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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Thantita & Ron Chicago 2009-07-03 - High Stuck in line for ~ 40 minutes behind another passenger who didn't have his documents organized. Once she got to the officer, she was cleared in about 5 minutes. 2011-10-20
Missing_ron Ron & Jody Chicago 2010-05-15 - High 2011-03-17
Emberiza S & E Chicago 2008-08-30 - High A security officer named Spencer was really friendly and eased the tension really well. Very professional but at the same time very friendly! He made us smile! 2013-01-24
Giulia & Rocky Chicago 2009-01-23 - High There wasn`t a lot of people so the line moved pretty fast. They didn`t take me to the second inspection room. The guy was nice but went trought all my paperwork and made me a lot of questions. Some of these: Whats your fiance first name Where did u met him Where is him Where are you gonna stay Why they denied you entry last time When are you going to get married Where does your fiance live Then he looked at my medical and he started to ask around to the other officers why the Tbc section wans't signed and if that was going to be a problem...thanks God his Supervisor just told him that wasn't a problem and I could take care of it later...It took about 40 minutes total... I lost my connection cuz my plane was in late but I`m finally here so I can`t complain too much =) 2011-12-28
HeatherTR Herbert & Heather Chicago 2009-04-13 - High They didn't take too long all in all. Officer asked fiance a lot of questions about me; his mother and sister got sent to another station for about 10 minutes then released; and customs had to get in on the act too. 2009-10-15
Star_dragon him & me Chicago 2009-04-06 - High A painless process! We traveled home together and my fiance and I were both in the visitor's line. The longest wait was the actual line. Once we got up there, the officer started by joking when he saw the sealed brown envelope saying "What is all this!!!" and I said "Oh, you know...some important papers or something......" Haha. He stamped my passport and took care of that and then he opened the my fiance's brown sealed envelope and looked for what he needed, stamped his passport and attached the I-94. He took my fiance's fingerprints, told him to smile, asked when the wedding was, asked where we going to live (city) and that was it. I thought they would take him somewhere else to process, but they didn't. It took less than 5 minutes. We got our luggage and went through the line to scan it for customs, which took another minute. 2009-10-13
G-Unit Donna & Brian Chicago 2009-06-23 - High 2009-12-12
S & M.E Chicago 2008-05-03 - High The Immigration Officer was sarcastic but the process was smooth, in and out in 15 min including waiting time in line. 2010-11-06
Lioness & Leo Chicago 2009-05-31 - High very easy and smooth, could be because it was sunday :) 2012-07-31
Thomas & Emily Chicago 2009-02-12 - High Very quick. No hassle. 2009-09-27
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