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US Embassy / Consulate Info

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last updated on 2022-01-23 by VJ Member

Phone Number: Phone: (65)-6476-9100 or (65)-6476-9038 (IV unit)
Fax: (65)-6476-9232
E-Mail: SINGAPORECON@state.gov They really do respond to the emails within 3 days or so...If you have any question I suggest you email them with your inquiry or question and they will give you an answer. I sent them two emails and they replied with perfect answers.
Address: 27 Napier Road
Singapore 258508
Working Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
(public inquiries 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. only
Best Contact Method: Phone
Approx Waiting Time for Interview After Consulate Recieves NVC Package: K1 VISA UPDATE 9/22/16 by Magic Starting November 1, 2016, eye glasses will no longer be allowed in visa photos. Embassy received from NVC on August 3rd. Interview date is set for September 28th. So it took 55 days for us from the day embassy received it to have an interview date. From the date we received packet 4 on September 20th, interview date was set for September 28th. Only 8 days in between...Be sure you have your medical exam done prior to receiving packet 4 if you can. It takes 7 days to send the results to the embassy. We did not know that, we followed the instructions given by the embassy that Medical Exam needed two weeks prior to the interview and we only had 8 days to deal with. So am sure VISA will not be issued in our case until they receive the medical tests. IF YOU NEED ANY MORE INFORMATION ON THE PROCESS FROM NVC to INTERVIEW...SEND ME MESSAGE Mmagic is my ID.
Issues Packet 3?
Packet 3 Contains: K1 VISA UPDATE 9/22/2016 by Mmagic

(10 to 12 days from when Embassy receive your case from NVC)
-Cover letter (with case number)
-Instruction sheet/Checklist (3 pages with form to sign)
-Police clearance instructions
-Medical exam instructions
-Instructions for form I-134
-Pamphlet on domestic violence

Issues Packet 4? Yes
Packet 4 Contents (if known): K1 VISA UPDATED 9/22/2016 Mmagic

-Interview appointment letter/cover page
-Instructions to create account for Visa/passport delivery

Update 11/09/07 for Immigrant visas
- Interview appointment letter,
- List* of items to prepare for interview
- Medical exam instructions
- List of places to get US-size passport photos done
- Blank DS-230 Part 2.
*The list of items to prepare for interview is rather generic and not everything will apply to your case.

Forms to Consulate? K1 VISA UPDATED 9/22/2016 by Mmagic

confirmation page with barcode
-Original Standard Chartered receipt for MRV US$265
-Checklist with signed instruction sheet

Other Forms (if any)? UPDATE NOVEMBER 1ST 2016

Starting November 1, 2016, eye glasses will no longer be allowed in visa photos.

k1 visa updated 9/22/2016 by Mmagic

In addition to the passport photos sent to USCIS, you need
- 2 photos for the interview: these are supposed to be 2"x2" size
- 4 photos for the medical, Singapore passport sized photos are ok
- 2 photos for the police COC, Singapore passport sized photos ones are ok

-The Embassy requires an original certified final divorce decree or other certificates from the petitioner. Wet Ink, certified no copies.

-The Embassy on the packet 3 list, asking for Police Report to be sent directly to the issuing office, the Embassy. The Singapore Police will not, I repeat will not mail them out directly, they will give it to you to the interview. I contacted the Embassy regarding this and I was told its to be brought to the interview. Police report is no longer done by walking in. You need to apply online for it. But first, you have to wait for packet 3 to arrive that has a letter in regards to Police report, you will need it to upload with your application Online, then after you are approved, they will give you time and date to go for fingerprints and around an hour later, they will give you the certificate. THE PROCESS TOOK 7 DAYS INCLUDING WEEKEND. APPLIED ON FRIDAY AND RECEIVED COC FOLLOWING FRIDAY.

-If your Fiance is from the Philippines She needs to bring certified copy from NBI POLICE REPORT WITH HER.

CENOMAR certificate of no marriage WILL NOT BE accepted if you bring it with you...YOU HAVE TO GO ONLINE AND REQUEST ONE FROM THE PHILIPPINES (e-census) AND HAVE IT SENT DIRECTLY TO THE US EMBASSY IN SG. All this information should be in your packet 3. Be sure to read them very carefully and you have questions email the embassy, they will reply within two to three days.

-If you have Kids listed on your Petition even if they are not traveling with you at the same time, you need to bring with you Original or certified copy of Birth certificate. I say again, even if you are not applying for them at the same time, you still need to bring it with you.

On packet 3 the embassy require I-134 Signed with name not signature. It is so confusing, so I sent two forms, one with signature and one with name as it shows on the petition just to play it safe. Go figure!!!!

My Fiance will have her interview around late September or early October. I will update the information accurately of what they asked of her and required.
Direct Consular Filing Offered? No
If DCF Allowed: For all or only US citizen lawfully resident in country? Residents_Only
Can fiance(e)/spouse attend interview? Yes
Visa fee payment "same day" or "in advance"? Same_Day
Did embassy schedule interview or could you walk-in? Embassy Scheduled
Visa issued same day? No
If not what's the waiting period? K1 VISA Five days if you have no issues with documents. If you have documents missing, then it will delay your visa issue and It will go into AP until documents are submitted, received and processed.
Is the Medical exam same day as interview? Prior to Interview
Cost of Medical Exam? Immigrant Visa IR/CR1 Updated Nov.11/2016

Medical for IR1/CR1 is the same with K1, procedures and cost. I would suggest to wear short sleeveless dress so it would be much easier or convenient to do the physical exams and vaccines.

K1 VISA UPDATE 9/22/2016 by Mmagic

My fiance took the Medical Exam today, she paid $585.29 Singaporean. Here is the break down:
1- Investigation Laboratory..............,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.$177.00
2- Medicine:
A- Priorix Vaccine-MMR................................$75.00
B- Vaxigrip Sh Vaccine 1s-Flu Vaccine Southern........$35.00
C- Boostrix Vaccine-Diphteria/Pertussis/Tatnus Toxid..$75.00
3- Procedures:
AUSVM-VISA MEDICAL ITUS...............................$150.00
4- X-Ray:
XR-CHM-CHEST X-RAY....................................$35.00

If you do not require all shots, then your cost might be less than the amount on top.

Break down on Exam procedures:
1- Physical Check-up..Height, weight measurement, wasteline endearment, Blood pressure, Eye Check-up, body tempretaure.
2- Urinalyses
3- Blood execration ONE vile.
4- Chest X-ray
5- Vaccination standard policy for US Vaccination
You are sent to waiting area to wait for OB-GYNE
6- OB-GYNE will ask you question about your health or medical conditions. She will check you Bp again, heart rate, pulse rate and your breathing rate.
7- OB-GYNE will do complete body check-up undressed including your external genitalia.
After all this is done, you will go to the counter, pay and they will give you yellow color vaccination booklet record (NOT DS-3025) and CXR CD and a receipt, then send home...MEDICAL RESULTS WILL BE HAND DELIVERED TO EMBASSY WITHIN 5 TO 7 DAYS.
List of doctors? UPDATED 9/22/2016

Fullerton Healthcare@Drs Horne and Chin
391B Orchard Road #25-
Ngee Ann City Tower B
Singapore 238874
Tel. (65) 6664-3804
Fax. (65) 6734-4276
Allow half a day including waiting time.

Update per Department of State website: You should call the medical facilities listed to make an appointment for your medical examination. Medical should be completed 2 weeks prior to the interview date.

Appointments can be made online: http://www.drshornechin.com/ or over the phone (65)-6664-3804

How many Passport Photo's Required for the medical? 4
How many Passport Photo's Required at the interview? 2
Estimated waiting time at the consulate on the day of interview? Updated 9/28/2016 by Mmagic Expect to spend two to three hours from start to finish. Just arrive earlier and follow the instructions from each security officer. You should encounter at least three to four different stops by Security officers until you reach the final phase which is the Counselor assistant who looks at your documents for verification and then short wait after that to be called by the Counselor.
Vaccination requirements? For those aged between 18-64: MMR, DT and varicella (chicken pox).
Varicella can be waived if you have had chicken pox before, however, an antibody titre test must be completed to test immunity for chicken pox.
Influenza required during flu season

Below 18 yrs: Hepatitis B also required.
Over 64 yrs: Influenza (flu) also required.
Cheap and good hotels near the Consulate? Yes
Additional Info? Singapore is now an Appointment Processing Post (not Standard Processing anymore).

Effective August 1, 2013, the drop-off/collection point for passports/documents at #3 Shenton Way, #16-06, Shenton House, will no longer be available. You may drop off/collect your documents/passports at the following location:

Aramex c/o Link Express Pte Ltd
1 Rochor Canal Road, #06-26B, Sim Lim Square
Singapore 188504

Update 12/18/13 as per ustraveldocs/sg website:

The collection point located at Sim Lim Square will NOT be available after December 31, 2013. For applicants scheduling appointments after that date, please select Grand Venture Technology Pte. Ltd.,of No. 2 Changi North Street 1, Singapore 498828 location, if you would like the pick-up option. A new pick-up address location will be posted on the website shortly, and information will also be available at the U.S. Embassy Consular Section.

Update 11/5/2014:
There are now two Aramex passport pick up points (if you don't choose home or office delivery)

1) Aramex c/o Bstone Travel Pte Ltd
People's Park Centre, 101 Upper Cross Street, #B1-31
Singapore, Singapore 058357

2) Aramex Main Office
Grand Venture Technology Pte Ltd.
No. 2 Changi North Street 1
Singapore, 498828

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