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Dante & Geor

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Posts posted by Dante & Geor

  1. Just another example of our incompetent civil service employees, and the system in general. The people that work for the government are for the most part (not all obviously) people who could not cut it in the corporate world. They are either dumb or lazy, or both. They could not last in a real job where there's accountability. And many of them find gov't jobs after leaving corporate/fast-food jobs.:lol: How many times do you go to social security or another government office and you see poeple sitting talking on their personal cell phones or literally doing nothing (sleeping, reclining in chair, reading newspaper, doing nails, etc). Without a doubt, the same goes on at USCIS. Those adjudicators who are responsible for clearing cases let cases sit for weeks and months without touching them. Does anybody really believe that they are so backed up that they need to take 6 months to approve a petition? There seems to be no pressure from higher-ups for them to work faster. Sadly, this is a reflection of our society. I'm only 35 years old, but I have seen a change in worker's attitudes in the past 20 years or so. The same attitude change occured in students from when I was in school. I feel scared for the future of our great country.

    It's terrible that poeple have to go through such hell and long waits because of the incompetence of the system and the employees that work for our government.

    I guess my hubby-to-be IS the minority you consider DO their job (he's a federal worker). He has NEVER worked in a fast food, he has a PhD and he's only 33 years. :bonk:

  2. 1. Hola, por San Pedro y San Pablo, la mayoria de festividades se dan en Chorrillos, ya que Sn Pedro y Sn Pablo son los patrones de los pescadores. En general en todas las iglesias ofician misas por esos dias festivos.

    2. Con respecto a las celebraciones por el 4 de julio, podrias entras a la pagina web de la embajada o en el facebook que ellos tienen (si tienen fb) solo buscalos aqui: http://www.facebook.com/Peru.usembassy

    Espero haberte podido ayudar! :thumbs:

  3. I have been doing the same, painting, drawing... it's a long wait, so somehow I need to keep my mind busy...I did this today... Braiding my hair is also a hobby :P

    Your painting looks really nice! Wish that I could do something to look even similar to yours :crying: I just started driving lessons, that's how I'm making time go away somehow faster. But always thinking positive, to send some good vibes over VSC :blush:

    Have a great morning/evening/night for you all (June 15, 7:38 pm over here in Lima) :thumbs: :thumbs:

    Best wishes to you all, sending really good vibes for all of us either to VSC or CSC :dance:

  4. From what I read, this IS a service center, for real. Only accept petitions from a few states.. here, look:

    I just really never seen people being approved by them lol... but oh well, VSC has one more service center to catch up!

    I wasn't aware of that, I believed just CSC and VSC were doing these kind of applications :wacko:

    you're right VSC has a lot to catch up. Hope it does these weeks left from June and we start hearing some March filers approvals on July :dance: :dance:

  5. Trust me when I say it's a question we all have asked at least once if not in the forum to ourselves. It's just the date USCIS last updated our cases. But for you to see that you'll have to create an account on USCIS web page and then add your case to your portfolio, then when you open your portfolio you will see some columns with your case number, status, and last updated. The date that appears in last updated is the date your case has been touched. But don't put to much thinking on this, because USCIS have to swipe your code every time your package is moved, or whatever they do. It just means someone has "touched" your package, but it could be for several reasons.

    Best wishes for you in this journey :thumbs:

  6. My fiance left last night :-( I hate airports. So much. I used to love them, I used to associate them with adventure and travel and excitement and new experiences, but now I just associate them with pain and loss and hysterical crying. I managed to keep it together this time, only crying when he told me he loved me and that he couldn't wait to marry me and that he promises to always cook sweet potato for me :-) The first time we parted when I left America I was crying so hysterically that the airline staff asked me if I would like a wheel chair :-( Not my finest moment. He told me he's try to get back here as soon as possible, but I know that's unlikely to happen. He has responsibilities and he's starting a new job in September, one he worked really, really hard for, and I don't want him to jeopardize it, plus we have to save up money *sigh* Unfortunately all the practical thinking in the world can't stop that sinking feeling in my stomach when I realise I probably wont see him til I got over to America to get married :-(

    you just have to be strong hun! you're not alone in this journey, I understand the way you feel right now, 'cause it happened to me three months ago, and I still miss him like crazy everyday. I just try to keep a positive attitude, it's like every day that passes by is one day closer to THAT moment, when he will be expecting me at the airport to spent the rest of our lives together, when I think of that makes me feel better and it makes all this sad moments worth it! This will be a great story to tell some day to our children :blush:

    Wishing you the best! :thumbs: just remember each day that passes by is a day closer to be with the love of your life and you'll feel better :yes:

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