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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Abu & Rebecca Newark 2012-01-13 - High It took Dipu 3.5 hours to get through immigration. He was asked questions about where we met. He replied that we met here in the US on his first visit. They asked if we met on the street and Dipu looked at them like they were calling me a hooker (lol) and they said, no, we mean did you bump into her. Dipu told them we worked together and that I trained him. They asked several questions about how we spent time together at work and what we did outside of work. Then they said congratulations, have a happy marriage and sent him on his way. 2015-11-13
Sherl&maria Maria & Sherl Newark 2011-08-01 - High 2012-02-21
Kimberly & Thomas Newark 2011-05-18 - High DId not question me at all...they only asked when is the wedding! Only took 30mins to go through the process. 2011-05-20
Mariaaa M & M Newark 2014-04-22 - High 2018-10-29
Y&B B & Y Newark 2011-09-09 - High 2012-01-03
Rosie & John Nhikki & John Newark 2011-08-03 - High 2013-07-06
Tom_and_Meg Tom & Meg Newark 2011-09-02 - High 2011-08-31
Marissa & Michael Newark 2010-08-19 - High 2011-03-14
Rob and Slava Slava & Rob Newark 2011-10-21 - High very fast and nice people. 2012-10-12
AngieSharma Prem & Angie Newark 2011-06-29 - High 2011-06-20
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