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Citizenship (N-400) Timelines

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Names Service Center CIS Office Filed NOA Bio. Appt. Interview Approved ? Oath Comments Updated Last
Ally86 Chris & Alicia Online Sacramento CA 2020-04-07 2020-04-08 2021-05-25 Yes Office: Sacramento, CA. Had to navigate the tricky one way streets of downtown 'Sac' in order to get here. Discovered that the parking lot was just for office staff and was gated off. Followed signs to free public parking, which ended up being on the other side of the one way system we just got into, on the roof of a parking garage. So that was fun getting in. Was also not free. Ended up paying $7 for 1h 20, but it is what it is. Airport-style security at the front door. Due to covid, a bunch of people were waiting for their 15 minute window to enter the building, so I asked if anyone was ready to enter and just waiting to be called in. Nobody was ready yet so I approached the first door and waited to be waved through to the security zone. I handed my letter to the guard and told him why I was there. Answer the obligatory questions about not being a convicted felon, carrying any weapons, being a terrorist, etc. For me these were all NO, but YMMV. I hope it doesn't (!) Due to covid I also had to answer out loud yes or no to the questions on a card at the entrance (any symptoms, any contact with people who tested positive, travel outside of the US within 14 days etc). Again these were all nice and easy NO's for me. Go through security and remove watches, belts, etc. The usual. Proceed to the correct floor and find my way to the right room (after getting lost at least once!). After the security it was all very informal, like a doctor's appointment. Everyone including the security was professional and pleasant. I had realized after I was sworn in by my interviewing officer that I had left my green card in the car. So glad he was understanding and allowed me to go get it as I was parked in the next building. I did have to (understandably) go through security all over again. Took an extra 10-15 minutes including time to race back to my car and get my ID and come back again, and wait for my interviewer to be finished with an issue he took the opportunity to work on while I was away; so no big deal. My own fault. The actual interview was very easy. I had to answer an English language test (read back a sentence to the officer), use my finger as stylus on the tablet, to write a statement in English, and that was that. As an English national, I am very obviously fluent in the English language, so again YMMV if your first language is not English, or your grasp on the English language is not strong. The next part of the interview was ten of the 100 questions I had practiced so much. In the end the ten chosen supposedly at random were some of the easiest (for me) to answer. None of the dates or people's names I'd rote-learned in the last few weeks and months were necessary. I did plan to name the names of current state representatives, senators and chief justice when questioned, but it was not needed. The interviewer kept a poker face, simply recording what I had said into his computer, without giving anything away. As it was so informal, I was pleased and surprised to hear him say 'Okay, good. One hundred percent, well done'. That was a weight off my shoulders; I'd expected the nerves to get the better of me and get writer of the Bill of Rights mixed up with that of the Declaration of Independence, or Federalist papers, or something and ruin my chances. The third and final part of the exam was answering the usual questions we're all used to when filing USCIS documentation or applying for ESTA waivers. Not a felon, never trafficked humans, not applying to commit visa fraud, etc. I was asked if I was willing to take up arms and fight for the United States if the law requires it. I was not expecting this particular question but when you think about it, "are you willing" and "if the law requires it" is kind of no contest. Answered a very compliant 'Yes sir' and continued. As my paperwork did not list the question about being a part of the Nazi party over forty years before I was born, it threw up a red flag and he had to manually correct my 'blank' response into a 'No', for which I had to sign; and I did so happily. At this point my interviewer congratulated me, told me I had passed and began printing out the documentation to show it was all official and told me when to expect my letter that says my ceremony has been scheduled, and which location to expect it at. Exchanged pleasantries, in lieu of a pre-covid handshake and was guided out the exit path. Eight years in and this entire process of I-129F to N-400 was (almost!) over. Now I just await finding out when I am scheduled to take my ceremonial pledge of allegiance to my new country. After filing with the Phoenix offices in the past before moving, I had heard negative reviews about branches back East, and did not know what to expect in the Golden State, but just as in my other experiences with the state next-door, everything was pleasant and despite the bureaucratic nature of a process such as this, have never had anything bad to report. From the embassy in London, to the most recent experience in Sacramento, everything has been pleasant. 2021-06-01
Beengo120 Thuy Linh & Bee Online Sacramento CA 2020-09-28 2021-09-15 Yes 2021-10-26 2021-10-21
Vin & Ash Online Sacramento CA 2019-12-08 2021-03-10 2021-02-12
TOMAS MM Mach & Nai Sacramento CA 2018-03-16 Yes 2019-03-21 In Sacramento 2019-04-29
DinoIsa & Dino Sacramento CA 2023-11-21 2024-03-08 Yes 2024-03-27 Interview lasted 10 mins Got approved the same day of the interview - oath was scheduled 7 hours after my interview 2024-03-09
Christie Umesh & Christie Phoenix AZ Lockbox Sacramento CA 2011-03-02 2011-03-01
Btranquilo Luvys & William Online Sacramento CA 2020-11-26 2020-12-10
NC & CB Bow & Tino Online Sacramento CA 2024-03-06 2024-04-02
Chiquitavaliente Felix & Diana Phoenix AZ Lockbox Sacramento CA 2018-08-30 2018-04-18 Yes 2019-05-22 This was hubby’s second n-400 application. First was denied because we filed while he was still on informal probation for DUI. This time we got an attorney and had no problems. 2019-06-11
JasonLares Josselin & Jason Online Sacramento CA 2018-04-23 Yes 2019-01-21 2019-05-13
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