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Posts posted by LadyC

  1. Good mornin gladies,

    Today I got to the doctor to get the referral for the other doctor. :bonk:

    But my first baby doctor appt is next Wednesday


    I woke up this morning with pain because my panties were in a frenzie last night :rofl::rofl:

    Im going to always say what I feel and thats that, I see everyone said something about a certain post but nothing on mine.

    Fine, If you want to ignore me thats fine, but with that attack on Lady C and Ells yestreday, I would hope and love if someone would defend me also.

    Like I said she knew he was a mess b4 he came and she asked for prayers but folks dont see thats, WHY because you come today andposts hurtful, even if its great advice like MRs P said you cant come off like that. saying she wrong cuz she wanna send him back that was her opinion at the time and we all have thought something at first that was crazy and then we rethink and make a calm statement.

    I dont have time for attacks but remember the glass house and the stones.

    I really like respect and not attacks and it was an attack because it was started some aint gone like this. Damn hello how are you doing today? If you got something thats might me good advice but harsh advice for me send me a PM so i can respond accordingly.

    So if drama bring in all the drama filled folks yall lets not have any because they way the board has been for the last year has been wonderful

    I dont make the rules of respect and caring for people but I do like to follow them

    The End :ot2:


    OMG I seen that JaP came in here yesterday :dance::dance: Im going to PM her :yes:

    oh yeah Good morning ladies.

    Hi JQ how is little baby BOOM doing today? Please dont get too work up remember you are preggers. I do like that you say whats on your mind and Im a frank person myself so I understand. I have not responded to anything else because I know me and if I open my big mouth I will loose it. I do agree with alot of what you said. If people are going to give advise it does not have to be nasty. ((HUGS)) DO ONTO OTHER AS YOU WOULD HAVE OTHERS DO ONTO YOU

  2. Good morning! It's already Wednesday. :wacko:

    Sometime after I went to sleep (midnight), my wonderful husband cooked a ton of food. And his food is ALWAYS delicious. However, I will not be eating any of it. Why? He left it out all night! That wouldn't make him sick because he's done it for years & developed a resistance to the bacteria (I guess). However, I don't have a resistance and am not trying to catch food poisoning.

    So how did I react when I woke up & saw all the food?

    A) I calmly shook my head and chuckled over his good intentions gone wrong, the put the food away & finished getting ready for work.

    B) I wailed, "Steven, Noooooooooooooooooo!" in a dramatic way & woke my husband up, then told him that he knows I don't eat food sitting out for more than a few hours.

    I wish I had done A, but I let my emotions get the best of me. His feelings were very hurt.

    Nat you made me laugh reading this.

    But most west indian people dont believe in putting Hot food in the fridge. I know its silly but thats how they think. The food will still be good.

  3. i wonder what is going on in his little head. i can just picture him as he is flickering the lights on and off thinking to himself "how much of this can you take stepmommy?"

    it is kinda funny...even tho it is not really funny at all

    we have had hella probs with my son in the beginning so i know sometimes things are so crazy, you just have to laff....otherwise you might go nuts!

    He knows what he is doing and he see its not working with me and he see that G wont side with him when is is acting up.

  4. ladyc, how lil (big) man do last night?

    The same like he does every night girl. We put him to bed and he started to bawl as usual but we ignored him. When that did not work he kept coming out to go to the bathroom. G put him back to bed and then he started turning the lights on and off. I was trying to help G fill out all his employment papers so when I got up and told him to stop he kept up the bawling. We finally went to our room and I have no idea when he stop bawl. SMH

  5. Tam..PLUS..just like adults have to adjust our children have to also!! Its no secret Kashi has 3 other kids..and there is never a thought of them not living or spending alot of time with ALL of us at some point...My bilogical kids NEED to know their sisters I send my kids to visit with her sisters and Kashi's ex LOVES my kids as I do hers..I think when the wife and child's mother develop a decent relationship things are better IMO.

    I love Jaheim as if he is my own and I have an ok relationship with his mom. We have never had any issues. She admits that she did not help with his behavior and when ever he acted up she did not punish him some times she spank but most times she would tell him to leave her alone and go play or do what ever it is he wanted to do (her words not mine). When he is screaming sometimes we call her and she said this is how he behave with her but when she get tired of the screaming she give in to him.

  6. LadyC, I don't think that JaE was trying to be disrespectful at all. I imagine she's just passionate (as are many) about this topic. I laud you for raising your kids to be good kids, because many can't/don't. I just want to strongly encourage you and your husband to seek some outside professional assistance from a therapist or counselor. Finding someone who specializes in behavior modification techniques would be good. If you could find someone who specializes in working with immigrant families would be even better, but I'm not sure what's available in your area/with your insurance. I just don't want you to give up so soon. Although it sounds like he might be a true terror. Remember this is a lifetime of behaviors he has learned--and while you say, "he's only 7", 7 years of learned behaviors that are detrimental and dangerous is 7 years too many. If you're willing, it's gonna take months of work to work out. This wsan't something that he learned overnight. That's just the truth of the matter. And that's if you AND your husband are putting 200% of your efforts into working on it TOGETHER! If not, then it's gonna take much longer than that, with less successful results. We are all really here for you. Even if we're not around much. Hope things work out.

    Thanks Mrs Palmer I understand what you are saying but I dont not need to be attacked for my venting. Yes I know that my VJ sisters are here for me but If and when I vent that does not give anyone the right to attacke me and that is how her post came across to me. I am a mother first and foremost so I know how to parent with love. I know this wont be easy but I am willing to try. Ok some peole might not like what I said about sending him back but thats how I felt at that moment. Would I put him on a plane today and send him back no. Do I expect over night change no. But it does get frustrating when he screams at the top of his lungs for no reason until after midnight. I live in an apt complex and mi nah want no police come knock pon mi door. Again Thanks for your advise.

    Goodmorning yardies, I've been reading from my phone and I see I havre alot to reply to. In the meantime I am happy to say

    :dance: :dance: NO TUMOR!!! :dance::dance:

    Yea KJ :dance:

  7. Hell, this is going to upset enough people anyway, let me just say the rest as well.

    Lady C, when you married your husband, you accepted him AND his child.

    So it PAINS me that LESS than a MONTH after the boy gets here, you're talking about shipping him home because he doesn't fit in with your expectations of behaviour??????????????

    If as you say, this behaviour started and was accepted in Jamaica, what did you think was going to happen when he came here? And if you didn't know about it, do you think it'll take a WEEK or even a MONTH to change?

    Let me ask you, let's say YOUR children had the behaviour problem, (yes I know they are well-behaved rae, rae), and your HUSBAND decided he couldn't deal with it, would you ship your kids off to your ex?? Yes I know he probably supports you, rae rae....But this is a CHILD we are talking about, your HUSBAND's CHILSD. Who he LOVES. Why would you send him back to a home that has failed him in your words? Because you signed up for better but not for this worse?

    Philly's kids in her own words have been a HANDFUL, do you see her husband walking away? Hell no, he STAYED and DEALT with it as a TEAM.

    Damn, the kid is SEVEN years old, take the reins and do what you need to, support your husband and help him deal with his son, because he is YOURRRRRRRR joint responsibility now!

    ALl I can say is the more I read this board the more I am appreciative of what I have, and NO life isn't no bed of roses round here.

    But when my son threw my husband's advances back in his face, my husband never told me to send him away. And when my son acted the hell up, my husband dealt with it. And when my son came back from his dad's with a whole new set of retorts, he dealt with it. And still deals with it.

    Ok JaEnglish I dont know who or what rubbed you the wrong way but in no way that has anything to do with me or anyone else who voice their opinions on this board. You do not have to like what is said but you do have to respect people for saying whats on their minds. First off we only know each other from this board so no one has any right to judge any one. I did marry my husband and I also married his child just like he married mines. I thought my children manners and I also thought my children how to treat people. So if my kids got out of pocket with any one I would put a stop to it. I have raised 3 children and I did a great job as a single mother. So this is why I know how kids should behave. I also have a right to try and help my step son and if its not working I also have a right to send him back to his mom. Thats between me and my husband. I have talked to my husband about this before and after my step son came. You do not live in my home and I only voiced a few of his actions on here so you have no right to attack me for what I have to say. Yes its only been a week that should let you know just how bad it is. If you want to give advise then give it but by no means do you have to be nasty in giving it. Dont yell at me in your answer. I read things on here that I dont like and if I dont like it I dont comment. I do not rule my husband and my husband do not rule me but when it comes to his son we discuss everything. So any decision that is made for him will be by both of us. Thanks

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