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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
George & Chana Washington DC 2017-11-20 - High 2022-06-27
Hism ke & Heis Washington DC - High 2023-06-06
FoundMyDream Inna & Anthony Washington DC 2017-06-14 - High Came in from Turkey. Coming into Dulles D.C., it is NOT very clear for CR-1 / CR-2 holders for which line to go to. After waiting 45 minutes, FINALLY told we needed to go to the other line... which was the back of the other line. Waited 2.5hrs to get through immigration. When greeted, was not very friendly despite even that I am military. Luckily we didn't have another plane to catch, didn't get out until 11pm after arriving around 7:30pm. At this point we didn't want to argue about anything, just comply and get out past Homeland Security so we wouldn't have to endure any more BS. Also if you select the box that says "mail Social Security card with green card" you will still have to go to social security and fill out an application for it. 2017-07-20
Beneficiary & Petitioner Washington DC 2017-05-20 - High 2024-01-24
Someone3 *** & *** Washington DC 2017-12-14 - High 2022-05-03
Karim & Angelique Washington DC 2018-04-09 - High 2022-08-11
Blueskyna Ike & Amarachi Washington DC 2017-05-20 - High 2020-11-18
Ben & Alice Washington DC 2017-02-16 - High 2021-10-25
Eska & Alex Washington DC 2018-04-30 - High 2020-03-16
Ermin & Zijada Washington DC 2017-07-14 - High CPB seemed to be struggling with their computers so we were held up for a little but there was no questioning and we were let through fairly easily. 2019-02-20
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