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Posts posted by Pw3t

  1. I agree very strongly with point nr 2. I believe having evidence of living together just makes the case much easier to process.

    I also agree with that. I think that's the whole point about auto-expedite. We already knew about the long timelines and how hard it can be to prove a real bonafide marriage to the US government when you never lived together ; this is why when we got married with my husband, we decided that he will move to France first in order to make things easier for the CR1 process that we'll do later. It is actually really easy to get a french spouse visa, it didn't even take a month.

    Then I know that not everybody can plan everything as we did and it makes me really sad for all of you, especially all the people who had to wait more than a year to get their NOA2. I just think it's scandalous :angry:

  2. Bonjour à tous,

    Je vous explique un peu ma situation:

    Je me suis marié en France en décembre 2012 avec un Américain. Nous vivons toujours en France actuellement.

    Nous avons reçu le 19 mars 2013 une Notice of action après l'envoie du form i 130. (Notre priority date est le 8 mars)

    Savez combien de temps cela prendra pour que nous recevions une notice of approval ? et combien de temps il faudra pour que je passe mon entretien à l'ambassade des Etats Unis à Paris?

    Merci à tous d'avance pour votre aide.

    Salut :)

    Je peux te renseigner sur le NOA2 car j'ai été approuvée en début de semaine. Je suis dans la même situation que toi, moi et mon mari vivons tous les 2 en France. Ca a pris 39 jours pour être approuvé. Ca a l'air de prendre en moyenne entre 40 et 60 jours lorsque les 2 époux vivent tous les 2 ensemble à l'étranger.

  3. Thank you, I appreciate your help. So we're going to write my husband's name and our french address for the choice of agent, it's easier this way I think :) We'll also give them our emails.

    We will live at my husband's mother when we arrive in USA (it's also the place where my husband used to live before coming to France) so we'll write her address as the permanent address where we intend to live for the DS-230. If I understood well, this way we will receive my green card and SSN there. :thumbs:

    Thank you B-)

  4. Hello :D

    I just got my NOA2 this week and I started to read the LingChe NVC ShortCut. I've got a question regarding this sentence : "The DS-3032 aka "Choice of Agent form, indicates who will make payments and be primary contact. Most people select the US based petitioner.".

    In our case, the primary contact is going to my my husband (the USC) who lives with me in France but the person who will make payments is his mother who lives in USA.

    Is it OK to chose my husband for the choice of agent even if it's not him who's going to pay ?

    Thank you in advance for your answer (F)

  5. Congratz!!! I really hope they get to me soon I'm feb 11th this waiting is making me sick :/

    Thank you. I know it's tough especially when you are far from your love. Hope you'll get approved very soon (F)

    Congrats!! I remember telling you I would be following your timeline closely! Im glad you got approved so fast.. I'm about 2 weeks after you so hopefully mine will come soon :)

    Yup I remember :yes: It seems that "40-50 days" is basically the timeline for most people living abroad together. You have a lot of chances to get your NOA2 during the following weeks I think B-)

  6. 1. Country USC resides in: France

    2. Is there a USCIS field office in this country / Is DCF still possible? No

    3. When did you file the I-130: January 2013

    4. How long had you been living abroad: Almost 2 years

    5. Do you reside in the country legally? Yes

    6. What is the reason for your residence: Spouse visa

    7. Did you list your foreign address on all forms in I-130 package? Yes

    8. Did you send I-130 package from abroad? Yes

    9. Did you include evidence of your residence abroad in the I-130 package? Yes. Copies of french tax returns and spouse visas.

    10. Did you mention the fact you reside abroad in the cover letter or write a letter describing your current situation and the evolution of your relationship with your spouse (mentioning your residence abroad)? We wrote our french address on the cover letter.

    11. Has your case been "auto-expedited"? How long between NOA1 and NOA2? Yes, 39 days !

  7. I don't where I should post this since I started in the thread of the january filers (we sent my application on the 29th of january but got the NOA1 on the 7th of february).

    Let's say I'm a february filer :) I just got an update on the USCIS website ; my petition was approved on the 18th of march. It passed directly from initial review to post-decision activity.

    We both live abroad so I guess we got the auto-expedite. It only took 39 days !

    I hope you will all get your NOA2 fast. It seems they just started to work on the february petitions :D

  8. Vous sauriez où on peut trouver des lits qui n'ont pas l'air dêtre sortis de chez ma grand mère, qui soient solides et si possible abordables?

    J'ai fait je ne sais combien de site web et j'ai casi rien vu, niveau boutique c'est pareil...

    Dépendant les choses de ce que tu trouveras autour de chez toi, ça peut peut-être valoir le coup de prendre chez Ikea si tu achètes un peu plus qu'un lit et de payer des frais de port pour te faire envoyer les meubles directement chez toi. Tous les lits sont pas disponibles pour être achetés en ligne sur le site mais beaucoup oui. D'après ce que j'ai calculé sur le site, les ports devraient tourner autour de 100 et 150 dollars.

  9. Hello :)

    Merci pour ce topic, ça peut en être intéressant de savoir comment ont procédé les gens pour leur déménagement.

    Personnellement, nous allons vendre tous nos meubles et en racheter sur place. Pour les effets personnels, on va en emporter un maximum dans nos valises et mettre le peu qu'il restera dans des cantines en fer que je ferais envoyer par avion. Nous déménageons en fin d'année.

    Je pense passer par cette entreprise : http://ctia-transport-aerien.com/. Je vous tiendrai au courant de la suite.

  10. Up for this thread even if it's old.

    I wanted to get my european bachelor evaluated by WES because I was considering doing a master's degree once I'm in the US.

    I have 1/3 of my european credits that weren't scored because I gained them by professional experience. So I sent an email to WES to ask them how they do to calculate the GPA when a part of a diploma is like this, not scored but credits validated.

    During 5 exchanges of emails, I felt like the person that was answering me was a robot ! The only answer I was able to get everytime is : "apply and pay if you want your answer" !!! I tried to insist and tell them that I won't pay before having the answer to my question. The question is pretty simple. But they kept on saying "apply if you want your answer" ! That's just insane ! At the end, I got so mad that I gave up. :angry:

  11. I don't understand all this anger. :(

    In my point of view, the only reason why people living abroad are processed faster in most cases is because the USCIS doesn't have to study their file really hard. When you give them proofs such as joint utility bills, joint lease, joint foreign tax returns, joint papers for everything ; they don't need to think a lot, they just approve because you already live together. That's a fact. Their principal goal is to detect fraud, they don't care about people's feelings. We are just numbers.

    I guess that when you are married and never lived together before, you don't have proofs of common residence, they have to dig a little deeper so they make people wait more, which is very sad at the end. That's one of the reason that made my husband come to France first to avoid this desperate situation. It took him less than a month to get his visa for France 2 years ago.

    Now we're moving to USA and believe me, if I could trade my fast approval (if I'm approved fast, I don't know yet) against one of your slow processing to make your life happier, I would do it ! Because I know it's hard. Our futures are in the hands of the USCIS and there's nothing more to do, being angry or mad won't change anything. We don't chose, we juqt go with the flow.

    I really hope that everyone will get a fast approval without suffering too much and I wish you the best (F)

  12. Sans rentrer dans les détails, je te conseille de garder ton nom pour le moment. Tu pourras le changer par la suite si tu le désires, quand tu auras des enfants.

    Les bureaux état civil des ambassades françaises recommandent de ne pas le faire parce qu'effectivement, c'est un bordel pas possible.

    Car en fait, même si tu changes de nom aux USA, ton nom d'état civil en France reste et restera toujours le même.

    Moi j'ai pas du tout réfléchi à ça quand on s'est mariés :blink: Nous nous sommes mariés en France et en plus je n'ai qu'un prénom. Sur les papiers pour mon visa, on a marqué partout Firstname : mon prénom, Middle name : none et Last name : mon nom d'épouse.

    Et dans les cases qui demandent les autres patronymes utilisés, on a mis mon prénom + nom de jeune fille.

    J'aurais peut-être du mettre mon nom de jeune fille en middle name ? Je comprends pas grand chose en fait :bonk:

  13. Thank you for your answers :D It reassures us. I really don't know how hard they are at the Paris embassy about this.

    I guess we are going to contact international shipping companies to have a little more papers even if we're never going to send our furniture. That's a really good idea :thumbs:

    About the lease, we thought about it 2 minutes but I keep telling myself that it's really crazy to have to make a lease to come back to the place you always lived in for 30 years. :lol:

  14. Hello :D

    We recently got our NOA1 but we worry about proving domicile in USA for the next step at the NVC. My american husband is in France with me since 2 years with a temporary family purpose visa ; we just renewed this visa for one more year. He was living at his parent's before and that is where we're going to move.

    The problem is we don't have much to prove that he is going to re-establish domicile at his parent's house in USA...

    He has a NY driver's licence that expired just after he arrived in France but he can't renew it until we arrive there, I don't think we can use it as a proof.

    He doesn't have any US bank account or insurance.

    We will be just coming back to his parent's with 4 suitcases, savings and my cat, starting from zero.

    The only things we could submit are :

    - The proof that he voted for the last presidential elections

    - A letter from his parents stating that we are going to live in their house, which is the place where my husband used to live ; all his papers (ID, passport, driver's licence, even marriage certificate) have this address but he doesn't own the place and has no bills with his name.

    - The copy of his long stay visa in France that mentions "temporary visa" and has an expiring date in march 2014.

    Do you think it will be enough ? We really worry about this.

    Thank you in advance for your help B-)

  15. Sorry if this is a silly question- but are you going through the Montreal consulate, or a consulate in France?

    The requirements between consulates vary, and Montreal is just a bit harsh for evidence of domicile. It might be different in France, and so you might have a better idea of what you'll need if you post in the appropriate regional forum if you're not going through Montreal.

    Ugh no it's not a silly question. I made a reseach on the forum and I found this topic, read the title and didn't pay attention that if was only in the Canada section for the Montreal consulate. I am going to file in Paris.

    Sorry, I'm confused :blush:

  16. Hello :)

    We recently got our NOA1 but we worry about all this. My american husband is in France with me since 2 years. He was living at his parent's before, he still has his bedroom ready there for when we will move.

    The problem is we don't have much to prove that he is going to re-establish domicile in USA...

    He has a NY driver's licence that expired just after he arrived in France but he can't renew until we arrive there.

    He doesn't have any US bank account either.

    I am going to sell all my furniture so we can't even provide a moving estimate from a company.

    We will be just coming back to his parent's with 4 suitcases and my cat, starting from zero.

    The only thing we could submit is the proof that he voted for the last presidential elections and a letter from his parents stating that we are going to live in their house when we arrive (which is the place where my husband used to live, all his papers have this address but he doesn't own the place).

    Do you think it will be enough ? We really worry about this.

  17. Ah oui, pour vous c'est nettement plus compliqué.

    Mettez vous bien a jour pour tout avant de partir et puis moi j'avais demandé a mon médecin de me faire prescription avec un peu de tout pour les médocs d'urgence.

    Et dès que tu peux travailler, prends le premier truc qui passe qui offre une assurance.

    Oui c'est compliqué :blink: De toute façon, on tente notre chance aux USA ; si ca marche pour nous tant mieux mais si ca marche pas ou qu'on galère trop, on rentre en France. C'est le créneau qu'on s'est fixé. Mon mari a profité de vivre ici avec moi pour apprendre le français à l'Université, il se débrouille bien mais on a décidé de partir parce qu'avec la conjoncture actuelle, il ne trouvera pas de travail. :bonk: Je veux pas lui avoir fait traverser l'atlantique pour passer ses journées seul dans notre appart et sans emploi ou à emballer du poisson surgelé en interim :wacko:

  18. Je pense que je reviendrais vous demander conseil ici quand le moment sera venu pour tout ce qui est question de couverture sociale et de retraite. On déménage fin d'année normalement. Pour l'instant, je règle tout ce que je peux au niveau de ma santé avant de partir et pour mon mari aussi vu qu'il vit avec moi. Il y aura plus qu'à croiser les doigts pour que tout se passe bien et qu'on ait pas de problèmes.

    Pour commencer, je pense prendre une assurance santé Globe Partner (c'est ce que j'ai trouvé de mieux niveau qualité-prix après beaucoup de recherches) en attendant de transférer vers une assurance locale qu'on aura trouvé un travail.

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