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Posts posted by blah0323

  1. We are around. I think many of us are just silently watching VJ around us. :unsure: I do wish the people in our forum were more active to reach out to one another it gets lonely sometimes. I also wonder where in the world is VALENTINE. :hehe: He and his dramas were amusing. :lol: And where is Jideprincess? She is so much fun.

    I just hope things worked out for Valentine or he was able to leave. Yeah were is Jideprincess?? I need to go look at her blog and see what she is up to. She is probably working on the paperwork.....lol

  2. No problem with him (although they gave me a hard time because I only had my Driver's licence and no birth certificate). I thought it was halarious that they troubled me and he was fine. :) . I wrote on here a wile back that we are expecting. We are due March 1st. I'm just finishing my first trimester .....

    Congrats on the Baby!!! As far as going into Canada, I believe the first of 2007, the laws change concerning passports and all. You have to have them to go into Mexico and somewhere else I just can't remember where.

  3. blah0323 Hey, I was going to move to Austin, also..but, then decided to move closer to my family in Houston. I heard Austin is a great and diverse city. I will be sure to hang out there sometimes when I get to Texas. Oh, you aren't putting a damper on anything. It's agonizing now. I can only imagine how much worse it will be when I meet him and then have to leave and come back without him. I have seen alot of people go through hell on here with the long waits, so I know what I'm getting into. :( It'll all be worth it, though, in the end, right?!

    One thing I learned through the wait is a deep deep deep appreciation of my hubby!!! It just made the relationship stronger, even through the rough times (culture clashes), we know how to win each other over pass the mess.... :yes:

  4. Welcome aboard, you will soon be in my area. I'm in Texas as well the Austin Area. How exciting the first trip!!! Congratulations on your engagement and wish you well. Just pray while you go on this journey, because you will realize the struggle when you return home and wait for your love one to come join you (sorry didn't mean to damper anything but the truth be told).

  5. Kanyiri and Boaz,

    You need to check around if you haven't and or don't know already. There are so many programs offerring free nursing schooling (LVN and RN) to be your household income. My husband is starting a program in January. Check with your workforce departments they should know who received the grant monies. Awesome opportunity. Glad to know all is well.

  6. Everyone, it sure is quiet in hear??? I don't post much but I sure like to read the post. Just an update on hubby. He has secured a job with the TDCJ and currently away at training. He just cracks me up talking about the experience. He thinks they are too hard on the inmates and dah dah dah.....lol

    So I can't wait to say what will be when he get to his facility.

  7. :angry: I won't be ordering from them afterall, look what I found

    "They don't even have a contact address, email or phone number.

    I had a bad experience with jjjnigermovies.com. here i was thinking i was getting movies at discount prices, but the quality sucked, some of the movies didnt even work sef...poor service."

  8. Well I'm leary about them because they ask you set up an paypal account and won't let you sign into the already established one.

    I have a prepaid credit card that I use for online shopping maybe I will try it and see what happens. I will let you know. ;)

  9. My hubby doesn't have any sick relatives, but they are just in need. So he is bothered when they need something and they won't ask. We call and get all the information and he is just miserable afterwards. We normally go bike riding or walking just to ease his mind. Usually it helps after that for him to calm down.

  10. Now Valentine, I don't know what to believe anymore. Word has it that you supposedly lied to your fiance about being a preacher. SHAME ON YOU!!! Now if you did in fact do that...well yeah, she needs to let your but get sent back home to Naija. Im for trying to keep the peace, but if you just blatantly lied like that, well you can't really be trusted, therefore sistergirl needs to call off everything. If you gonna lie like that, then its no telling what else you will lie about next. Boy, u got some "splaining" to do!!!! :o:o:o


    Whoa! :o



    Whoa is right!!!!!

    I'm going to pray for this situation

    Let me add this......... "if" you are a Preacher/Minister then it shall be revealed in your walk, your talk, your aroma. If not then...............shame on you!!! :(

  11. ...I've used age declaration when i applied for him and when we sent our aos we used the same age declaration now the asked for birth cert,

    I don't know the answer for this one, but we submitted both the age declaration and the birth certificate. When we went for the AOS interview they asked to see my husband's birth certificate. You may need to work on getting one.

  12. Sorry to hear of your misunderstandings. Pray above all things and work things out. The road is rough regardless if you met on-line or knew of each other. Once you come together under one roof, it takes a whole lot of getting to "really" know each other. As an American who married an Nigerian, not only did I have to learn what he expected of me, but we had to compromise on some things. Lifestyles are different, but with GOD and commitment, you can survive.

    I pray that you and your fiance, let go and LET GOD, have his way in the relationship. He can work things out for you both.

    I agree with Taye500, you must humble yourself and hope that your fiance does the same.

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