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IR-1/CR-1 Spouse Visa Timelines

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Names Country Service
Xfer? Consulate I-130
Packet 3
Packet 3
Packet 4
Interview Visa
US Entry Marriage Total Days
File ➙ Int.
Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Zyp & Siuan Portugal Texas No Armenia 2015-06-23 2015-06-29 2015-08-11 2015-09-16 2015-05-29 N/A 2015-10-25
Itsnuno.santos Nuno & Emily Portugal National/MSC No Armenia 2022-08-04 2022-08-08 2022-01-03 2017-06-18 N/A 2022-09-30
W&Y W & YM Portugal Potomac Service Center No Armenia 2021-04-07 2021-04-09 2020-07-03 N/A 2021-08-26
MARCELO & MARCELA Portugal Texas Nebraska Armenia 2023-06-28 N/A 2023-12-19
blank avatar Joao & Brittany Portugal Texas No Armenia 2016-10-29 N/A 2020-09-09
c & e Portugal Texas No Armenia 2020-01-01 2020-01-16 2019-05-24 N/A 2020-01-02
blank avatar Maria & Benjamin Portugal Potomac Service Center No Armenia 2019-06-11 2019-02-22 N/A 2019-09-25
blank avatar FR & CV Portugal Texas No Armenia 2015-11-23 N/A 2015-11-08
B_n_l Luis & Ben Portugal California No Armenia 2015-07-03 2015-07-09 2015-10-13 2016-09-21 2016-10-11 2012-11-30 446 Interview in EUA’s Embassy in Madrid - Immigrant Visa (married for 3 years and 10 months) We took a number and were called maybe 15 mins after we had taken a number. The person working was nice and requested my (the beneficiary’s) passport. She proceeded to fetch our file. She then asked for 1 picture and for the medical exam results and to see the originals of my birth certificate and marriage certificate which she compared with the copies she had on file. She returned the originals. She asked for the police records which she again compared with the copies, keeping the originals this time. She then requested the 2015 tax returns of my husband and of our co-sponsor, only keeping the first 4 pages. She then explained that we should take a seat and that we would be called by the same number to do the interview with a consular agent. We waited for another 10/15 mins. Again, a very nice agent greeted us. He noticed a ring my husband wears (not a wedding ring) and asked about it, more out of personal curiosity I think. My husband told him it was his great grandfather’s ring and the agent asked were he was from. The agent asked my husband to sit down and explained that he was going to ask me a few questions. He asked the following: - Which were the countries where you lived for more than 3 months? I replied according to the correspondent criminal records I turned in. - When and where did you guys get married? - How did you two meet? And you have been together ever since? - So you are both artists? What kind of artists? - Where did your husband study? - Can you show me some pictures of your wedding? - Where are you going in the USA? What are your parents-in-law names. - Why do you want to move to the USA? And that was it. After that last question he said “Congratulations your Visa has been approved. You will receive your passport in approximately 7 days”. 2016-09-22
blank avatar Miguel & Mayra Portugal Texas No Armenia 2013-09-05 2013-04-16 N/A 2013-09-06
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