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bridget and alen

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Posts posted by bridget and alen

  1. Well here we go again another weekend with no good news. The bad news I have is that the Embassy is closed monday, another holiday. i guess the worst thing for me is that I cannot decide if I want to make plans to go visit my husband or wait and see if I hear from the Embassy my vacation starts June 9 so time is running out. I keep saying I will book my flight next week. It seems like evrything is up in the air depending on the embassy. I cant go and them turn around and go again for the interview. Oh well is it tuesday yet????

    You mean he has to re-interview. Thx sucks...I hear you about the weekends. I dont know how you have stood it 2 yrs is a long time since you applyed. Cant you file a writ? Or you just trying to wait it out? This is so hard on people.I dont understand why they cant seem to make this process quicker. I think they do it on purpose hoping you will give up.It is hard one day im sad the next alen is sad.And i know it is hard on him because he is in a country with no family alone.i hear the guns and police sirens hen we talk on the phone.He bout scared to death.Im just ready for an answer one way or the other.So i will know if im going to have to fly to lebanon and get married.

  2. Ok so did i miss something.Why in the world did they put yall on ap.Because of your denyed entry? Thats crazy...Try not to worry to much.Did they say ap or ar?Praying for you girl.This is not an easy place (AP).But to tell you the truth it has been five months now for us in ap and i feel stupid about whining when i did get noa2 fast enough.This is hell because you have no timeline.They can hold our case forever if they want.It will be 1 year on july29th that we mail our k1 off.I miss Alen so much and hes so scared there.I feel helpless but i started praying and talking to god i gave it all to him to take care of because at this point i think hes the only one who can fix this .hope yours is a short one.ill be praying for you.

  3. Bridget, may God bless you for your unwavering faith. I pray your man stays safe & is returned to you quickly.

    I must admit - I'm a little jealous that my first meeting with my husband wasn't as romantic as yours. laughing.gifMy sweetheart got LOST on his way to the airport, so I thought I got stood up as well. I'm also a little country bumpkin - hills of Pennsylvania here (curtsy).

    There had just been a large bust of sectarian violence in Belfast a month prior, and I was scared to death. I had no foreign currency, and I couldn't figure out the phone booths. My cell didn't work. I had a nice lady try to help me out, but I had an extra digit in my husband's cell # (because they drop the 0 when they are local).

    By the time we found each other at the airport, my eyes were red & puffy from crying, I had upset my gastro system & was practically living in the bathroom (nerves!), and he was furious for not finding the right place. We started out yelling at each other. rofl.gif

    And here we are, five years later. wow.gif Still loving each other despite our unconventional face-to-face meeting. Not quite what romances are made of, but... laughing.gif

    awwwww.... i think thats sweet....

  4. wacko.gifwacko.gif Just knowing I will not hear any news on the weekends makes me wish the weekend away. I know I will hear something soon so it seems time is at a stand still. I find myself scrubbing my frustrations LOL Maybe I should get a parttime job cleaning on weekends. unsure.gifunsure.gif

    Just wanted to know if you are cleaning yet? Cause my house needs it if you run outta stuff to do. lol.....Have a great weekend....praying hard for you to be next.yes.gif

  5. Aw thanks your soo sweet.

    Thx girl just wanted you to know i am praying for you. Ya know most americans assume all muslim people are bad. Kinda like Alen. They all think because he is from Iraq he is a terrorist. He has problems killing a bug. But while i was with him he introduced me to his muslim friends and there familys. On catholic religious holidays for Alen they brought candy and would visit. On muslim holidays Alen would visit and bring them treats. They were all so kind and loving people. Just because their religion wasnt his or mine didnt mean we couldnt respect each others personal beliefs.I met so many kind people whom had fled the war and sought refuge in sweden.I will never forget my time there or the friends i made. We all, no matter what religion have bones ,teeth,skin a brain we are human beings. Just because there are a few bad apples doesnt mean the whole basket is bad. I wish more than anything for peace in all these war torn countrys.

  6. Do any of you want to tell us your story about how you met your loved one and when you knew they were the one? I'd love to hear it smile.gif

    Though I was very lucky in my own processing, I still check this thread every few days and feel so supst for you guys. I would go bananas if it happened to me. I pray each night that you guys get to be with your loved ones soon and I continue to tell all of my family and friends (even strangers on the bus who are curious) about this horrible process and how the consulate officers don't treat people like they are human. This arrogance and power trip that they have has got to go.

    awwww Justine you are so sweet. I could write a book on my story, but i did share alil down below.So happy for yall.Thanks for the prayers ,we need all we can get.good.gif

  7. Amen Bridget innocent.gif

    Thanks, You know no matter how hard this journey is i know god sent me to Alen.From Pineville, Louisiana a lil backwoods country girl boarded a plane for Sweden alone never having flown that far to meet the man she had met online 6 months before. I met and started chatting with him because of a picture he had on his instant mesage box of jesus on the cross. most people put a cute picture of themselves,their kids, their pets, etc. Not many of their god. So i sent him a message asking about it. And so that was the begining of many many hours talking.Finally i took a leap of faith and bought a plane ticket. I was scared to death and soo nervous. But i got off that plane 19 hrs later in a strange country. He was waiting for 3 hours in the airport and had shook my flowers to pieces. i couldnt find him at first and thought i had been stood up. All my family thought i was nuts. And i guess it was alil crazy but i had lived all my life without ever just taking a chance. And so finally we see each other and it was like i had found my soulmate. He is the most amazing man. He is not perfect. No one is...But hes is as close as you can get.So when i say god sent him to me. I mean it. I got to stay 7 amazing months with him. And would have married him the first week but we never were able to get sweden to give us a marriage license.I know there are people whom abuse this system of immigration but for those of us here, we could never go thru all this if we did want above all else to be with the one we love. All this waiting and worrying has somehow brought me closer and closer to god, he has not helped me thru this, He has picked me up dusted me off a few times and CARRIED ME. I will spent the rest of my life thanking him for leading me on this path. I was so angry at first, now i pray for the people at the embassey.So long story short. Be thankful for this journey know matter how long because it is taking you somewhere and you are learning for every step. Each day in this life we must learn to cherish because they do go by fast. As my loves says, we only get one life.

  8. So i think its securety check/name check/ background checks. Is the file still in jerusalem right? so when the checks are done they will call my husband to send in his passport? or will it take long for them to be notified that the checks are done?

    i found this site also http://www.fbi.gov/c...rrity071003.htm

    so 120 days? 4 months. so im not even half way there and thats if im lucky it will be 4 months sad.gif

    Hey girl ,they dont send your file back for checks they send an electronic copy to each agency they want to check you. And as soon as they get all those back they either approve or deny you.Then they call or send a email or letter saying you need to submit your passport.It depends on the embassey which one they use to contact you. Then you should be looking at a visa in say a weeks time sometimes sooner.I have been praying for you alot girl. i know how sad, depressed and angry you have been. We all do.Just know that we are praying for you.Try to hand this to god and trust he will take care of it. i know it is hard,we all have bad days. But since i have been praying about this and given it to god. I have peace. I know that God sent me Alen, and i know he will get him to me in his own time.I may not like it, somedays im impatient because i see his fear since he is back in Iraq. He has been threatened twice and doesnt leave the house anymore unless he has no other option. Soon he has to move out of where he is staying and will have no place to go. All his family is in Sweden. He is alone for the first time in his life. But he is hanging in there and god is gonna take care of everything. This i have to believe or id be crazy. I was crazy the first 3 months. I just wanted to let you know that i am praying for all of you. And i know you all pray for us. My wish for you is that on this night god fills you to the brim with peace.And sends your love to you asap.

  9. Hey my all dear's i want to share some good news wd all of u.... lol rofl.gif

    i just called to embassy and the guy he told me hold on after that he came back and ask me for case number then he said wats ur name i replied him....

    finally he found in system that ur visa has been approved and ur all documents is clear and fine when i heard that i became froze bz of happiness... kicking.gifkicking.gifkicking.gif

    Alhamdulillah my visa has been approved... now waiting for call from the approved courier...

    thanks for ur help and support.... good.gif

    omg that is soooooooooooooo great.God does hear our prayers...im so happy for u......
  10. Hello god ? Are you here ? We need help down here ......I know, i know, lord we do forget to come to you other times when we dont want SOMETHING. But lord there are got some pretty desperate people counting on you down here. We do know you say," if two or more agree". So here we are lord, all in agreement.We miss our loved ones so much.We will do whatever it takes. We will honor will name , worship and praise you all the days of our lives. We thank you lord. I know, I know, lord we are waiting as patiently as we can. I am constantly praying for each and everyone of you. And pouring out blessings on you. goodnight and god bless you all....

  11. similar to the HCMC consulate...

    I guess today is our midweek rant ,because we have gotten no good news yet.I called dos yesterday ,i have never been able to get someone who will give me a time -date stamp for our case in 6 months of calling.It sucks...I did download the leadership directory for the whole uscis and have a mountain of numbers and email addresses. Fortytwo pages worth.So i guess i need to start sending out letters. And making calls.Sweden embassey does not take your calls or accept emails from you after your interview.And im not sure i could be civil after they way they treated us.So its probably better if i dont contact them.I am praying for them though.lol....For god to change their hearts and open their eyes.Thought id make ya'll laugh.I find that Ap brings you closer as a couple somedays and further apart others.I get frustrated and cry and whine one day the next im upbeat.And its his turn to be sad the following day.I have spent hundreds of dollars a month on phone bills plus thousands on traveling back and forth to sweden until he was sent back to Iraq.And also thousands on running two households.In all total im up to about 130,000.00 for all and still no fiancee.I have thought about going to lebanon and just getting married but then we just have to start all over again.So we wait ......I know there are those of you who have waited years and i have know idea how you have done it .This is the worst roller coaster i have ever been on and I WANT OFF.....I keep praying and praying this will end soon for all of us.There is nothing so hard as feel as if half of you is missing.I am just glad to have all of you to share my pain.And to help share yours.So if you get to down and just need a shoulder to cry on you can pm me with your number and ill call and try to help you through the day.I am trying to start a new business and it seems to be helping me not be as depressed,but lord knows i still have my days.Tomarrow i plan to fast and pray for the day. So lets hope it works and god answers my prays and someone gets good news...

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