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Memphis TN USCIS Office Reviews

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Memphis TN USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.1 / 5
65 Review(s)
Memphis TN Review #27388 on October 30, 2019:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

This is for the Nashville office since VJ is too lazy to add it to the list:

1) The office was easy to find (especially if you stay at the Best Western or Holiday Inn Express that are 2 minutes away).
2) You have to go through Airport like security (removal of shoes, belt, jewelry, etc then metal detected). You can bring your phone which is nice, but usage is discouraged.
3) The beneficiary checks in using their ID (Me as the petitioner never had it checked).
4) You are then called by the immigration officer.
5) You are sworn in just like when you had the consulate interview and then the beneficiaries picture and index fingerprints are checked.
6) Both my wife, myself, and my 11 month old daughter were allowed in during the initial interviewing. I evidently didn't submit a copy of my passport's bio page so it was good that I brought both my passport and a copy.
7) I submitted additional financial documents (like my last 2 months of pay stubs) just to strengthen that, but the IO didn't need anything else on that topic since I had submitted my IRS tax returns.
8) We gave her pictures, copies of both of my retirements with her listed as a beneficiary, insurance statements with our names on it, electric bills with both our names on it, and then for shits and giggles a credit card offer my wife got in the mail. We didn't have lease or banking because we hadn't gotten her SSN....
9) We did get asked "How did we meet?" "Where did I propose?" "show me a picture of the wedding ceremony you guys had" "Is our Daughter going to be added to this application (she's gotten Us citizenship through me so no worries there).
10) The IO went through the application to verify things were correct (wedding date, names, birthdays, etc).
11) Once the IO reached the Eligibility question portion (The Yes/No questions you have to answer about if you had a crime ever, etc), the IO escorted me and my daughter out. This part is only asked of the beneficiary. My wife told me the IO went through each Yes/No question. Only thing my wife was asked about was a prior conviction that was overturned (an overstay in Switzerland) that she provided the copies of the court document with the translation, which the IO was very cool about in her comments.
12) After that, they are lead out a different door on the other side of the waiting room and out you go. We got told that the IO has 30 days to review the case, request additional information, etc.

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Memphis TN Review #27371 on October 29, 2019:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

AOS interview from K1

Our appointment was at 9:45 so for us that means waking up at 4am and leaving the house no later then 5:30. That turned out to be a good idea because we got to the USCIS office early. The appointments before ours had to be rescheduled so we got bumped way up and was being interviewed by 9am and was out of there and back to the car by 9:30. So first tip, try to get there early. If you arrive crazy early thats OK there are so many restaurants and little coffee shops in this area that you will find things to pass the time.

There is parking less then 100 feet away from the USCIS building. We used it for under an hour and it was $4.00. There was ample parking spots in the parking garage and it felt very safe. The building is beautiful but it does not actually say USCIS anywhere on it. It does have an eagle logo on the doors tho. Once inside its a beautifully old but wonderfully preserved building. Take the elevator up to the 7th floor.

You go through something like airport security, pretty much the same type of set up at the consulates. You put your stuff in the trays and they scan it. The ladies running this were fairly nice but stern looking. I suppose thats part of their job but they were clear on what you were meant to do and patiently waited for you to do it. They asked to see government issued ID's and the invitation letter.

Then we went to a desk and produced the invitation letter and our ID's again. A very nice lady then told us to have a seat they would call us soon. We only were seated for about 5- 10 minutes before being called up. A very friendly lady greeted us and took us to an office. She then took my fiances picture and went over his application. She made a few changed and had him sign that he understood changes were made and then she asked us a few questions about how we met and the engagement. She didnt ask anything about the wedding. She asked us for any co-mingling evidence we might have and we produced the lease, car insurance, gym membership, bank account, credit card account, electric bill and water bill. She did not ask for medical insurance and she did not ask to see any of my tax stuff or employment stuff. She then set back in her chair and explained her earlier appointments had cancelled and thats why she was able to get to us so soon and that she hoped her day continued like this. then with a warm big smile she said she was approving us and he would have his green card in the mail in two weeks. Im pretty sure my eyes misted up and he was smiling from ear to ear. We thanked her for her time and we left.

Downtown is having some major road construction. While there was no issue getting into downtown from the bridge getting out and back to I-40 is a lil tricky as the easiest exit is under construction. Google maps redirected us. Took us all around down town but finally came to another one. Looks like this could be going on for some time so just be prepared for that when you are leaving.

All in all the Memphis office was easy to find and every employee we interacted with was very nice and professional.

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Memphis TN Review #27325 on October 23, 2019:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

This review is for the NASHVILLE Field Office. AOS (from K1) interview 10/21 at 7:00.

We were interviewed separately. I (immigrant) went in first at 7:30. The IO was polite and seemed familiar with our case details. She swore me in, took my photo and fingerprints. Right off the bat she said she was looking for evidence of co-mingling. She asked a few questions about the earlier part of my relationship with my husband: how we met, our first date, when/how I met my husband's family, how the proposal happened. Then we went over the I-485 together, noted my requested amendments and I signed the last page to confirm.

She asked more questions like:
What is your husband's mother's name? How many siblings does your husband have?
What car does your husband have?
What activities do you do together?
What shows do you watch?
What did you have for dinner last night? What's your breakfast?
What did your husband get you for your birthday?
What are you planning to do for your honeymoon?
Are you planning to have children?

For some of these answers I was able to show photo evidence. It felt more like an AMA than an interview since we were laughing at some of my answers. We went over some photos and afterwards I gave her the entire photoset. She asked if there were any other documents I'd like to add. I gave her ALL our copies of stuff she didn't already have on file: joint finances, joint health insurance, proofs of address, my husband's ID -- explaining each document as I went. She said to give her a month to make a decision and if there was a RFE (said it didn't seem likely) that they would mail us.

She called my husband in at 8:30 and I sat in the waiting area. At that point I realized they were separating almost everyone. 10 minutes later my husband came out and we left. He told me the questions she asked (=same ones I got) and that he could tell she was pretending to sound interested at his answers lol. She also told him to give her a month.

I don't know why they separated everyone but it didn't matter to us because we were honest in our answers and they matched. The IO seemed more focused on how we talked about our relationship than the papers. I can understand why since we didn't front load AOS (although we are K1). It was a positive experience overall.

Status changed to New Card Is Being Produced overnight (dated 10/21) so the IO must have approved after we left.

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Memphis TN Review #26966 on August 29, 2019:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

I'll just start off this review by saying our Local CIS Office was NASHVILLE,TN--Not Memphis! The Nashville F.O. is so new I don't think VJ has a listing for Nashville just yet.

We just had our adjustment of status interview this morning and it went well! Our interview was scheduled for 8:15 AM.

We arrived about 35 minutes early, but decided to wait in the car for a little bit to collect ourselves before entering the building. Once inside, we passed through airport style security, and we had to show our passports to enter. Once we were through security, we were told to check in at Window 1, where we had to show our passports again, and explain why we were there. That was also where we handed over our interview letter. We were handed a receipt with a number on it, and were told to wait in the airport style lobby until our number was called. We waited for probably about 20 minutes before our number was called by our immigration officer into the back where her office was. (She was very nice, but professional!)

Once inside, she asked us to stand with our right hands raised and we took an oath to answer all questions truthfully. We took a seat, and handed over our IDs (I had my Tennessee Driver's License, and my husband handed over his U.K. Passport since he doesn't have a U.S. driver's license yet.) Then she retook my husband's right and left index fingerprints again and took a picture of him. From there, she went through ALL of the I-485 questions with him. She said everything looked good, so we moved onto providing evidence. Here's a list of everything we brought (a lot of it was not needed!):

-Current and Previous Passports (only needed current passport)
-Original Marriage Certificate (needed), certified copy of Marriage Certificate (not needed)
-Joint Utility Bills (needed, and kept by the officer)
-Joint Checking and Saving Account Statements (needed, kept by the officer)
-Signed and dated letter from petitioner's parents stating that we're currently living rent-free in a house they own (needed, kept by the officer)
-Contracts from the wedding venue (needed, kept by the officer)
-Joint Gym Membership (needed, kept by the officer)
-6 months updated pay stubs from petitioner (not needed)
-6 months updated salary statements from Joint Sponsor (not needed)
-Most recent W2 from Petitioner and Joint Sponsor (not needed)
-Proof of Insurance from Immigrant (needed)
-Entry and exit from the US dates from Immigrant (not needed)
-K1 visa in Passport (needed)
-Vaccination sheet from K1 medical (not needed)
-CD of Chest X-Ray from K1 (not needed)
-Approximately 50 pictures of us from the time my husband entered the country until recently (needed, but not kept. The officer really enjoyed the photos and asked us some questions about the locations and who was in several of the photos. She even laughed about some of our funnier photos!)
-Book made my my husband's sister with photos depicting our whole relationship (not needed)
-IRS Tax Transcripts from the last four years for Petitioner and Joint Sponsor (not needed)
-Copy of our I-129f (not needed)
-Copy of our I-485 (not needed since the officer already had a copy)

We brought about 4 binders full of evidence (I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, but didn't end up needing most of it!)

The officer requested any joint evidence we had that would be helpful, so we thumbed through everything and decided together what we thought would be most useful. We told our story as we handed bits of evidence over. The officer seemed satisfied with what we provided, so she moved on to ask me about how we met. She asked how we were introduced to each other and what the occasion was. She asked about our first and second dates and what we did. She asked if we had gone on a honeymoon yet (we said "not yet, but we hope to soon.") She asked about our wedding and who was there/how many people were there. She asked how long we had been engaged before we got married. She asked when we got engaged and when we got married. She did not ask about my work/salary, nor did she ask about our joint sponsor (I was shocked!).

Once all the questions about our relationship were asked, she asked us if we had any photos with us. We brought at least 50 photos spanning the from just after my husband entered the US on his K-1 visa up to most recent photos. We wrote all the locations and who was in each photo on the back. She thumbed through the photos and sometimes asked who certain people were and where the photos were taken. She even laughed at some of our funnier photos, and smiled a lot while looking through the photo album.

She seemed content with all our answers and said that everything looked good on her end. She didn't approve us on the spot, unfortunately, as she said with all interviews she has to review the file again and do some more background checks. She said she couldn't give us an exact timeline for when we could expect to hear anything. If nothing else is needed, we should have the Green Card in two weeks. Otherwise, she said she'd send us a letter explaining what other evidence she'd need from us.

All in all, it sounds promising, and hopefully we're almost done! The immigrations officer walked out with us, and was smiling, was friendly, and seemed positive, so I took that as a good sign!

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Memphis TN Review #26752 on July 26, 2019:

Roy & Eugenia

Roy & Eugenia

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Review Topic: General Review

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