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Canada US Consulate Reviews

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Canada US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
1651 Review(s)
Montreal, Canada
Review #4470 on May 29, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Hi All,
We had our interview earlier this week (05/26), in Montreal. My wife was the one being interviewed for the CR-1. Wanted to post a review for those of you who are getting ready for their interviews. Posting a somewhat lengthy review just so I don't miss any details that might be helpful to folks.

We got to the US consulate at 6:45AM - it was freezing cold (especially after the 90+ degree temperatures in Texas). There were a couple of folks already waiting there ahead of us. At 7:30, the security folks opened the door. Pls be aware that they do not allow you to carry any type of bag/handbag inside. We had a laptop bag with all of our papers/documents in it but they did not allow us to take it inside. They let my wife go inside while I had to walk back a few blocks to the parking lot to put the bag back in the car - wasn't much fun walking in the cold. You need to carry all your documents in a clear plastic bag - they do allow ladies purses inside. The security check was a little slow and very thorough - they took the key chain with our car/house keys apart and hung on to it while we went in for the interview (got it back on the way out). We had a muscial birthday card that my wife had sent me (in case they wanted to see letters etc that we had exchanged)- the security staff grilled my wife on that but let her carry it in. So pls carry only the essential documents to avoid delays.

Once past the security check though, it was pretty smooth. We went into a small waiting area downstairs and waited for a security guard to come and take us up to the 19th floor in the elevator. We got the letter "C" since we were third in line. Waited in the reception area upstairs for our letter to be called on the PA system and once called, went to one of the windows. The lady behind the glass was extremely nice and friendly. She confirmed my wife's name, address in canada as well as my address. She asked me if I had my 2008 tax return documents, which I did, so I gave her that. She then told us to wait while she went to her desk to key in all the info into their system. We waited at the window for about 5 minutes. Once she came back, she my wife's fingerprints - they have the fingerprint scanner at each window, so it takes just a couple of minutes. Once done, she asked us to go wait outside in the main waiting area and wait for our name to be called for the last step of the process. We had barely gotten to the waiting area, when they called out our name asking us to come into one of the booths (it's more like a closet with no windows and the lady doing the interview was behind a glass window). Again this lady was very nice, polite and professional. She had my wife take a quick oath, then asked how and when we met, made a few case notes in her computer, returned us the original marriage certificate and said all was good. She said it was her second case of the day where there were no issues and all was good. We would get the passport back with the visa in about 5 days or so. We did ask if we could come by the following day to pick up the passport but were told that they do that only in emergencies. We were out of the consulate at 9:10AM. Pls remember to carry the Canada post express mail envelope as specified in the documents required for the interview. The lady ahead of us in line did not bring one and had to scramble out to go buy one. We do expect to get the passport in the mail today (05/29)- we got the tracking number on the envelope we bought and have been tracking it.

Think I covered everything - if I think of anything I missed, I'll post it later. Good luck to everyone.


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Montreal, Canada
Review #4459 on May 27, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

long wait but overall good.

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Vancouver, Canada
Review #4453 on May 26, 2009:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

Just thought I'd give a quick update/review of our experience in Vancouver last week for our K-3 visa.
I read tons of reviews on VJ before we went and was all confident about the interview and to my disbelief we had a the devil interviw of apparently!
Everything else was as expected with the security etc. and the man who took our packet when we first got there (Leo) was nice. When we were called up to the window we were asked a few questions about where we met and when, and where we both worked. After that our interviewer (Hong) started in on my husband about a DUI from 11 years ago (he was 19!!). She wanted exact dates of the occurance, court & fine payments. Needless to say it being 11 years ago my husband had not memorized all this information, and she was the one sitting there with the original court records in front of her! She was just plain RUDE to us! She would make a rude comment then start typing and we would try to give her some more details and she held her hand up to the window as in be quiet I'm busy. Then my hubby had an overstay of 45 days from last year before we started this process and it created a "hit" on ISIS, so she insisted he was detained by the US Border agents in October, but he was actually entering Canada after the overstay and was not even detained, but they noted it in the computers I guess. He tried explaining this to her and she rudely said "SIR, You're splitting hairs with me". Which he wasn't, he was trying to make her understand what actually happened, but she had her own version I guess. We left the consulate without his passport and had the medical done the following morning. Laura at Woking Medical was awesome! We told her about the troubles at the consulate about the 11 year old DUI and she was in shock that they were hassling him so much about that. She assured us that the Doctor would make elaborate notes in the medical review to assure this was not a problem. We picked up the medical at 2 and took them back to the Consulate. They would only allow my husband upstairs to drop it off and had me go wait on the street for him. We left the Xpresspost envelope with the consulate along with the passport and were told that they needed to do Administrative Processing. I think that was her way of saying she didn't like us and we were going to have to wait as long as she wanted to without knowing what was going on.

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Montreal, Canada
Review #4440 on May 23, 2009:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I drove with a fellow visa friend from Toronto; it took about 6 hours, very easy drive! We stayed at Delta Montreal (a very nice hotel with very comfy beds!), a 7 minute walk to the embassy.

Interview morning I woke up at 5:45 a.m., left the hotel at 6:15 a.m. to walk down to the embassy. After a short walk, I was in front of the embassy, first in line! I waited about 45 minutes alone. Others didn’t start showing up until around 7:00 a.m., if not later. A few minutes before 7:30 a guard unlocked the door, and waved his hand for us all to move over to the left door so he could open the right door. When the guard opened the door, he asked “Who was here first”.

Guard asked me for my interview letter & passport, checked to make sure I had an interview that day, and told me to go to the next guards and they’ll tell me what to do. I was the only one going through security, that guard tells me to put my bags & jacket through the scanner (like at the airport), take everything out of my pockets and put them in the little tray, along with my belt. He asks if I have any electronics (those are not allowed), no, okay “go downstairs, sit down, and wait for the next security guard to take you upstairs.”

I walked down a large flight of stairs to a room with a low ceiling. They have a booth there like in the malls that you can take passport photos for no more than $5 incase you forgot. I waited around 10-15 minutes and by then there are a few more people with letters B, C, D, and E with me (I had A). The guard asked for us all to follow him into the elevator. I love visa journey for all the little tidbits of information I’ve received. I know you leave the elevator opposite of the end you came in. So I stood facing everyone, who obviously turned around looking at the door they came in. I laughed to myself, because only the security guard and I were facing the right door!

We were told to sit down and wait to be called, and he took our papers, clipped with our letter we were given that we brought with us (passport included). They either call you by your name or by your letter (so don’t forget which letter you’re given!) I really don’t know what time everything happened, but after waiting for around 10 minutes I was called to #9 and it was more of a bank looking window. It has glass, you hear the immigration person through speakers and they probably hear you the same way. Standing at the counter, he could only see from my mid-stomach up. There’s also a little area to slide your things to him when he asks for it.

It’s been a few days since my interview, but here’s what I gave him, and he asked for from what I can remember. Two passport pictures, express post envelope, asked me to verify all the addresses on the DS-230 to make sure everything looked okay, asked for 2008 taxes my husband filed, I mentioned our co-sponsor (father in law) and he said he’d take a look at those as well. He did a quick glance over them and put them in my huge folder. He did a little small talk about what my husband does (finishing school & has a part time job). He did keep trying to trip me up though, continuously asking what he does full time. Almost thinking I was lying? Well I wasn’t, so everything was good. Asked if I have ever had a problem crossing the border, no, “okay good, I’ll call you back here for fingerprints in a bit”.

Back down I sat in the big waiting room. Talked to a very nice lady & her son from Vancouver, B.C. (I can’t believe they don’t do CR1 interviews in Vancouver! She had to fly all the way to Montreal.) After probably another 15-20 minutes I was called back to do my fingerprints, which is this little box that digitally gets your prints, a quick 5 minutes process. Back to the waiting room I went!

After a good 20 minutes I was called to room 8, looks like you’re walking into a closet, literally after opening the door it’s not even a room, but it’s another ‘bank’ looking system with the glass, speakers, and a little area to hand her things through. She was a very nice lady with pretty pink nails and some smelly perfume. Her computer was taking forever, but eventually it generated the finger print it wanted, and I put down my left thumb to verify it was me. I took the oath, swearing that everything that I would say and that is in my files in true. She asked how we met, specifically what day we got married, what he does, where I went to school, what I went to school for, asked if I plan on working when I get there (oh yes), and what I hope to do for work, she asked a few more questions that I really can’t remember (sorry!) and then said “well, everything looks good” (I don’t think I really clued in) and she handed me a paper that says “Welcome to the United States of America”. She informed me I’d get my passport/package in the mail in about a week, and it’ll tell me all the information I need to know. Then she smiled and I smiled. I said, “so I leave the same way I came?” She said yes. I just thought, okay the last thing I want is to leave and I wasn’t supposed to. Better to double check!

I walked quickly back to the hotel, and I was so excited I totally over passed where I was supposed to turn, but got back to our room at 9:30 a.m.

If you’re nervous for your interview, DON’T BE! It was so relaxing, all the people working at the embassy are pretty cordial if you know your stuff, and have the things they ask for. Just relax, it’s definitely overrated!

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Montreal, Canada
Review #4427 on May 21, 2009:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I arrived at the embassy at 6:45am for my CR-1 interview. I was the first one in line. Moosker waited with me. About 5 min after we arrived other people started showing up. I am not sure if it was because it was a Wed, but by the time the security guard opened the doors at 7:35am there where 10+ people behind me (twice as many as when I waited the morning before with Moosker). The security guard waved everyone over and let us in. I was the first one in and through security, yet they gave me the letter B and gave the family behind me A.

Once through the security you go down some steps, follow the yellow arrows on the floor to the waiting room for the elevator. I was there waiting by myself for 5 min before anyone else came. People slowly came into the waiting room and after about 10 minutes the elevator opened and the security guard called A,B,C&D to get in the elevator. I remembered reading the doors of the elevator opened on the other side so I faced that direction and giggled. No one else turned until the security guard warned them the doors would be opening on the other side. We went up to the 19th floor and sat in the waiting room. (And yes the view of Montreal from there was amazing!) We were in the waiting room by 7:50am.

Nothing happened until around 8:35am when the first name was called. It wasn’t mine or the family’s. It was the girl who had D. Next the family who were A was called. By around this time another elevator load of people had come up and around 30 people came out. I honestly couldn’t believe how many people they had packed in there.

At 8:45am my name was called. For the first stage they use counters 9,10,11&12, which are down a hall past the ladies’ restroom. There are basically windows that you stand at with small dividers between them. There is only a small opening to slip papers under back and forth. I had not clearly heard which number I was to report to but there were only 2 windows vacant. I went to the first vacant one and asked if she was waiting for me. She said no, so I went to the remaining window where I could see the lady had my passport open and my file. I stood there for a minute and she did not say anything. She was reading. She was an older lady with glasses and blondish/whitish short curly hair. She was very pleasant. I was asked how I met my husband, some questions about my previous addresses (I have lived overseas) and she asked questions as she went through my history and calculated timelines based on the dates. I really didn’t have time to answer any though, as before I did she had moved on to the next question. She was pretty much talking herself through my paperwork and was reading aloud and seldom let me answer anything. She wrote notes and ticked things off in red pen along the right side of the forms. She saw I had the police check from the other country I had lived in and moved through the paperwork quickly. She asked for my sealed envelope containing my medical results and for the Xpress envelope. I had already filled my address into the TO: section and she stamped the embassy stuff into the FROM: section and put it with the rest of my file. She told me to go back to the waiting room and she’d call me back.

When I went back the waiting room none of the others from the original 4 were done yet. I was back first. When they got back they told me they had been asked lots of questions. Most of them had been asked for their sponsor’s 2008 tax info, which they did not have. (They had never heard of Visa Journey) There were also a few that did not have an Xpress envelope either and they were mad they had not been told to bring one and they were getting more nervous.

At 9:05 I was called back to the same window to do my fingerprint scans. The lady was having computer issues and had to re-start twice. She was talking to her co-workers who were telling her they also had restarted several times that morning. She let me sit in one of the chairs directly across from her window instead of going back to the waiting room. After about 10 minutes she apologized and said it should be fine. I did the left fingers, then right fingers and then the 2 thumbs. It took a while to get good scans that were acceptable on my right hand for whatever reason. She said my fingers were not flat enough. After that she asked me to return to the waiting room and wait for my name to be called into either room 7 or 8.

At 9:20 when I got back everyone from the original group was waiting again for a long time. People from the other side of the room were starting to be called to different windows for different things by this time and it seemed like the waiting room was almost full.

I was starting to fall asleep I was so tired. The guy who I had been chatting with who was letter C was called into Rm 7 around 10:45. Names of the others people were staring to be called into the rooms 7&8 - 2 small closet-like rooms located across from the ladies’ restroom in the hall towards counters 9,10,11&12. They too had a window to stand at with only a little slot to pass papers under. When the guy with C came out he said he was a bit flustered because they asked him to fill out more forms regarding his finances because he was self employed. He asked to use my pen again.

When I was called to room 7 at about 10:55 there was a kind lady behind the glass with her computer. She said “Good Morning” and asked me how I was. She was smiling a little. First she told me the computer would pick a random finger to verify it was really me. It picked my left thumb so she asked me to place it on the scanner. After that was done, she asked me to raise my right had and take an oath everything in my paperwork or that I was about to say was true. After that she asked again where I met my husband. She said it must be nice to have a spouse with a common interest. She asked when we got married, how often I have been to see him, whether I liked the city he lives in, where we will live, whether the address on my form was still current and whether it was safe for sending stuff to me. She asked me what my husband did and if he had filed his 2008 taxes – I told her he had and asked offered her the photocopies I had. She asked if she could keep them to add to the file. I said yes. She asked if I was ready to move to the USA – I said no… she laughed. She said “Well… you better get ready because I am granting you a Green Card today.” She gave me the “Welcome to America” letter and explained how long I had to enter the USA asking “Will that fit into your schedule?” and told me what to expect when I entered and activated it. She said I should get the passport with the visa in it back in around a week and that when I received the condition 2 yr green card in the USA there would be more papers and info with it. I was done at about 11:05 and went and told the nervous lady I had been speaking to what they asked and told her to relax. The other guy I was speaking to was still filing out the additional forms. I told the others to say goodbye and good luck to him and let him keep my pen!

All in all – it was soooo easy and as long as you are prepared there is no reason to stress at all! I was only speaking to the 2 ladies for a combined total of about 20 minutes max and most of that was watching them check through paperwork and enter stuff into the computer.

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