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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Utterbashment Leann & Claude Newark 2005-08-29 - High 2018-11-07
Benef & Petit Newark 2007-09-20 - High 2021-10-04
Angel & Michelle Newark 2016-06-06 - High 2017-05-05
Cbessette Aireen & Christian Newark 2017-07-06 - High 2021-12-27
Shokra Gary & Alicia Newark 2017-06-21 - High 2021-04-14
Deap1004 D & A Newark 2016-07-12 - High 2023-06-03
Conor & Natalie Newark 2017-02-05 - High Direct flight from Dublin to Newark. Completed customs in Dublin. 2020-10-27
Jgschuck M & J Newark 2017-10-07 - High 2018-01-09
Wagner & Jonathan Newark 2017-04-28 - High Well, I guess I was too worried by the time I arrived in the US. There was a big line, the first officer had a serious face, never smiled. He made a few questions, all simple ones though. He escorted me to a second room, which I was asked to wait until they call my name. The second office who received my big envelope said "oh my god", I guess he was like "one more?!" haha. Anyway, it took around an hour of wait in this second room. Apparently they were just chatting there, telling jokes and having fun (?). I was finally called, he was in the mood and made a joke about me being sure I really wanted to marry. I laughed and said yes I do. They didnt really check on my hangbags at all. I think it was pretty much easy, just a little long. 2022-04-25
blank avatar Appa rao & Appa rao Newark 2016-11-23 - High 2017-01-24
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