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Dante & Geor

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Posts posted by Dante & Geor

  1. I just checked our case status and initial review wasnt highlighted and i was like 'whats going on with our case, why isnt that highlighted' and then i looked over and it said post decision activity and said we are approved and i started crying cos i am sooo happy and called my Travis and cried some more and i still can't believe it!

    Congrats! :thumbs::dance: :dance:

  2. Congrats!! :dance: :dance:

    A little prayer for all of us march filers who are still waiting won't hurt right? :blush: :blush:

    :dance: Just received NOA2 today! GOd is so good! :dance:

    Your Case Status: Post Decision Activity

    On June 7, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

    I dont usually post, but i follow our march 2011 thread.

    I prayed early ds morning, "Lord, NOA2 today pls!" and He give it to us! TO our LOrd Jesus CHrist be the glory. He is so good! :yes:

    Just keep the faith fellow march 2011 filers. YOu're almost there.


  3. Actually it was NOT translated as the full translation (thanks to google) is:

    "Hey little one be patient ... Everything has its time ... I also made ​​it through and it is not easy ... It's Going to Be a long journey ... It Will Be Worth It. Be very, very faith!!".

    The OP wrote only the section in italics in engligh. Hardly a "translation".

    Spanish as you can see is a more complicated language than English, it doesn't matter how many words she used it just express the same that was written in English. Our grammar is much more complicated than yours.... :bonk:

    P.S. Google translates it literal, not the meaning of it... a computer doesn't think and feel like humans... as you know

  4. Yes it's a rule. Though to be fair I can't seem to find where it's written..

    As I said, I don't think is like a written rule, is more like an inherit rule. Just to be polite to everybody, so we can understand each other...You can figure out what will happen with so many languages in a forum like this, it would be nothing but chaos, English speakers, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, etc etc etc you get my point right?

    It's more understandable for everybody if it's in English. But I believe there is nothing wrong for us to express in our native language if it's translated like she did. :unsure: So I do think the comment that came after hers is kinda rude.

  5. Scott - it was in spanish AND english.(In other words, it was translated). Is there a real rule on this forum that it's english only?


    More than a rule I guess is a polite way to speak with each other in here at least, if we all were talking in our native language we wouldn't be able to understand everybody, and it will be chaotic.

    But I didn't find your comment was inappropriate since it was translated. We just need to be more comprehensive to each other since I believe we all don't have English as a native language...

    Enough of the heavy... :ot2:



  6. Oh my god I still can't BELIEVE THIS!!! :D

    Checking USCIS website and we're still not approved, checking 30 minutes later and THERE IT IS!!!!!!

    On June 7, 2011, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E). Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.


    We're so excited and impatient for what comes next!! :D

    Congrats!! Wishing you a smooth journey or what is left of it! :dance: :dance:

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