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Beirut, Lebanon
US Embassy / Consulate Info

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last updated on 2019-02-22 by Celie

Phone Number: 961-4-542600

Fax: 961-4-543498

*When calling or faxing from the U.S. dial 011 and proceed with the number.
E-Mail: BeirutIV@state.gov (Immigrant Visa) BeirutNIV@state.gov (Non-Immigrant Visa) BeirutACS@state.gov (American Citizens Services) *Most correspondence is via email or fax
Address: located in Aoukar, off the Dbayeh Highway, facing the Aoukar Municipal Building.
Parking is across the street. There is also a translator in a very small building there.
Working Hours: Monday - Friday (8am-4pm)

Interviews will only be scheduled Mon-Thurs.
Best Contact Method: By email. They are always so nice and helpful. They do not accept phone calls to visa department.
Approx Waiting Time for Interview After Consulate Recieves NVC Package: The Embassy will contact the beneficiary once the packet arrives from NVC. This is usually only a 2 day time span. Once the packet is received and additional documents are obtained email the Embassy for an interview. Between email and actual interview it will be about 2 weeks. We emailed just before we received all docs and were able to get it done before the interview.
Issues Packet 3?
Packet 3 Contains: NOTE* Please refer to the following website for detailed Instructions after NVC: the below is a summary

************K1 VISA ONLY*************

US Embassy doesn't always email you Packet 3 or it's delayed about 2 weeks. Don't waste your time and start the processes below...

Step 1: Don’t wait for embassy to contact you, if you really want P3, email them at BeirutIV@state.gov
Step 2: Complete the DS-160 Form and print Confirmation page https://ceac.state.gov/genniv/
Step 3: In Lebanon you may pay your Visa Fee in person at any IBL Bank $265 (397500 LBP) *Update: Credit Libanais is no longer accepting Visa payments
A.Login & create a profile on https://cgifederal.secure.force.com/?language=English&country=Lebanon
-Choose “Immigrant Visa” for K1
-Enter DS-160 confirmation Number in ‘Update Profile’
-Enter Priority date: Use Receipt date on NOA1 (K1 visa don’t have
priority date)
B.Complete steps for Visa Type (Choose K1)
C.Once you are on the Payment screen, click on Payment Options, click on bank, a bank slip will pop up, print the bank deposit slip!
D.Take the deposit slip to the bank when you pay your fee and a photocopy of your passport
E.Visit an IBL Bank location to pay your visa fee in cash (LBP)
F.Save the bank receipt for your records. It cannot be replaced if it is lost. You will need the bank receipt number to schedule your visa appointment
Step 4: Now you will need to log back into your profile. Go into the payment section; enter the Reference # on the bank receipt (it should start with 3 letters). It should automatically take you to Schedule Appointment, Make sure all these info is already entered before you schedule an appt.
Step 5: Schedule your Medical Appointment (see list of Doctors below)
Step 6: Gather your papers and go to your Interview at least half hour early to go through security.
Step 7: If your visa application is approved, your passport and visa will be returned to the Aramex location you previously selected. Do not come to your selected Aramex location before you have been informed by our services that your passport is ready for pick up. You can only pick up your passport at the location you have selected:

City Full Address
Beirut ARAMEX, Dekwaneh, Mirna Chalouhi Highway, Metn
Tripoli ARAMEX, Orchards Area, Fawzi Qawiqji Str, Abdul-Hay Ctr, Plot no 3115, Tripoli
Saida ARAMEX, Eastern Boulevard Facing Saidoun College, Abu Sido Bldg

Step 8: You can check the status of your application any time at this website: https://ceac.state.gov/CEACStatTracker/Status.aspx select non-immigrant, select country and enter DS160 Application ID.
Step 9: To collect your passport you must present your original (not a photocopy) government-issued photo ID. We recommend you also bring a printed copy of your appointment letter.

NOTE* Please refer to the following website for detailed Instructions after NVC: the below is a summary

For CR1, there is no packet to be picked up. NVC sends the file directly to consulate. Also there is no fee to be paid at consulate if fees paid at NVC (which amount to $455 for CR1 as of February 2010).
Issues Packet 4? Yes
Packet 4 Contents (if known): Packet 4 is your Interview confirmation email, print it out and bring it with you to Medical and Interview.
Forms to Consulate? No forms are required to be sent to the Consualte, but this is what is required to be brought to the interview.

*All signatures should be originals OR notarized copies of the original. All-non-English documents must be accompanied by sworn translations into English.

DS-160 confirmation page
Individual civil record + translation
Family extract + translation
Police certificate + Translation
Two photo (2X2 inch)
Bank Receipt fee of $265.00 (K1 only)
Photos/text.call logs = Proof or relationship
Beneficiary's passport
I-134 filled out, together with the proof that the petitioner is employed
Result of Medical Examination (Sealed)
Death certificate, if applicable + translation
Divorce certificate, if applicable + translation

** MAKE SURE you bring a copy of your passport and a printout of your interview appointment confirmation email (Dear Sir:

We received your approved fiancé visa case. Please find attached the required documents.)
This is NOT in the packet or on the website, but is REQUIRED!

*For CR1 Interview, bring beneficiary's original birth certificate, individual and family registry as well as police record.
Other Forms (if any)? The documents that are required along with the I-134 are employment letter and a copy of last year tax returns, 1 year bank statement, last 3 months pay stubs.

American Embassy Beirut
Consular Section
Immigrant Visa Unit
Fax: 00-961-4-543498
Website: http://lebanon.usembassy.gov
Please use the chain of your email inquiry with this office when sending follow ups, as opposed to creating a new email message, in order for us to have a complete record of all information pertinent to your case. &
Direct Consular Filing Offered? No
If DCF Allowed: For all or only US citizen lawfully resident in country?
Can fiance(e)/spouse attend interview? No
Visa fee payment "same day" or "in advance"? Advance
Did embassy schedule interview or could you walk-in? Embassy Scheduled
Visa issued same day? No
If not what's the waiting period? Typically you will recieve the visa in 1 week (up to 2 weeks or possibly 1 month if need for AP). My husband was told to pick up his visa a week later (since we already had AP @ NVC for both our K3 and CR1).
Is the Medical exam same day as interview? Prior to Interview
Cost of Medical Exam? CR1: The medical exam will be $125 plus $50 extra for vaccination needed.
K1: medical exam is $300 and $100 for vaccination needed.
List of doctors? LIST OF ACCREDITED PANEL PHYSICIANS (list is in Packet 3)

Dr. Sami Moukheiber
American University of Beirut (AUB)
Beirut, Lebanon
Telephone: 961-1-350000, Ext. 7696 (AUB)
961-1-362285 (private clinic)
961-3-240450 (mobile)
961-4-972706 (fax).
E-mail: sami.moukheiber@gmail.com

Dr. George M. Azzi
St. Joseph Hospital
Dora, Beirut, Lebanon
Sacré Coeur Hospital
Baabda, Lebanon
Telephone: 961-1-888852 (Priority)
961-3-553321 (mobile)
E-mail: georgeazzi@hotmail.com

Dr. Nadine Antoine Yared Sakr
Mount Lebanon Hospital and Sacré Coeur Hospital
Hazmieh, Lebanon
Telephone: 961-5-957000 (Mount Lebanon Hospital)
961-5-453500, Ext. 5211 (Sacré Coeur Hospital)
961-3-363607 (mobile) (Priority)
E-mail: nadineyared@terra.net.lb or nay04@aub.edu.lb

REMINDER: DO NOT OPEN the sealed envelope that the doctor gives you.
How many Passport Photo's Required for the medical? 4
How many Passport Photo's Required at the interview? 2
Estimated waiting time at the consulate on the day of interview? 1 - 4 hours (he waited 2 hours for a 10 minute interview); my hubby waited about 2-3 hours as well. I was scheduled at 8:30, I finished at 10:00
Vaccination requirements? For k1 no vaccination is required, but vaccinations will be required once they arrive. Have the beneficiary obtained a list of vaccinations they have already received from their local Dr.

CR1 vaccination only one according to hubby. Very easy exam! Don't worry, it's a piece of cake!
Cheap and good hotels near the Consulate? Check out Booking.com, there are very reasonable priced hotels with good reviews near the U.S. Embassy. Nearby towns include: Aoukar, Dbayeh, Jal El Dib, Jounieh.
Additional Info? Remember to be yourself and be honest. Be prepared to speak English if you put down you speak English on the I129/I 130 forms. Hubby was not allowed to speak Arabic. If you do not understand a question always ask for it to be repeated or rephrased. Never answer anything you did not understand as this can result in a mistake and visa denial due to a misunderstanding! Consulate officer do not mind to repeat. They realize that beneficiaries can often have a language barrier. Hubby asked nicely to repeat the questions he did not comprehend and the CO was nice enough to accomodate him.

Recent Visa Approvals

Assaad Saleh Samantha & Assaad
IR-1/CR-1 Visa (2024-11-07)
Fouz Houda & Faouzie
F-1 Visa (2023-11-30)
Bazzi21 Jennifer & Fouad
K1 Visa (2023-11-21)
Mek & Sam
IR-1/CR-1 Visa (2023-11-16)
Syn002 SN & AS
K1 Visa (2023-11-15)
KaiserAI Kate & Assem
IR-1/CR-1 Visa (2023-11-09)
Loran & Dona
IR-1/CR-1 Visa (2023-11-08)
Diana & Mohamad
K1 Visa (2023-05-22)
Hyazboeck H & E
K1 Visa (2023-04-27)
Amooni Rom & Annie
IR-1/CR-1 Visa (2023-02-28)

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