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Status Updates posted by vett

  1. fill in my consular review for anyone who is interested in seeing it can go to the jamaican consular review section and check it out!

  2. why did the CO cancelled my already expired us visa at the interview, she asked to see my passport cancelled the visa, and hand back the passport to me saying i should come back with the tax return strange?

    1. bettermuscome


      all my visas were stamped cancelled without prejudice ( the expired as well as current ones). I think it's just procedure...

    2. vett


      yea.so i was told. but u knw when dealing with this process, u have to wonder if everything has a meaning lol

  3. will post interview experience when i am feeling better, right now my whole body is just aching!

    1. marklovetina


      so how was the interview? did u pass?... no addt'l. docs.?

  4. blue slipped!! :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. marklovetina


      uhmmm i see... well just give them what they want and u will be fine... good luck!

    3. vett


      @ godsgift...thanks..am hoping for the best, i figured if they had any other problems they would have stated it right then and there.

    4. marklovetina


      yes that's right =)

  5. lol...thanks v&j

  6. well gudnite VJ, 2moro is my interview..and i am as sick as hell! :( wish me luck all.

  7. went and pick up my medical today, but i can't even look in it to see the results..lol

    1. chrisana


      You will be Fine... have a nice day

    2. marklovetina
    3. vett


      thanks..am sure i will be..lol

  8. wow! 2 more sleeps and then it's off to my interview!!

  9. VJ keeps me from going insane!!!

  10. @ rchicago...the instructions on the form sates that you should schedule your medical atleast 3wks b4 your interview date, that way it is ready on time. i did mine 2 weeks before and i am to go and collect it today. i hope this helps give you an idea.

  11. another lonely valentines :( nevertheless am going to make the best of the day and continue to give god thanks. hope you all will too :)

    1. DarlingNikki


      I am thankful as well. Just not about this process! lol. But I guess patience is a virtue. Ha.

    2. vett


      hang in there girl! i know exactly how u feel...and am sure tons of others here can relate, at one point i felt like pulling every strand of hair out my head lol...and even tho i only have 3days until my interview, i can't help but feel like time is moving in slow motion grrrrrrr!! :)

  12. exactly 1week to the day of my interview!! so excited it's been a long stretch am ready to get done with it and move forward with future :)

    1. sis&sull


      sooooo .. happy 4 u.. good luck fren..

    2. vett


      thank u sweet heart i will post update/experience when i am thru :)

  13. congrats Dan Dan!!! :)

  14. gosh! can't somebody from jamica update the consulate reviews section?? every other country has done so. but ours looks as though it's stuck in the past!! lol

  15. hey girlie, i just realized that today was your interview. sorry i didn't get to wish u gud luck. but i really hoped it was successful!

  16. went and did another police record today. and then it's on to continue waiting. the torture of not knowing!!! lol

    1. vett


      bcuz it has been over one year since i submitted the last one. so in that case it would have expired.

  17. think i finally got that timeline thing as my signature, so others can see. i feel i have accomplished something :)

  18. why isn't my timeline showing up below a post like everybody elses?

    1. Harpa Timsah

      Harpa Timsah

      They edited their signature

    2. vett


      you mean their name right?

    3. vett


      thanks harpa. i think i got it now. not perfect. but i will work on that lol

  19. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

    1. marklovetina


      so inlove sis... same here...:)

    2. vett


      lol..yes love and more love :)

    3. marklovetina
  20. @ sis&sull...you are welcome sweetheart!

  21. am always on VJ it's like am obsess with it..lol...it's a part of my daily routine now..lol

    1. vett


      yep!! lol....becomes like family here :)

  22. hi, did u see the update i left for you on my page RE: the medical? if not then you should check it out.

  23. hi, did u check out the update that i left for u on my page RE: the medical? if not check it out.

  24. my bad...medical NOT interview...

  25. well here is an update for you sis&sull, i went and did the interview, i paid $32,450 total..let me break it down, us$50 for my son physical, then i paid J$19000 for his 3shots. i paid us$90 for my medical, and j$1600 for one shot for me.so i hope this give u an idea, but everyone requires diff things, so you may or may not pay as much. but it's best to go prepa...

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