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Status Updates posted by vett

  1. went and had my medical 2day, so now i just have to pray for negative results, and then it's off to conquer the big monster, interview!! lol

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. vett


      RFE, is request for further evidence. that is if some documents are missing. and i received my notices by email, NOT postal mails. well it can take up to 6weeks to hear anything from them. so they will contact u soon, or better why dont u call them, and speak with an operator? just to see what's going on.

    3. sis&sull



    4. vett
  2. sis&sull i will be going to do the medical 2moro @ andrews, so i will let you know what happens.

  3. medical tomorrow...am getting so much closer to the interview date, i just pray that all goes well from now on. i had so many mishap along the way.

    1. Kim.D


      Good luck for your medical.

    2. vett


      thank you very much...same to you on your journey :)

  4. it's the 1st day if february, my husband will be here in a few days, and my interview is right around the corner, all this is making me so excited and nervous at the same time, i am getting all these knots and butterflies in my stomach..lol...all this things are possible thru christ jesus!

  5. asking god for his guidance, and his blessings abundantly!!

  6. so i spend my money to correct the error on my marriage certificate, and to it was delivered to me, an dlow and behold they sent me 2 copies of the exact faulted certificate that i already has!!! and oh, i need to pay again to fix the problem again!!

    1. DarlingNikki


      What a mess! That's ridiculous :(

    2. vett


      yep! big BS but i decided to take the faulted certificate and also the proof that i tried to correct it. to the interview with me, bcuz my husband has to fill out the part on the cert that has the error since it's his part of the document the error occurred on. and he will not be here in time for us to do that and get it bk for the interview.

  7. so many approvals...is all i see on everybody's status. am so happy for you all :)

  8. has any one had their CR1/IR1 interview in kingston embassy for january as yet. can share experience plz.....thanks guys!

  9. anyone from jamaica hadany interviews already in 2011, that can share their experience? thanks!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. vett


      thank you for your reply ...i really hope he gets his approval, it's such burden to be living your life unable to make plans bcuz u do not know what the outcome will be. but i you guys are in my prayers. and my interview is on the 17feb @ 8:30 am.plz keep me posted, :)

    3. Dan-Dan


      I do I will b in JA until my husband gets his visa!! So I will keep you posted...

    4. vett


      o.k, and i like the way you say it with authority (until my husband gets his visa!!) and rightfully so :)

  10. exactly one month until my interview!! and i keep sending up the prayers, just the way i normally do!

    1. WaitingToExhale


      how long after noa2 for ur interview mamma? vsc still have'nt sorted out our application as yet but we did all we can so far and is waiting on them ...AGAIN! but i'm still trying to get everything together none the less...goodluck with ur interview i'm sure all will go well and u'll be with ur sweetie soon :)

    2. vett


      thank u very much for your blessings camlai. my interview was scheduled for 1mnth 17days.

  11. tried to fill out my timeline today, but i got lost in the process, since my lawyer did all the paper work, and i was not given all the notices ;(

  12. 1month to go before my interview....praying that all goes well, it's been so long since i reunite with my sweet,sweet hubby.

  13. am so sorry, i know how devastated you be be right now. try to keep strong and keep the faith.the whole process is a very trying one. so that is all u can ask for is lots of strength to go on. in the end it will be worth it.

  14. what is this timeline thingy, members keep asking me about.help!

    1. marklovetina


      estimated timeline for ur approval...=)

    2. WaitingToExhale


      hi vett,thanx for ur kind words :).

      u have to go into ur settings to create ur timeline...it tells us (other vj members) when u got ur noa1,then noa2 etc...so vj can estimate others noa2 date based on others timeline...

    3. vett


      oh, o.k, thank you. i will set it for sure.

  15. i am still in jamaica carla....

  16. happy 2011 all...such a promising yr for so many of us.lets hope for the best

    1. DarlingNikki


      I hear that! Same to you :).

  17. have a case of the sniffles ,on top of all else :(

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