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Phnom Penh, Cambodia
US Embassy / Consulate Info

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last updated on 2014-12-24 by RaginKhmer

Phone Number: Tel:(855-23) 728-000
Fax: (855-23) 728-700
E-Mail: Non-immigrant visa: NIVPhnomPenh@state.gov Immigrant Visa: IVPhnomPenh@state.gov DNA Test Info: PHPDNA@state.gov American Citizen Services: ACSPhnomPenh@state.gov
Address: #1, Street 96, Sangkat Wat Phnom
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Working Hours: Monday-Thursday

8:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. Visa Services
1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. US Citizen Services
My wife's visa interview is on Friday. So this is not correct information
Best Contact Method: ivphnompenh@state.gov for immigrant based visas, response time is typically 1-3 days. Previous entry: visasphp@state.gov with 1 day response.
Approx Waiting Time for Interview After Consulate Recieves NVC Package: As of this update, per the Embassy directly, the wait time is approximately 5 months after the Embassy receives your package from the NVC. There is a 3 month delay when the package arrives until it is reviewed, then the Embassy will contact the beneficiary and schedule an appointment 2 months in the future.
Issues Packet 3?
Packet 3 Contains: Optional Form 169 for K1
DS-160 confirmation page (To fill out the DS-160, please go to
Form I-134 (Can be downloaded from http://www.uscis.gov/I-134)

As Packet 3 is sent to the Petitioner in the USA, keep in touch with the Embassy visa email to determine when they have received your paperwork, as you can download the forms online.
Issues Packet 4? Yes
Packet 4 Contents (if known): As the mailing system is so bad in Cambodia, the US Embassy sends Packet 4 to the Petitioner in the USA.
As per US Embassy policy however, they cannot email the Beneficiary the interview date/time.
So, check on the US Embassy website for the updated appointments to find yours (updated weekly).
The Interview Letter sent in Packet 4 is NOT required for the interview (unless the Petitioner is attending, see below).
Forms to Consulate? DS-160 confirmation page
Form I-134
Optional Form 169 for K1
Other Forms (if any)?
Direct Consular Filing Offered? Yes
If DCF Allowed: For all or only US citizen lawfully resident in country? Residents_Only
Can fiance(e)/spouse attend interview? Yes
Visa fee payment "same day" or "in advance"? Same_Day
Did embassy schedule interview or could you walk-in? Embassy Scheduled
Visa issued same day? No
If not what's the waiting period? Visa collection is on the following Friday at 11am.
Is the Medical exam same day as interview? Prior to Interview
Cost of Medical Exam? USD80 - 102 (depending on which facility you visit) plus vaccinations.
At IOM, vaccinations cost between $33-$64 depending on what you have had already.
At IOM, medical checks start at 730/8am and finish around 12noon. The medical certificate is then available for collection 1 week later after 4pm.
List of doctors? International Organization for Migration (IOM)
No. 31, Street 71, Boeung Keng Kang 1,
Khan Chamcar Mon
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: (023) 720 406 or 215 513, 216 532
Fax: (023) 216 423
Basic Examination Fee:
Adults USD 90
Children (Under 15) USD 80

Internationall SOS Medical and Dental Clinic
House 161, Street 51 (Pasteur)
Sangkat Boeung Raing
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: (023) 216 911
Fax: (023) 215 811
Dr. N. Tan
Dr. Meas Keth Carine
Basic Examination Fee:
Adults: USD 102
Children (Under 15): USD 87
How many Passport Photo's Required for the medical? 4
How many Passport Photo's Required at the interview? 2
Estimated waiting time at the consulate on the day of interview? 3-4 hours. Bring a book/newspaper to read. No phones/tablets allowed inside. IR1/CR1 interviews take approximately 6-8 hours, of which most is just waiting. They do let you out for lunch but they seem to hold these applications for the end of the day.
Vaccination requirements? Yes, done through IOM and SOS, only two places in Cambodia.
MMR, Td and Varicela are required.
Cheap and good hotels near the Consulate? http://www.visit-mekong.com/hotels/cambodia/phnom-penh/
Additional Info? Don't use binders or folders when presenting your documents. The embassy will remove all your paperwork, and scatter them. Waste of your time, and money. Instead, use paperclips to clip to organize the documents.
(Received via email from US Embassy Jan 2013) The medical certificate and police certificate are time-sensitive documents. The medical certificate is usually valid for 6 months. As for police certificate is usually valid for 3 months but you should check with our office again when it’s about to expire, so that we can advise whether or not you need to renew. It should be noted that the documents must have valid expiration dates on the day of the interview.
From Packet 4 letter,

Petitioners are welcome to come in on the interview date, but they have to bring their passports and Packet 4 letter addressed to them. However, petitioner is not allowed to:
1. Come up to the window when his/her beneficiary is interviewing unless the interviewing officer asks him/her to.
2. Try to communicate with the beneficiary during the interview in any way for any reason, unless requested by the interviewing officer; and
3. Interfere in any way with the interview of his/her beneficiary, or anyone else.
If he/she violates any of these conditions, he/she will be escorted from the waiting room immediately and not allowed to re-enter.

Added 8/23/13 from website "If the petitioner is in the Phnom Penh City area at the time of the beneficiary's visa interview, the petitioner may accompany the beneficiary. However, please note that the interview is scheduled specifically to evaluate the beneficiary's eligibility, and the petitioner may be asked to wait in the waiting area. The interviewing officer will speak to the petitioner only if he/she determines it is necessary for the assessment of the case."

**Police certificate is good for one year. My wife's interview letter indicated if Police certificate is more then a year old, she needs a new one. I confirmed this with the US Embassy by email. IT is good for one year from the date it was issued.**

**Most of the information here are based on K-1 fiance visa application. For spouse visa application, it is different. All the forms listed above that need to be submitted to the Embassy is wrong information. All of those taken care of that in NVC procedures including all the fees.**

Recent Visa Approvals

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