Panama US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4
/ 5
43 Review(s)
Panama | Review #32935 on February 6, 2024: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa
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Panama | Review #32749 on November 30, 2023: |

· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
Interview was at 2pm. I went with my fiancee to the interview. We arrived at 12:30pm and waited outside in line till 2:00pm before they let us walk to the embassy for the interview. Once inside, we gave the officer our KFTP and waited for my fiancees name to be called. The first time she was called up they just collected additional information like the police certificate and passport photos that we did not email them. The second time she was called up it was for the interview. The officer asked her about me and our families, basic relationship information. It was over in less than 15 minutes. We were told that we would have to wait to be approved till the medical forms came in then we would get the visa in 8-10 working days. We were approved after 1 week and now are waiting for the visa to be issued!
Panama | Review #31128 on June 10, 2022: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
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Panama | Review #29455 on April 7, 2021: |
Trent & Alexa

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
The whole process went very smoothly.
Panama | Review #27292 on October 17, 2019: |

· 1 person found this review helpful
Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
The interview went very well. It was at 1 pm, I arrived 30 minutes early but they only let you in 10 minutes prior to the interview. You then walk in and leave any electronics in the first checkpoint, then walk to a second building and go through a second checkpoint. You get a number and wait for the number to be called. They first ask for some of the paperwork you brought with you and you give them your fingerprints as well. Then you seat and wait for a second officer to call you by name (this is the interview portion) - the questions were very straight forward (where/when did we meet? when was the last time we saw each other? does my fiance know Spanish? etc), he asked to see more pictures which I had in hand.
I didn't get approval that day because they hadn't received my medical examination, but today (Oct. 17) I checked the CEAC website and it states my visa was 'Issued'. !!!
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