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Posts posted by johndoe12

  1. Anyone have predictions of what order we will go in? For example :

    The 1st five to get NOA 2's will be:

    1. The Jesal

    2. johndoe12

    3. TomD

    4. JuneFirst

    5. Someone else like posters who haven't been active here lately.

    Also, I wonder how many of you guys will get an interview date the same day for the same country. I think I am alone for my country so no one we can meet up with.

    My guess would be the following order:

    1. TeyaValentina

    2. TheJesal

    3. TomD

    4. Junefirst

    5. Myself (hopefully)

    I doubt i will get the interview on the same day as Thejesal. Very unlikely. But never know :D

  2. :) I love watching other CR1 visas progress, so yea, I will definetly keep you updated!!

    How come you won't get to see your wife if you don't get your NOA2 soon? How long has it been since you have been with her? Anyways, I hope you will get to see her soon!

    Oh, I wish I was a relaxed as your wife. This journey drives me nuts!

    Time to get going, skyping with my everything.


    I just saw her in march so dont want to go back without having a reason to go back. Not that I need a reason but would like to have one :D

    Good luck with not worrying about this. My wife is just a little different i guess. She knows that she is going to come to US if not within 7 months, then in 9 months. As long as she has me, she doesn't care. :D

    Enjoy the time with Your Everything.

  3. haha. She is not even worried about it. She is relaxing and enjoying her free time right now. However, she does encourge me and tells me not to worry too much. Things will happen when it is bound to happen which is true but I am just too impatient. we want to be together but there is nothing in our hands right now. I am waiting to get our NOA2 so I can go visit her again for a week if we get the approval by middle of june (crossing my fingers). Or else I will be seeing her end of the year for sure.

    I agree with you as far as we are one day closer to our NOA2. But I am hoping we get it sooner so I can see her again. She is also eagerly waiting for that moment.

    Its just wait and watch time right now.

    We should share what's been done with each other or whoever gets the NOA2 first. That way it would be helpful to the others in speeding the process up :)


  4. That just does not seem fair, does it?

    I dont wanna (and I hope I dont) offend anybody, but those countries aren't exactly "friendly" countries like Canada etc..I just wish there was some rhyme and reason to this.

    I know its not fair but I guess we will have to live with it. Even I hope no one is offended by this. I am just going to wait it out as we dont have any other option right now. :(

    Good luck Junefirst. Hope you get all the paper work ready before your approval. I am having my wife do the same back home. She is sending me all the paper work ahead of time and once the file gets approved, i will be ready.


  5. TomD - just checked and it seems that couple of people got the NOA2 who had NOA1 dates of early to middle march:

    March 6th NOA1 ...april 28th NOA2. From Turkey. Lucky them

    March 4th NOA1 ...April 22nd NOA2. From Ethiopia . Expedited.

    March 25th NOA1 ...April 15th NOA2. From phillipines. Very Very lucky.

    Looks like they are not going through the applications in order. It is just randomly selected and approved. :crying:

  6. I believe all of us are waiting very impatiently. I think I am not even going to bother about it till end of June like TomD mentioned. If it comes earlier then great. In the mean while, prepare all the necessary documents for NVC stage.




    pay stubs

    employment letter (verification)

    tax returns or transcripts

    Birth certificate (both of you)

    Marriage certificate

    Police clearance certificate (for the beneficiary)


  7. Does anyone know if USCIS looks at the application based on when they receive it or they just open files randomly? The reason I am asking is because I saw people who submitted their application in march getting their NOA2 before people who applied for in January/february. Trying to figure out why that is the case. If it is random, then we wont know for sure when we will get our NOA2s.

    This waiting thing is really painful as we have to stay away from our loved ones.

    Take care everyone and hoping that we get our NOA2 soon. Please do update your timeline and notify us all once you receive it

  8. Nothing as of yet. From what I have seen couple of march filers actually got their NOA2. One of them actually received it within 20 days. I was surprised with that but lucky for them. I doubt we will be seeing anything until end of May. One reason is because of the new H1 visa applications that they have started to review starting April 1st. Looking at Igor's list, not a lot of applications have been approved lately. the process seems to be slowing down a lot and I am hating this.

    Been away from my wife for 42 days now. This wait is just too sad. I hear you pain Junefirst.

    Thanks and lets all wait this out together.

  9. Hello Everyone. I am just trying to prepare and have ready all the documents ahead of time once I get NOA2 (hopefully in the next month and a half) and have a question regarding DS-230 form question 30.

    My spouse actually stayed in a dorm for her college life. However, she used to back home during the weekend or every other weekend. Since that is not 6 months in a row, do I just not show that or should i just show it as her staying there for the four years?

    Please advise.


  10. Holy #######. Now i am a scared. I dont want to received RFE for this as I would have to get my spouse to send me another signed G325A and that would take atleast 20 days.

    I just have to pray that it doesnt delay my process. Anyone else think it might be a problem? Should I have my spouse send me another G325 Signed just in case?


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