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Status Updates posted by LoveNigarmostyle

  1. So sorry for your pain! God be with you and stay strong!

  2. Hello girl, how are you sorry I have not been in touch for few days...I am just nervous and anxious...the count down continues! How are you holding up? drop me an email and let's chat soon :)

  3. The days are passing by so slowly. Anxious and counting the days....

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. zenyouness


      I know what you mean time seems to be still once you are on the last steps...

    3. LoveNigarmostyle


      zenyouness yes very true, these last few steps seem forever!

    4. Kay-che
  4. Welcome to VJ, I am so sorry you are experiencing so much right now. I will keep you in my prayers. Good luck!


  6. Welcome to VJ and good luck with your journey!

  7. Hello Darren and Gretchen, how is it going? any updates?

  8. Welcome to VJ and good luck. Praying for you and hope all ends well.

  9. Thanks for your continued support. we are just counting down the day :{ and praying!

  10. 19 days to go :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mellie&Irvin


      ajjj girl........ why second interview? :(

    3. Kay-che


      16 DAYS TO GO

    4. LoveNigarmostyle


      we were on AP 5 1/2 months and now they called him back. Yes Kay-che now 15days to go, God is good!

  11. Good luck with your interview on Friday. I will be praying for you :)

  12. Thanks for your good wishes TEE&ESS. Please keep us in your prayers. Good luck with your paperwork as well. I pray that you will be with one another soon as well.

  13. Welcome to VJ and good luck! I agree with your comment. Each day that passes, brings us closer to being with our loved ones..hang in there :)

  14. I am doing great, thanks for asking. How are you holding up? My fiance has his 2nd interview on the 27th :( WE hope and pray all goes well for us. Wish us luck please :)

  15. Hello, just stopped by to say hi. Our interview date is nearing....I am a little nervous.Please keep us in your prayers:) thanks!

  16. I had a great weekend. Thanks for the note! Good luck and hang in there!

  17. 22 days and counting down! God is great!

    1. patient2010


      Yes HE is! No worries God will surely show favor that day......

  18. Welcome to VJ and I wish you both good luck! AP stands for Administrative Process. If you have any questions please feel free to email. Thanks!

  19. Parev, Keep praying and God will make the road easier. this too shall pass, thanks for your note. I wish you all the best and happiness in life.

  20. Just stopped by to see how you are holding up? hope all is well with you. Any updates? Take care, and remember this will be over soon.

  21. Hello, just wanted to say hi.I am hoping soon you will be with your man.

  22. Welcome to VJ and good luck with your journey.

  23. Welcome to VJ and good luck!

  24. I am elated that Barcelona won today =) love soccer!

    1. brooks1380


      Yeah we knew they would win,it was too sweet.My guy was going for Man U though..lol.But all knew that Barc would take it hands down.Gotta love the football.

    2. brooks1380


      Whats AP?Please...I'm new to all and learning.

    3. LoveNigarmostyle


      LOL I love soccer(football), specially Barcelona team. I have watched every game they played this last season :)

  25. Good luck with your visa journey, how are you doing? hang in there soon it will all be a distant memory!

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