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US Immigration from Ecuador

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Social media info
1:52 am April 13, 2024



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Hey! I am super close to my visa appointment and I am trying to figure it out if it's a good idea to add my instagram and facebook info if I don't really use them and neither My fiance (should we just avoid to incluye them? We are not really sharing kinda people)

Thanks for your advice

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Medical appointment previous to the interview
6:38 pm April 11, 2024



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Hey everyone!

I am from Ecuador and my interview for the K1 visa is in a couple months.

We are not sure if I should get the vaccines needed before my medical appointment (to make them cheaper but I am not sure if they are valid), at the doctor's office when I get my medical appointment or if it's a better idea to get them at usa (My fiance has medical insurance, but we are not sure if they are covered by it)

What do you suggest? (Low price, better results related)

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'They hit the jackpot:  How so-called 'burglary tourists' use visa waivers to target luxury US homes
4:55 pm April 6, 2024


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This story exemplifies how any privilege can be abused.


'They hit the jackpot: How so-called 'burglary tourists' use visa waivers to target luxury US homes

[...] Orange County, California, prosecutors allege a group of thieves hid in the hillside adjoining the Starrs' home, watched them leave with visiting relatives, and made their move.

"They came over our fence, they broke through a window in the upper bedroom and came through that window," Jeff Starr told CNN. "And then immediately started working on the safe."

The total loss: a staggering $8 million, the family estimates.

"You don't feel safe in your own home anymore," said Carol Starr, who is thankful no one returned home during the burglary. "I get so emotional and so mad when I think about what could have happened."

Prosecutors say the break-in is part of a larger issue in which so-called "burglary tourists" enter the United States from countries that qualify for visa waivers, allowing a visit of up to 90 days without a traditional tourist visa. When the suspects arrive most often from South America, prosecutors say they join sophisticated burglary rings that prey on luxury homes. [...]



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Form I-134
7:29 pm April 4, 2024



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Hey! I am in the K1 visa procesos and I've trying to complete the Form I-134 but I've having some issues understanding some parts of it:

12) Beneficiary's anticipated length of stay (what date should I write on the FROM (m/d/y)

Part 2 Beneficiary's financial information

13) Beneficiary income (I am self employed and my salary it's not the same every month, should I put an stimated of my salary now? But i am not gonna be able to keep working when I travel to US)

Also at the TOTAL NUMBER OF DEPENDTS, should I count myself as 1? (I don't have kinds of anyone else who depends on me)

16) Beneficiary's assets

I have a bank account with not much money (should I add it there or is it not recommended)

Financial information

14) Income (at the end of the chart, on TOTAL NUMBER OF DEPENDENTS, should I count my beneficiary as 1? And write it down like 1? (He doesnt have anyone else who depends on him)

Part 3 information about the individual agreeing to support

21) Intent to provide specific contributions to the beneficiary (he Will provide everything for me, once I get there, how should I frase that?)

Thanks for your help.

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NVC questions
1:48 pm March 31, 2024



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Hey! I am a little confused about the timeline after having an I129F approved.

What we should do next?

Are we going to receive a letter from NVC? Or is it gonna be an email?

How long should we wait for? It's been a month since we got approved.

Should we write an email about the case? Or how can we get some information about it from NVC?

Thanks for the help.

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