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Philippines US Consulate Reviews

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Philippines US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
2607 Review(s)
Manila, Philippines
Review #1181 on January 10, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interview went off quite well. Nothing really new to report over and above all the other reports of experience there. Riza had another Filipina looking at her from behind the window. Though there was no trouble or open hostility, it appeared this woman wasn't very thrilled to be in her job... That is something I read over and over and fail to understand...What is it? Jealousy? Anyhow, there was a slight problem with documentation. Though we WERE inside the proscribed timeline for the 2003 tax wherein it was NOT required, this woman insisted she HAD to have it. Of course, I had barely gotten it FINISHED and sent off..... *sigh* Easier to comply than argue. Riza was told to return the next day with the proper documentation (a copy of my tax report - IN the U.S.) for the current year. I was an over the road trucker at the time. Feel my pain? Thank heavens I was HOME during all this. I faxed it late that night and she breezed on through, waving bye-bye to the nasty lady who was REMAINING behind in the Philippines while she went to join her new soon to be husband.

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Manila, Philippines
Review #1162 on December 31, 2006:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Well, my fiancee got her visa approved! I was so worried that I might not have the paperwork needed since we only had 1 week to get her ready, and to manila. But we did it. For those who are looking for some bit of info on how the process goes in Manila, please take a gander at Uling's signature. DJ Cess's interview post proved helpful as well. You can see her posts through my profile. Their links were invaluable as it explained every step of the way when it comes to the interview. You may be asking what questions they asked my fiancee. Basically it's all about the petitioner and how well the applicant knows him/her. According to my fiancee, they asked her: where and how did we meet, when did I come to see her, how long...easy questions and it only took her 5 minutes!!! All I can say is, there is nothing to be afraid of in the interview. The only thing that will assure any denial is missing or hidden information. Don't take any shortcuts throughout your process and paperwork, do the homework, use this site for everything it's worth cuz it helped us a ton! And of course, be brutally honest! If you have nothing to hide, why worry? From what my fiancee's been telling me, the interview was a fairly easy process. I wish the same for all of you! Happy New Year fellow VJers!!!

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Manila, Philippines
Review #1154 on December 28, 2006:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

The interview was scheduled AM. Wife appeared 5am at US Embassy and was finished with the entire process by 2PM the same day. The consul officer (female) was very polite but never indicated a problem with documentation and instructed us to pay delbros after 2 minutes of a few questions and taking a quick glance at supporting evidence offered of previous communications, email, postal cards, ect ect.

After submitting delbros fee and beleiving we were approved it was then that my wife was advised that our case was put in Administrative Review for a document check and we were told to wait 4 to 6 weeks for the embassy to mail her a new apointment date. Wife was persistent with consul workers and found that we could obtain additional copies directly from NSO Quezon city and hand deliver to consul window in an attempt to speed up our AR timeline. Wife obtained additional copies of mc and bc and provided to us embassy the very next day. We remained in AR for only 3 weeks before receiving visa from delbros.

Embassy is not very efficient and truthful when giving updates by phone. Truthfully this embassy is a real pain to deal with and looking for answers to questions will only get you the standard canned responses. The embassy could not even tell us if and when the visa was released, we found out by watching our case number plus 01 at the delbros website.

I was relieved to be finished dealing with this embassy and be on our way.

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Manila, Philippines
Review #1153 on December 28, 2006:

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Greetings of Peace!

My fiance already submitted our application for K1 visa first week of December, 2006. My question is... How long it will take to get a K1 visa?

Thank you!

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Manila, Philippines
Review #1129 on December 18, 2006:




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Review Topic: General Review

Everything went smoothly, they didn't ask for any documents since I have already submitted them all at the NVC.

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