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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Alianza Terps Alianza & Terps Washington DC 2011-05-16 - High 2011-08-21
Carolina & Matthew Washington DC 2011-10-23 - High We went through Customs around 7:30AM at Dulles. As many others here on Visa Journey said, we decided to go through the US Citizens line, which was empty. Both had passports in hands and me (Carolina) had also the brown envelope to hand to the officer. The officer was very friendly, checked Matt's passport first, and we told him that I was going through the K1. He checked my passport, stamped it, staple the I-94 to it, took my fingerprints, and opened the brown envelope with my information, documents and forms there. Signed and we were good to go. Very easy and smooth, very nice officer and all is good now. Ready for the next step! 2015-03-05
Olives Olives & Tommy Washington DC 2011-08-12 - High 2014-08-20
M in CA Å & M Washington DC 2011-11-24 - High POE officer asked minimal questions. Customs officer looked at 4 suitcases and said "this would take all day. Just go. Welcome to America." 2012-01-18
Dan & Diane Esmerita & Daniel Washington DC 2011-07-28 - High Immigration officer was very helpful. presented Pass Ports and documents from Embassy. He reviewed all the paperwork and processed the information then said welcome to America after he handed backl all the Pass Ports. 2013-04-15
Fazmo A & Nema Washington DC 2012-03-02 - High 2012-09-30
J J Moose **** & **** Washington DC 2011-03-09 - High They were really nice and helpful. They even took us into their office, and made photocopies for us of our medical exam DS-3025! 2013-09-30
Inscase1 Dak & Ash Washington DC 2011-12-04 - High 2013-10-07
Colin & Amy Washington DC 2011-10-25 - High 2011-10-19
Kiattikun & Nicolette Washington DC 2011-12-16 - High 2012-10-28
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