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Thailand US Consulate Reviews

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Thailand US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
452 Review(s)
Bangkok, Thailand
Review #33476 on December 9, 2024:

Roy an Panitta


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

On Oct 8th 2024 my 20 year old step daughter and my 10 year old step son who were both listed on our original I129F and came as K2 follown on's had their interview for their visa..
They showed to to the consulate office with my father in law but he was denied access into the consulate because my step daughter is 20 so they went in alone.. I sent in a new I131 proof of income and supporting docs, one copie of our I129F packet and proof of relationship. We mad a complete packet for each individual child.
My step daughter said they waited a little bit and when they got to aee the USCIS agent she gave them the docs for each child anf the only questions ask them was:

what is your new fathers job?
what is his name?
what are your names?

The agent then took the I131 and supporting docs and gave the rest
of the rest back to the kids.
My daughter thought the process was very easy and not stressful.. We figured sin... read complete review

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Bangkok, Thailand
Review #33475 on December 8, 2024:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

3 questions:
- where did you meet?
- what’s the fiancé’s name?
- when are you getting married?

You’re approved, best of luck to you

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Bangkok, Thailand
Review #33417 on October 17, 2024:

Viktor Walker


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Bangkok, Thailand
Review #33313 on July 27, 2024:

Dan and Akari


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Review Topic: General Review

My wife had her interview for CR1 on July 26, 2024 in Bangkok. Her interview was scheduled for 10:00 and she wanted to be a little earlier than recommended so she arrived at 9:30. Staff outside checked for her appointment confirmation, DS-260 confirmation and since she is Burmese they did ask for a document required in Burma called "Additional Document" which I am glad I researched and found this as a requirement. Outside staff was very polite. While I was waiting for her a very impatient man came to the front door demanding his passport because his Thai visa was expiring soon. He was belligerent and used a lot of choice words and the staff remained calm, tried to assure him he could enter after the lunch break, and politely asked him to wait on the sidewalk away from the doors.

Inside my wife said the security staff were a bit rude, but that is her only negative comment. She said everyone past security went above and beyond helping people. There were only 10 peop... read complete review

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Bangkok, Thailand
Review #33301 on July 18, 2024:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My wife said everyone was nice and interview was very easy. CR-1,

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