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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Youlove Eylin & Tim Atlanta 2008-06-25 - High 2011-01-21
Scully Petra & Rob Denver 2008-06-25 - High 2020-09-14
Marie & Keith Detroit 2008-06-25 - High I have a very long and exhausting trip, im not sure how many hours was the total but i think it's 28-30 hours, supposed to be its only 26 from cebu-orlando. The officers in Detroit was super nice for me, after they asked me to hand them my passport and my Sealed envelope. They asked me a question like: 1.Name of my petitioner? My husband's Name 2.Are you getting married on the church or civil? I think Church 3.When are you getting married?Aug,23 4.Do i have relatives in Us?Yes After that he took a picture and got my passport Stamped and told me to get my luggage, got my luggage and everything the problem was, everytime i passed where They check everything, there's always a beeping sound, they can't figure out what it is, can't figure either lolz:) later i realized Opps my blouse have a little design of belt which is metal toink:) After we realized what it is he said ok marie you ahead, co'z your flight is in 10 minutes oh my God. I was running as fast as i can, but i'm still 1 minute late when i got in the gate, it was already closed.The lady said, I'm sorry Marie:( we did close the gate a minute ago, You need to wait another 3 hours. She offer me the next flight to Orlando which is First Class, so i said Ok Thanks. But my Fiance and in-laws was so worry why i was delayed,but they ask the airline people where i am so they told them im on the next flight and im okay. finally after my long flight i saw my Fiance and my in-laws in Orlando Airport We were so happy to see each other. But my 1st word to come out in my mouth i need my luggage that's the word that my husband never forget lolz,they always tease me about that. I'm exhausted and tired on that day but I'm super happy to be with my husband always and forever. Thanks God for Guiding me always and providing good people for me. 2013-09-09
Sac82161 JOY & CLIF San Francisco 2008-06-25 - High 2009-02-24
Abdul & Jennifer JFK 2008-06-24 - High 2009-04-29
S & J CDN-USA Border 2008-06-24 - High 2009-05-30
Luckysprite Luis & Heather El Paso 2008-06-24 - High 2008-07-23
Luiza & Cris Los Angeles 2008-06-24 - High 2009-02-10
Vips0901 Chandni & Vip Seattle 2008-06-24 - High 2010-11-06
Raluca & Doru Chicago 2008-06-24 - High Very easy. They did't ask anything unusual. When I got home I noticed my luggage hadn't even been opened! Out of paranoia I didn't put anything illegal there, but turns out they didn't look inside. 2008-08-15
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