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Status Updates posted by LoveNigarmostyle

  1. I hope you are getting to know my 9ja man. I am praying for you guys. God bless.

  2. Hello, I know this waiting period is hard, but just remember this too shall pass. Hang in there, each passing day brings you closer to an answer. Good luck!

  3. Hi, sorry about the confusion about the emails here on VJ. I will send you an email on your yahoo address,which you have here. Is that okay? thanks!

  4. It means a lot to have the support and prayers of those who come to care and understand what it is like to go through this! Both my fiance and I appreciate your ongoing support and prayers. Thanks again. God Bless!

  5. You are in my prayers. This too shall pass!

  6. Hello stopped by to say hi and ask how things are with you and your visa? any news? I am keeping you in my prayers.

  7. Thanks for your note. Blessings!

  8. I love your new attorney, he is the judge, the jury and the whole package deal. AMEN to that.

    I would never forget those who are experiencing the same pain and the waiting stage is enough to drive anyone mad. Hang in there your time is coming. This too shall pass. God bless, you are always in my prayers.

  9. Hope you are holding up well. Just wanted to say thanks for your input and support.

  10. Oh nothing major, they just decided I was too outspoken for them and banned me from emailing or receiving emails. NO worries :)) how are you doing? hope all is well with you and hubby!

  11. Thanks for the support. I would not let few individuals with big egos stop me. Trust me!

  12. Hi stopped by to see what I am missing..LOL

    Thanks for the email. Talk to you soon.

  13. Love is patient, love is kind, love knows no envy and is color blind....that is my new phrase today!

  14. Thanks for the encouraging words. Love is patient, love is kind, love knows no envy and is color blind....that is my new phrase today!

  15. How are you holding up? Were you able to find an attorney in your area? If not let me know, there are some attorneys, which I have heard about through VJ. I can pass you their info. Good luck!

  16. Regardless of tasteless comments by some. It is important to remember what is our true objective and passion. "WE" are trying to help each other!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. patient2010


      keep your head up sistah friend...Ignore the Nay sayers

    3. Kay-che
    4. Kay-che

  18. I praise you for your levelheadedness. What men with ego problems think is irrelevant! WE are trying to help others with similar issues, those who are ignorant MATTER NONE!

  19. I totally agree with you NigeriaorBust, he is a favorite here and "we" are not. Look what happened to me? I never disrespected anyone or insinuated that anyone was a bully or rude or obnoxious. All I said was he needs to apologize to Jenkatx for his comment!

  20. Hello, just stopped by to say hi and see how you are doing.

  21. Thanks for all your efforts to make a point and to get answers. It seems most replies were very bias and the whole subject was lost in personal attacks. I am glad this time, I can't be blamed for it..hahaha

  22. Your intentions are noble, and your comments wise,don't let the few men with big complex effect you at all. I praise your courage. Take care.

  23. I found out today that I have been banned from sending you or anyone else an email on VJ. I am not allowed into my inbox now. So much for freedom of speech! Well just wanted to thank you for everything. Best of luck!

  24. Wonderful news. Congrats!

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