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Posts posted by Brusik

  1. LOL yeah that may help for sure :) good luck... and little may come outta georgia but u got something priceless ;)

    Here is what her police report said

    Issued to verify that Citizen Wifes name...... born 14 05 1961 and then gives current address.. has no previous conviction and is not wanted on any list according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia..

    I am hoping the one I sent is good enough. The RFE even though it talks of police reports, they are only asking for the dates I missed on line #30

    CSR never mentioned police report she said just line 30 was incomplete..

  2. She will have to have police records of every location she lived i do believe (dont know if that will pertain to the fact she lived in cities withing Georgia)... my husband was only one city his whole life so we didnt have to go thru this.

    As far as the residence... we listed my husbands from birth lol just to be sure we didnt have any gaps but yes be sure to redo that and resubmit including every place she lived from 16 on without any gaps whatsoever.

    I'm not sure if i was much help but i hope you get this taken care of quickly and resume your momentum at NVC.... :)

    CSR only mentioned the missing 1 year date when I talked on the phone.. She told me yesterday to send with cover letter.. Today I got email with different cover letter everything on cover letter same except it says Checklist Letter Response.. I think i'll remail again.. with this cover letter

    When I read NVC web site for georgia they listed only Tbilisi.. I know Bakuriani is an alpine village and there is no ministry or anything there.. Everything is done out of Tbilisi..

    Ministry of Internal Affairs is in Tbilisi

    and if I read this correct there is only 1 police report

    Police and Prison Records

    Available. The Information Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs maintains a centralized database of police and prison records indexed by name, date and place of birth. The records also contain fingerprints of convicted persons. The records are maintained at the:

    Ministry of Internal Affairs

    Information Center

    8 Gulua Street

    Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia.

    Point of contact is:

    Mr. Ghia Chanturidze

    First floor

    Room #2

    Telephone 995 (32) 99 15 82

    Individuals living in Tbilisi may obtain police and prison records free of charge upon direct application to the Ministry of Internal Affairs within five working days. Individuals complete an application form which includes information on their full name including patronymic and their Georgian personal identification number. Persons living outside of Tbilisi or outside of Georgia can apply by proxy (e.g. relative in Tbilisi) or through the mail with a written request stating the type of record required and the purpose for which the information is being sought. If a person has a criminal record, police may prefer to send the information directly to the requesting office. A court record of a sentence is available, while criminal investigation and court trial records are unavailable.

  3. I know I had the RFE for the dates I missed from when the wife was 16.. What I don't understand is how they talk about poilice report.. There is only one police report but according to the letter from NVC it seems they need more than one..

    All I sent was one police certificate saying when wife was born and her current address.. They say that there is no convictions and is not wanted on any criminal list.. My wife has lived in 3 cities in Georgia.....Bakuriani, Tbilisi and Rustavi but she had only one police report

    So my question is: are all they asking for is the date from 16 to 17 years I placed no residence..

    ______IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION:__________________________________

    Please submit a completed copy of form Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration -

    Biographic Data (DS-230/DS-260) for this applicant. In reviewing the form that you submitted, we note

    that the section pertaining to applicant residences from the age of 16 is either blank or incomplete. The

    applicant must list all places lived for at least six months since reaching the age of 16. There must not be

    any gaps greater than six months. You will need to complete and submit a new form with the changes.

    Your visa application cannot be processed until this form is complete.

    A gap exists in your residence history of more than six months. When completing the information in

    this section, please refer to the following instructions below on Police Certificate(s):

    *Police certificates are required for each visa applicant aged 16 years or older, based on where each

    applicant lives or has lived previously.

    *Police certificates are also required from all other countries where the applicant has resided more than

    12 months. Present and former residents of the United States should NOT obtain any police certificates

    covering their residence in the U.S.

    *Generally, applications for police certificates should be made directly to the police authorities in the

    district in which you resided. The police certificate must:

    *Cover the entire period of the applicant's residence in that area, and

    *State what the appropriate police authorities records show concerning each applicant, including all

    arrests, the reason for the arrest(s), and the disposition of each case of which there is a record.

    *If you have any questions about where or how to apply for police certificates in other countries, you

    may communicate directly with the U.S. consular office processing your visa applications.

    NOTE: Police certificates from certain countries are unavailable. Detailed information is available from

    the NVC or the nearest United States immigrant visa processing

  4. I called USCIS, but they asked me to wait for 7 more weeks before they can put a service request for my case. Thats why I thought to contact senator instead.

    You mean wait for 7 more weeks?

    What if I get another RFE, after 7 weeks. The process has already taken 5 months and then additional 4 months. I think that is a bit too much. So much for completing a case in 5 months.

    Usually USCIS sends all RFE's together.. This is what they told me.. IF yours is a signature this should be fixed in 7-14 days.. Mine was a passport style photo and I was approved 11 days after RFE was received.

  5. Awww! I feel for your wife. I know exactly how she feel. Been there done that. Just try to respond to the RFE asap...

    Best of luck to you both...

    RFE they have Monday but I am still not sure of the CSR's directions.. I posted another thread.. I had 4 ds230 with wife signature's The one I did for RFE had signed date of 5-28.. CSR said cross it out and change to 6-17.. I hope this is ok............

  6. Really? I thought that you only have to list all the places that you have lived in for more than 6 months.? I guess it doesn't matter, huh?

    Anyhow, good luck!

    My wife is upset she says AMerican government treat her like criminal.. All she wants is to be with her husband.. This what she tells me

    "The government does not understand how difficult it is to be far away and wait wait wait

    I am not a terrorist thug is not no mafia is not a spy I raise good family

    I am a woman and a loving wife"

  7. The CSR from NVS had me resned page 2 of my DS230 because I didn't account from where my wife lived from 16-17 years of age.. When she said to send page 2 that is the page with signature..

    I had several of these presigned with a date on them.. I asked CSR about the date when it was signed and she said just cross it out and write 6-17-11..

    I hope this is ok .... I didn't want to go thru the process of having more copies signed and then waiting 2 weeks for them to arrive from Georgia..

  8. Places where my wife lived for 3 months she lived at 16 years of age in her home town.. She went to school in different city at 16 years and 3 months..

    I completely missed this one.. But it should be fast.. they told me over phone too fill out second page of DS230 and resubmit with cover page..She said that this RFE will go fast..

    She said you only lose like 3-4 days so we will see

    :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

  9. at the portal, after you've a 'paid' status - you can then download the coversheets. IMO, that's about it, at the portal.

    an indication of 'SIF' usually tags the casefile status as 'case complete', but there's a final review after that, with lobbing into the appointment schedule queue right after.

    Ive done cover and all so I assume now just wait

  10. There is nothing wrong with that.

    You look a bit old in that photo , so why not say yes after the 1st visit ???

    It is ABSOLUTELY your and her right to do so .

    As long as your wife also feels the same way about you . They will ask her a lot of questions to be sure that her marrying you is not for immigration purpose only. This is essentially what the law is concerned about . Everything else is bull.

    I am sorry to speak so blunt . Just want you to feel confident.

    LOL I am old 56 not a spring chicken..............

    I have enough documentation to show relationship.. basicall we decided to get married when talking with the consulate.. HAHA he can be my eye witnessed when I said "Lets do this"

    I've know 3 people with interviews in Georgia.. They all take 10 minutes...

    Lets not start with the viagra questions haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I would not worry about it. It's more important that she knows about YOU. Details of how you met, informational about you and your family. If she needs a translator, you should contact the embassy and see if they have one, or if she needs to bring one. It's more about her being comfortable and answering questions without making mistakes.

    poor thing she is very nervous... she lies awake at night worrying about the interview..

  12. Wow congratz..... The NVC received our package the 3rd of June.. I am waiting for my wifes interview date.. I have heard that Georgian consulate is quick... I just worry when you mentioned the interviewer spoke english.. My wife is self taught english..

    We speak on skype and use little translation but she is far from fluent.. I met the consulate in Novemeber at a banquet..... I should have asked then about the interview process.. I heard from other people from Georgia the questions were simple and fast..

    I hope she gets this lucky.. I need to write the embassy and ask if her son can go since he is fluent in english...............I always said if it never worked out I would move to Tbilis... I love this city.........

    Gratz again

    :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

  13. Ok got a little bit of more info.... The CO told him the file is being return, whe my hubby asked why? He produced a copy of a email I sent him march 2009 2 years and 3 months ago. We had and argument about different culture, religion just our relationship in general and the CO said it was due to this email that he was returning the file to USA. How do you like them apples?

    ouch!!!!!!! I sent copy of my emails but it was just the subject line and my wifes name.. I would never want NVC or consulate to read about our personal conversation.. I have nothing to hide but what is between me and the wife is our business.. All they needed to see was proof of relationship..Maybe for future people will read this and know that you can divulge too much..........

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