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Sweden US Consulate Reviews

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Sweden US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
83 Review(s)
Review #25980 on April 12, 2019:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Had my interview done at the US embassy in Stockholm yesterday, april 11th, and thought I'd write a quick review.

First off, easily the easiest part of the entire process!

First when arriving I had to stand inside outside the embassy, K1 visas stand in the immigrant/US citizen line.
After that you go through security in the first little building and after security you follow the yellow lines on the ground that take you to the building where the interview takes place.

I was told to sit down and wait until I was called up, and I was waiting with all the other K1 visa applicants that had interviews on that day.
I was called up to a window where a nice lady asked for all my documents while asking me some basic questions (like what my fiance worked with, how we met, what video games we play haha). She also clarified that this is not the actual interview. She also handed me a copy of my medical report and said that I should keep that... read complete review

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Review #25890 on March 29, 2019:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Super fast and easy, very friendly staff

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Review #25044 on November 15, 2018:




· 1 person found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Overall, I feel that the K1 interview process at the US embassy was smooth and quite simple.

I had my appointment scheduled for 10 AM and arrived about an hour before. The trickiest part of this whole experience was figuring out where to line up outside the embassy, since there were a lot of people standing in the non-immigration line and no one was standing in the immigration line. But after a few seconds of hesitation I saw where I was supposed to stand (just next to the more luxurious non-immigration line which is covered by glass). I was called immediately to go through the security check. After that I followed the yellow marking to another building where the interview was to be held. I went up to window 7 to hand over my documents to a kind Swedish-speaking woman. This is what material she requested:

DS-160 confirmation page
2 passport style photos
Birth certificate (personbevis)
Police records
Evidence of o... read complete review

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Review #24676 on September 20, 2018:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance got there around 8am (his appointment time was 8:30) after a long wait they took his paper work and then he waited about another 1.5 hours. They called him back, the interview it self took 5 minutes. The interviewer asked how we met and commented how prepared he was. He walked out of the interview at 11:30am

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Review #24603 on September 11, 2018:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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