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Posts posted by Pw3t

  1. Bon mon docteur m'a donné le vaccin contre la varicelle. Il a pas eu le choix quand je lui ai montré le papier que j'avais imprimé. :D Merci encore d'ailleurs :thumbs:

    Et en plus de ça, j'ai eu une bonne nouvelle à la pharmacie car il est remboursé dans mon cas, cad je suis "une jeune femme en âge de procréer" (ce sont les termes de la sécu pour pouvoir bénéficier de la prise en charge). Ce sont 2 vaccins (de 41€ chacun) à faire à un peu plus d'un mois d'intervalle.

  2. Thank you for all your answers. We really appreciate :D We tried the W7 last year but it got returned to us (reason : no income to declare). Also we didn't know that we had to file for my foreign income (I'm the french person ;) ) so we might have done it incorrectly in fact. And since the IRS doesn't help much when we call them... :blink:

    Here in France, it seems we're lucky though : it takes 5 minutes at the city hall to get documents certified so it's ok :)

    After a lot of searching on internet (and a big headache lol :bonk: ), we finally found out that a part of the french unemployment that we wanted to declare for 2012 for my husband (the USC) is not taxable in France because it was transportation and food help !!! Which means the taxable amount comes under the minimum required to file separately now.

    Now the question is (to be sure) : does the non-taxable foreign income need to be declared on the us tax returns ? I would suppose that no but everything is so complicated that now we cannot be sure of anything never :bonk:

  3. Tu peux avoir eu une petite varicelle sans le savoir.

    Il existe un examen pour verifier si tu as bien les anti-corps contre la varicelle.

    Sinon hum, la déclaration est orale, hrm hrm!!!

    Ma mère est formelle, je l'ai jamais eue lol. Bon après, comme tu dis, si c'est peut-être bien de faire un test pour vérifier les anti-corps. Je vais voir ça ce matin. Sinon ouai la déclaration est orale mais je préfère pas m'embarquer à dire un petit mensonge sachant que ma procédure est pour avoir la green card valide 10 ans directement. :blush:

  4. Hello,

    I have a question about the minimum income to file a tax return. My american husband earned for the past year around 3000€ of training help from the french government (which is around $4000). He lives in France with me.

    We never filled any tax return since we're married because he had no income. Now the question is : do we have to file one ?

    The minimum income for filing separately is $3,800 and jointly, $19,500.

    Which minimum amount do we have to consider ?

    I thank you in advance for yours answers :)

  5. Also, PW3t stated they had zero income TOTAL.

    In, that case, there would be no reason to issue an ITIN to the NRA because there's no benefit from it of any kind.

    For you, your USC has income so you fiiiiine.

    Yes we got refused because there was no income, that's what their letter said. We wanted tax returns for the affidavit of support but then we found out that it was possible to order a tax transcript on which it's written that my husband didn't have to file for the year. Everything is so complicated !

  6. Euh.. Pour etre honete je crois bien qu'il faut que tu l'ai eue ou que tu sois vaccinee. A ma visite medicale (K1) elle m'a demande si j'etais vaccinee contre la varicelle et apres avoir vu que je l'avais eu en etant enfant, elle a dit "Ok c'est bon" :)

    Explique a ton medecin les raisons? Dis lui que c'est une obligation pour ton visa, et que si il ne veut pas te le faire, dans ce cas un mot ecrit et signe expliquant les raisons (peut etre qu'il changera d'avis a ce moment la..). Sinon, tu vas voir un autre dr! :o

    Merci pour ta réponse. Je pense que je vais carrément imprimer la fiche que je trouverai sur le site de l'ambassade ou de l'USCIS et je lui amènerai. Il y a plus qu'à espérer que le vaccin ne soit pas trop cher maintenant car j'ai pas l'impression qu'il soit remboursé.

  7. Bonjour :D

    C'est mon premier message sur ce topic. Mon mari vit avec moi en France depuis bientôt 2 ans et nous venons tout juste d'envoyer notre dossier i-130 :P

    Je voulais vous poser une petite question par rapport aux vaccins, si quelqu'un a déjà été dans le même cas que moi. J'ai lu ici et là que lors de la visite mécicale, il fallait faire une déclaration comme quoi on a déjà eu la varicelle... Or, moi je ne l'ai jamais eue ; j'avais demandé à mon docteur il y a plusieurs mois si il pouvait me vacciner, il a refusé car il n'y voyait aucune utilité. Question : si je ne suis pas vaccinée contre la varicelle, on me refusera le visa ? Il faut donc que j'aille insister pour ce vaccin ?

    Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre réponse. Bonne journée à tous :goofy:

  8. Last year, we wanted to file our first tax return even though my husband (the USC) didn't make any money at all. We read on internet that it was possible to file even if the income is 0 so we did in order to prepare things for the i-864. We did everything correctly for the ITIN and W7 and we received the packet back from the IRS with a letter explaining that since there was no income, they couldn't accept our file. So then we gave up, at least this letter will be a proof that we tried :bonk:

  9. Yeah, it takes some time. Ours was priority mail from a USPS in Japan 15th of January, which is a notch above the regular mail... But they sent us notice of receipt via email 10 days after. Check was cashed 2 or 3 days after that email notice. NOA 1 hard copy received only today! So, don't fret yet! ;)

    It's been 9 days today for us. I hope we will receive the email before the end of the week. I check 10 times a day lol :bonk:

  10. Well good to know.. :)

    Pwet : I have a BTS in france, but its not considered as a degree there.. so Ihave nothing for there. And YUP, prices are crazy!

    I think that you can simply write on your resume that you have a french equivalent of an associate and it will be ok. It's a 2 years degree, it's worth the same, it is just not american :thumbs:

    If you want to get a higher degree, maybe the solution is to study with the CNED or another french homeschooling company, it will cost you a lot less. French and european diplomas are well recognized all over the world with no problem normally. Remember also that in USA, skills are often more important than degrees ; it's not like in France.

  11. First of all, I'm going to focus on getting a driver's licence since there's no exchange between France and New York state :crying:

    Then I wanted to go back to school for a master's degree since I already have a french bachelor... But I started to look how much it would cost and it's way too expensive so I think I'm just going to try to find a job :energy: We'll see what happens ; the things that is important is trying not to stress too much :thumbs:

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