaza pullout was charged with murder yesterday. Asher Weisgan appeared in court in Jerusalem after he was declared mentally fit to stand trial for shooting dead four Palestinians, including two of his own employees, and wounding a fifth near the West Bank Jewish settlement of Shiloh.
    From several years ago, but it hasn't changed. Some people dont count equally there, and never will.
  25. Like
    kytwell reacted to sandinista! in America on Israel’s Altar   
    again with the hate speech sources. garbage.
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