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Obama 2012

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Posts posted by Obama 2012

  1. :blink: :blink:



    Beaufort, N.C.

    Jan. 17, 2013


    Republicans and “so-called” conservatives are at it again. They are claiming that the Constitution gives people the right to have guns without the permission of the government. If that were true, then how could New York and Chicago have laws against it?

    We Democrats are sick and tired of Republicans constantly using the Constitution to cover up their true plans, which are to make us all afraid of everyone else. Our great president came from a civilized part of the country where there is strict gun control, and he is only trying to bring the benefits of that more modern way of living to the rest of us. I don’t know the exact statistics, but I’m quite certain that Chicago is a lot safer that Morehead City, when it comes to gun violence.

    But do Republicans and conservatives listen to the voice of reason? No, of course not. All they want to do is whine and complain about how gun control and wealth redistribution violate the Constitution, as if the Constitution were all that great, anyway. There are a lot of things that need to be changed about the Constitution, I’d say, and President Obama needs to change it.

    The Republicans are just trying to stand in the way, because the president is black. They even dared to question whether he was born in this country. I think all this demonstrates that the Constitution needs to be amended when it comes to the qualifications for being president. Right now, it says that a person has to be 35 years old and be a natural born citizen. Well, that is obviously unfair because there are a great many otherwise qualified people who cannot run for president because their mothers had to have a C-section. But because the Constitution was written a hundred years ago, nobody even thought of the discrimination that would result from a doctor having to deliver a baby in this unnatural way. Now that we Democrats are in control of the government, that’s just one more thing we should change in our drive to make life fair.

    Please withhold my name because I don’t want to get crank calls.

  2. I agree with Limbaugh.. Who the hell owned this cow?

    There are few things in this state that make me ashamed of it, and Sheila Jackson Lee is one of them... Houston seriously needs to stop reelecting this racist trash.



    Rush Limbaugh is no Ted Nugent.

    Two days ago, Nugent, a conservative gun-rights activist, made headlines when he hugged liberal Houston Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee, the only Texas lawmaker who has received contributions from gun-control interests, after the State of the Union address.

    Today, Limbaugh showed no such generosity. A day after the outspoken Texas congresswoman praised Abraham Lincoln’s efforts that resulted in her being a “freed slave,” the outspoken conservative radio personality mocked her.

    “We will keep looking to try to find out who owned her, who sold her, and what they got,” the Excellence in Broadcasting founder declared on his radio show. “I have to tell you, though, in all candor, I think she looks pretty good for her age. She’s got to be over 110. You’d never know it.”

    The Hill reported yesterday that Jackson Lee warned colleagues that the across-the-board budget cuts known as “sequester” would devastate the U.S. economy. She said lawmakers should take inspiration from Lincoln’s leadership during the Civil War, adding:

    “I stand here as a freed slave because this Congress came together. Are we going to be able to do it today to free America?”

    Jackson Lee and Limbaugh have tangled for years. When Limbaugh tried to buy a share of the National Football League’s St. Louis Rams, Jackson Lee took to the House floor to denounce him as racially insensitive. Limbaugh has mocked Jackson Lee for numerous statements, particularly a quotation attributed to her about humans walking on Mars.

    Here’s Limbaugh’s complete riff:

    We’re not having much luck here, folks. We’ve been doing exhaustive research in the last four minutes. We’re trying to find out who owned and who sold Sheila Jackson Lee and what they got for her. She just said on the floor of the House of Representatives mere moments ago this morning, and she was standing there as a freed slave because this Congress came together. I didn’t think they were coming together at all, but she talked about the Congress during Lincoln. But anyway, she’s a freed slave. Somebody had to own her, and I – we don’t know who.

    Obviously, you know, with the makeup of culture today it didn’t have to be Houston that — the owner did not have to be where she lived, she could have been owned by anybody. What if a drug company owned her? You know, what if — what if big oil owned her and she didn’t know about it? Somebody freed her, though. We will keep looking to try to find out who owned her, who sold her, and what they got. I have to tell you, though, in all candor, I think she looks pretty good for her age. She’s got to be over 110. You’d never know it.

  3. [quote name=^_^' timestamp='1360773097' post='5977694]

    There's your problem, you're still eating fast food. Fast food is for children and adults who can't afford real food. Since I know you're not a child, I suggest you go get yourself a real job so you can finally have the nicer things in life.

    lol, i eat fast food maybe twice a month when I'm in a hurry.

    I actually make most of my meals, and I Juice quite a bit.

  4. What's on menus that you feel is unnecessary?

    the new calorie/nutrition info right in your face... Takes up too much space. Menu's are going to have to grow pretty damn big to be able to read that ####### at Burger King, etc...

  5. I'm not a fan of warning labels and all the ####### they are putting on menus these days as well. However, I will say that if anything HFCS should be highlighted in the ingredients on products... Many countries have banned the substance for good reason.

  6. Talk about a BS headline. We taxed the hell out of product A and product B is now cheaper because of it....

    That's like saying A Big Mac is $1.99 and a whopper is $1.99 but the government decides to tax the Big Mac $20, so now the Whopper is magically cheaper. It's a load of BS and toying with the market. Liberal voodoo economics to make products work that actually completely suck. It's telling people what to do without actually 'telling' people what to do. You don't like it, so tax it. You like it, subsidize the hell out of it until MAYBE one day it might turn a profit without expecting those monies to be paid back.

  7. Hey, it's the 'rulers' of those countries that are robbing their citizens and not sharing the wealth/trying to replenish it. The same thing takes place in the Amazon as well. Leaders are given a ####### ton of money for loans in exchange for land rights and they end up keeping it for themselves instead of helping their citizens/investing to being able to pay it back. Eventually the land gets forclosed on and the banks get to keep doing what they're doing for nothing.

    It's not just the IMF doing this either in buying land leases. Big US banks like Bank of America buy these same type of land leases and make a killing off the extraction of resources.

  8. Today's society won't be happy until a bunch of mindless drones are running around from birth..... Seriously, someone should knock out whoever wrote such a stupid rule and has THAT as the punishment for 'imaginary' fighting. :wacko:



    A seven-year-old boy was suspended from his elementary school for using an imaginary grenade while playing "Rescue the World" on the playground.

    The story was featured on Fox 31 Denver. Second-grader Alex Evans pretended to throw a grenade into a box full of, in his words, "pretend evil forces."

    "I pretended the box, there's something shaking in it, and I go pshhh," Alex explained.

    Unfortunately for Alex, his exploits (heroic as they were) went against Mary Blair Elementary School rules. Those rules include no fighting (real or pretend) and no weapons (real or pretend).

    Alex's mom commented that she doesn't think the rule is practical. "Honestly I don’t think the rule is very realistic for kids this age,” Mandie Watkins said. "I think that when a

    child is trying to save the world, I don’t think he should be punished for it."

    Alex is just as perplexed as his mom. "I was trying to save people and I just can’t believe I got dispended," he told Fox 31.

    A similar incident took place last month in Pennsylvania when a fifth-grade girl was reprimanded by school officials for bringing a piece of paper in the shape of gun to class.

  9. And pedestrians or those who don't own a car or a bicycle should have to pay a pedestrian tax to pay for cross walks!

    Eh, I'd argue on your side here except for the fact that highways intrude upon normal walking activity, so it's on the drivers for this one. Perhaps the cyclists too! Cyclists are down right RUDE to pedestrians sometimes.

  10. Addicting Info is a batshit crazy left wing website (certain members use it as an actual media source *cough* Steven *cough*) that deserves an award for ignorant overreaction website of the year.

    On fuel efficient vehicles paying a tax, I agree. It makes sense. - The same way cyclists should have to pay a license fee if they are going to used bike lanes that money is spent on to paint/pave.

    Everyone seems to want all of these nice things, but then they refuse to pay for it....

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