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Los Angeles CA USCIS Office Reviews

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Los Angeles CA USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
169 Review(s)
Los Angeles CA Review #30200 on October 1, 2021:


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The local office was the San Fernando Valley location, Visa Journey doesn't have an option for it specifically.

Interview was incredibly quick. Very little wait, the officer went over the standard I-485 security questions, informed us of the I-751 process, looked at some of the photos we submitted in advance, took some additional documents (joint tax transcripts, health insurance plan, retirement savings with my wife as the beneficiary, letter from parents attesting that we live at their house along with mortgage statement). We weren't even asked about our relationship, just told us to wait for a decision and sent us on our way. Her green card was approved later that day.

(updated on October 1, 2021)

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Los Angeles CA Review #30186 on September 27, 2021:

Belen PG

Belen PG

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The interview was great. The officer asked my husband how we met. Then he asked some of the I-485 and I-130 yes/no questions. He asked what visa I had at the time of my last entry to the USA, and he went over the data in the application because some of it had changed. He told us bringing our baby was a good decision because they like seeing that. He told us our case was approved, we’d just have to wait till the FBI completed the background check under my married name (because my lawyer mistakenly filed the application under my maiden name). A few days later, I received my green card 😊

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Los Angeles CA Review #29687 on May 28, 2021:

Magda M

Magda M

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Great experience

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Los Angeles CA Review #29630 on May 17, 2021:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Positive experience for my wife (beneficiary) and I (US citizen petitioner)'s Adjustment of Status interview at the LA office this morning.

Our appointment was scheduled for 8:15am and we parked in the Los Angeles Mall parking lot across the street around 7:10am. As we exited the parking lot and walked toward the building entrance we saw a fairly long security line (maybe 50-60 people) formed to the right of the building entrance. I remembered reading on here about a shorter USCIS entrance to the left of the entrance, so we took a left at the steps and eventually saw a door marked USCIS with a security line with only 3 people in it. The guard was friendly and asked to see our appointment notice to make sure we were in the correct line. The screening was a standard airport style (shoes off, items in buckets, etc.)

After clearing the security line there's a small USCIS lobby off to the left, and directly ahead are doors into the large building lobby. Our appointment notice said not to go to the office until fifteen minutes prior to our appointment, so my wife and I sat on a bench downstairs and waited until 7:50am before heading to the elevator bank at the back left of the building and taking the elevator up to the 8th floor.

What we weren't expecting was another line on the 8th floor just to check in! We waited and made it to the window check in for our appointment at exactly 8:15am, so make sure you budget time for a potential second line. We were seated around 8:20, and our interviewer came out to call us in around 8:45.

Our interviewer was not as friendly as some other reports I have seen, but not unfriendly either, just efficient. The only questions he asked that pertained to our actual relationship related to its timeline (dates of when we met and when we moved in together, whether we filed taxes together, when/where we got married), and whether we wanted children. The rest were questions to each of us individually to verify things that we had written in the various forms (Our names, Birthdays, places of birth, Employment, Cell phone numbers, Address, verifying our signatures etc.). He also asked my wife to verify her responses to the standard yes/no questions from the 485.

Then he asked to see our supporting documents. We brought everything requested on the interview notice and had it neatly tabbed with a cover sheet on top. He didn't look at it and instead proceeded to go through all the documents one by one asking "What is this?" and handing most of them back to us. He kept our joint bank account statement, various insurances, lease agreement, and utility bills. He handed the stack of pictures we brought back to my wife without even looking at them.

After he was finished hole punching and putting everything in our file he took our identification to make copies and then returned and told us the application was going to be approved and the card would come in the mail in three weeks and asked if we had any questions. We did not, so we left the office and got an email notification that the card was being produced as we walked in the door back home.

Good luck to everyone!

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Los Angeles CA Review #29558 on April 29, 2021:




· 1 person found this review helpful
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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Our appointment was at 6:30am and because of the uncertainty of the parking situation downtown we opted to take an Uber. Lawyer told us to get there as early as 6 since we will need to get through security and the line could get long and they tend to run long. We got there at around 5:50am, and there was already someone in front of us. It wasn't until 6:30-ish when they finally opened the door and started letting people in. Security check was quick and officers were nice and helpful, took no less than a minute to get through.

Once we get to the the 8th floor, an officer checked our appointment and we waited in another line to get checked in. Due to Covid they checked everyone's temperature at the check-in counter. The lady was really nice and asked if we have a lawyer present, we said yes and she said to tell the immigration officer and he/she will only do three attempts so we should check in with our lawyer too to make sure he's ready. Once we're checked in, we waited in the seating area. About 10-15 mins later, an officer came out and called my wife's name and we went in with him to his office.

The whole process was really smooth. The officer swore us in and then started going through our general info to make sure everything is current. Our officer confirmed general info/questions while asking stuff about our relationship. I think it's really about how we react and respond, if there's any awkward hesitations or pauses in between and all that stuff. Once he went through the general info, he asked for supporting documents or things that he needs, like our IDs/passports, beneficiary's SSN, EAD/AP card, birth certificate and our marriage certificate, our benefits/insurance, joint banking account info, the sponsor's tax return (just need 1040 Form but we brought the whole thing just in case), medical record/vaccination record receipt cause he didn't have one on file. We also brought a bunch of wedding planning documents - contracts, photo album (he didn't look at that), wedding invitation.

We also prepared a deck with various photos that we took over the years and put it in chronological order and he really appreciated how things are organized. He didn't take anything but we had everything he needed, so I would say definitely over-prepare than under-prepare cause you never know if they are missing stuff in the files.

A few questions that we remembered are:

- When did you meet?
- How did you meet?
- What's your wife's parents names?
- What's your wife's parents like? (I basically mentioned where they live, what they do.. small details that you should know if you've met them etc. The officer can't verify but I think they can tell if you're making things up and stuff)
- How often did you see each other?
- When did you get married?
- When was the last time you've entered the States? (To the beneficiary)
- How many times have you entered the States?
- What have you been doing at home during the pandemic?
- Name two things that you and your wife do not have in common
- What's your favorite dish that your wife makes? What's your favorite pastry that she makes?
- Can you tell me your wife's phone number? (I couldn't but I told him that it's in my phone so I never thought to remember it. He just smiled and said ok what about the area code?)
- And her email? (I almost did not remember...)

Overall it's very conversational. He's courteous and not too serious, which made us more relaxed too. We had some small talks, he asked where we were in some photos and asked us what we did...etc.

In the end, he told us that he needed to do a final review of the files before making a decision and we should know in a couple days by checking the USCIS site. I think it's just a way for him to make sure he had everything he needed and don't need to request anything else. 30 minutes after we left the building our status had already changed to "New Card Being Produced". javascript:emoticon('')

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