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Jacksonville FL USCIS Office Reviews

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Jacksonville FL USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3 / 5
67 Review(s)
Jacksonville FL Review #27637 on December 6, 2019:



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Review Topic: Naturalization

My officer was very friendly and made me feel very comfortable during my interview.

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Jacksonville FL Review #26999 on September 5, 2019:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

I feel the need to share my and my husband’s experience with the USCIS IO during the interview which was conducted last August 26, 2019.

We were called after 20 mins. Our appointment was at 7:00am.The IO was not friendly and warm when he called us in the waiting room. He did not even smile unlike the other IOs who called other couples in the room. That made me a bit nervous.

Before taking our oath our lawyer submitted a document correcting all the errors made by our former lawyer. We took the oath and the IO started verifying the information on my husband’s I-130. There were significant errors and it irritated the IO doing all the corrections on the spot. Our lawyer volunteered to make the corrections and to reschedule our interview (As a backgrounder, our new lawyer was just hired few days before the interview). The IO left the room and was gone for about 5 minutes. He said that his supervisor advised to proceed with the interview.

My turn came and verified the details in my I-485. There was a question that required 2 different answers and I said “no”. The other question should have been “yes” and our lawyer immediately made the correction. The IO took note of all the significant errors which we corrected and made me sign on those errors.

Then the IO proceeded with the usual interview validating our marriage- how we met, when we met, when was the marriage proposal took place, our wedding day, our first meeting, our first date, how many dates we have had prior to the wedding day.

After that, he returned my passport and combo card and printed a one-page document specifying something like, “in accordance with the Act INA.... your have been granted a conditional permanent resident...” Please submit Form I-751 within 90 days prior to the expiration of your green card...” It did not sink it to me until I read again the paper we signed.

The interview would have been a walk in the park had we demanded our former lawyer to review all the application forms and saw all the errors. But the “damage” has been done. It was a big and very expensive lesson.

Up until now there is no update in our online Case Tracker, no email nor SMS notification.

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Jacksonville FL Review #26316 on May 30, 2019:

Vintage girl

Vintage girl

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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

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Jacksonville FL Review #26210 on May 16, 2019:



· 2 people found this review helpful
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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

First off, a list of what we took, and whether it was needed during the interview:

- Copy of I-864 - sponsorship form; not needed, but we took it just to be safe

- All of my husband's pay slips since the November application; not needed, but again just to be safe (We weren't sure if we'd get an RFE here, because my husband earned less than the limit in his 2017 tax return and only got a promotion in June of 2018. His 2018 tax return was also below the limit because he only had six months in his current position)

- Our 2018 Joint Tax return; not needed

- My husband's (sponsor) birth certificate + copy; Not needed but it is requested on the letter

- My (beneficiary) birth certificate + copy; Not needed but is requested on the letter

- My Husband's passport + copy; Not needed

- My Passport + copy; Actually needed! Yay! He didn't take the copy, though, because there was already one in the file.

- My Husband's driving license; Needed; was reviewed to get into the building and again in the office

- My UK driving license; Needed; I guess as an extra form of identification

- My Employment Authorization Document; Needed; it actually does request this on the letter too so definitely take it if you have one!

- Interview Letter; Needed; again, it's requested

- Certified copy of marriage certificate; Not needed! Weirdly he didn't ask for it at all! Definitely take it with you though, when you go.

- Vaccination worksheet provided during the K1 medical; Not needed but mentioned

- Print out of I94 Record (entry on K1); Needed

- Joint Bank Account Statement; Needed and kept by the officer

- Printed page of husband's life & medical insurance showing me as the beneficiary; Needed and kept by the officer

- Copy of the joint lease for our apartment; Needed and kept by the officer

- Wedding photo album and two loose pictures; Needed and reviewed by the officer; kept the loose copies

Our appointment was at 1.45PM at the Jacksonville office. We arrived at 1.30PM and made our way through security, and were directed to sign in with the reception clerk. The clerk then printed out a ticket with our number on it, and directed us to the waiting room. As we waited there we noticed several other couples but no one I recognised from here (might not even have been Adjustment of Status couples!). There were a few TVs displaying information, and an example of a Civics question for naturalisation; (which ocean can be found off of the East Coast?).

We were there maybe about five minutes before the officer came and called our ticket number. He was nice enough - a little brusk, perhaps, but definitely friendly! We followed him to a little room in the back of the building - which was a relief to my husband because there were windows in the waiting room similar to the windows you stand at for K1, and his comment was that it didn't seem very private. There we were told to remain standing for the oath (he did let me put down my folder though!) and we swore in to the interview. We were told to be seated - I had to sit on the right because he needed to take my fingerprints (both index fingers) and my photograph.

He asked for our IDs; my husband's driving license, my passport, EAD and driving license. I explained that I didn't yet have a US one, only a UK one. We told him that we're working on it and that I've got a learners permit. Then he confirmed that we were adjusting from a K1, that this was our first marriage, that we had no children, asked me to spell out my name (first, middle and new last name), and asked me my date of birth. He asked my husband what address we lived at - my husband, who has struggled with our new address since we moved, took a while to remember but did explain that he'd lived at his previous address for twenty years before moving to the new one. The officer seemed pretty satisfied with that and moved on to asking me all the questions that were on the form about criminal history, whether I had killed anyone, whether I belonged to the communist party etc. My husband found that a little weird.

Then he checked the medical on his PC, confirmed that I'd had the medical done previously and not done a new one. Then he asked for any joint bank statements we had, any leases. He made the assumption we didn't have any joint insurance, and seemed pleasantly surprised when I put that in front of him. He wanted photos too - and looked through the entire album that we had brought with us - and took the paper copies for his records. He asked who someone was in the wedding album (my dad!)

Then he asked my husband questions; when and how did me meet, he wanted the month and year too. When did we meet in person (month and year), where did we stay, when did we start dating, who proposed to who, when did my husband propose, where did my husband propose, had we had any children, had my husband ever been to the UK, how many times and the reason for his visit, has my husband met my family, had I met my husband's family.

Then he said he needed to print something from his computer but his printer wasn't working so he left the room to try it elsewhere. This is where I thought he was printing an RFE, because my husband - who is terrible with dates - kept getting dates wrong. From the way he said he was going to ask my husband questions, I realised I wasn't allowed to help too, which was hard! When he returned, without paper, he restarted his PC to get the thing to print - and surprise! it was a thing for me and my husband to sign referring to removal of conditions. He said that we had to apply any time before the greencard expired, but no sooner than 21 months "from today", and that the greencard would be in the mail. It honestly took a few moments for it to sink in because I'd super convinced myself that were were getting an RFE.

He asked if we'd prepared the forms for the AOS ourselves, and then assured us that the ROC would be "much easier" (so maybe I won't have to do a second interview..? One can hope! 😂).

Then he escorted us back to the entrance to the building and wished us luck! About thirty to forty five minutes later I had an email to say that a new card had been ordered for production!

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Jacksonville FL Review #25826 on March 19, 2019:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Very easy process. We got out number, waited in the waiting room until called. Our appointment took 12 minutes. I made a huge folder with lots of evidence and he only asked for a few things. He asked our story and how we met, married, etc.. He asked for everything off the form that was mailed to me when I got notice for the appointment. He asked me if we met online...twice....I said no and then we moved on. I thought it was strange he was so stuck on that question, but it was fine once i told him we met in a bar. He did not want to see our pictures. He looked at his computer said we are approved and congratulations! Just make sure he marks all the paperwork correctly. They are very busy and I saw my file I submitted months back sitting on his desk. Just remember they are humans too and can make error!

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