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US Immigration from Romania

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I-130 Supporting Documents for Proof of Marriage
2:04 pm April 4, 2022


Read 2373 Times
18 Replies

Good morning!

I have been lurking here for several years now and my husband and I are just about ready to submit his petition. We have been married for almost 3 years and lived together in Romania for about 18 months. Since the bulk of our relationship and marriage has been long distance I don't have too much joint stuff with both our names on it. When I was living there, they would not add my name to his account because I did not have an income or a residency permit from his country. Let me list out what I have and hopefully it will be enough.

1. Flight Itineraries and passport stamps from 6 years of flights to meet up and visit each other. I always went to Romania because the one time we tried to get him to visit the US, he was denied a tourism visa.

2. Rental contact from where I lived with him in Romania with both of our names on it (it was translated into English and notarized locally there).

3. Life insurance policy through my employer showing him as the beneficiary.

4. Photos of our time together including engagement photos in Spain, pictures with his family, photos of our wedding with his family, and a handful of other photos of our time together both before and after we were married.

I don't know if there's anything else I could include that would strengthen our claim of a valid marriage but any advice is welcome. I have screen captures of a few chats between us including talking about getting married and wanting children together, but most of our communication is done through Facebook messenger video chat where we spend hours upon hours on video chat and I don't know if there is a way to log that.

Thanks for your time!

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N-400 February 2022 Filers
2:14 am February 3, 2022



Read 51490 Times
367 Replies

Hi all,

Didn't see a topic for N400 February 2022 filers so though will open one.

Not sure if it will help or not since I would say the processing times will depend a lot on the local office.

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Do I need more supporting documents?
4:00 am January 28, 2022


Read 2088 Times
35 Replies

Hello everyone,

we are getting ready to file my husbands i-751. I have the packet ready and was wondering if you guys can help me with figuring out if it looks complete or if I need to include more evidence etc.

Here's what it looks like so far:

-Money orders for biometrics and filing fee. (we have yet to do this, do we need 2 separate money orders? or add them up into 1?)

-cover letter

-i-751 completed and signed

-2 passport style photos (do we need these?)

-copy of his conditional gc front and back


-2019 and 2020 taxes filed jointly

-36 photos with my husband and I spanning between when we first met until this x-mas

-copy of marriage cert

-e-tickets of our trip to his home country from 2019 (both ways) with both our names in it

-e-tickets of our trip to his home country from 2020 (one way, cant seem to find the ones for the way back)

This is all we have so far for evidence. We live in a rented apartment that's owned by my brother so we don't really have official leasing etc. and don't own a car. We don't really have any join accounts either.

I read that some people include affidavits from friends/family regarding the relationship. Do you think we need to do this?

Is what I have so far enough evidence? Or do we need to do more digging?

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What type of visa to choose
1:29 pm January 12, 2022

Simona Elena

Simona Elena

Read 1344 Times
13 Replies


My boyfriend immigrated to US last year as a permanent resident, I also want to immigrate with my 10 years old son and I don't know what type o visa apply for. Can you help me with information, please ?

Thank you!

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Who should pay for my mom's vacation
9:10 pm January 4, 2022


Read 813 Times
11 Replies

I am a LPR and I live in the US for about 2 years. Because of the pandemic I haven't seen my mother or sister since 2020 so I would like to bring then over to visit me. They are filling the ds-160 and one of the questions is who will pay for the trip. Both me and my mom will pay for it. My mom makes

about $1000/mo which is pretty good for the area she lives in, but I can see how it might look like too little to affort a 3 weeks trip to the US. Should we say I will pay for the trip to increase their approval chances? I will pay for their plane tickets and hotel and my mom will pay for their food/shopping/souvenirs and all the expenses they might have here.

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