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bridget and alen

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Posts posted by bridget and alen

  1. Well i thought id just drop a lil note.as of march 14th we will have been in ap for 3 months.The days seem to drag by.I think they should have to put a time limit on ap,so mabe we could see an end to the hell.I cant even imagine being on ap for years.I am prayin for each and everyone of you on this site. That you are with your loved one soon.God Bless You all...

  2. Hey Bridget-

    What pure hell. Hell on Earth. What to do? Pray, pray and pray. The situation seems hopeless, but all you can do is take each day as it comes and live it. Things will happen if there is a will. I know my husband used to talk to people online from the states when he was in Iraq during the war before I met him. Does he really feel that threatened? I know that in Syria we were pretty much limited to small talk because the fear of someone always listening or watching online. It sure sucks.

    Just know that you are in my prayers. I am not sure about this Larkin dude. What phone number? Does it have the Iraq country code?

    Alen will realize soon enough that he will have to accept help from others. It is very hard for him to do, I am sure of it. (been there!) There may be no other way.. He needs to find contacts of people who may be able to help.

    I can't imagine the hell you are living through right now- my entire heart goes out to you. If you ever want to talk or vent or cry on a shoulder, I am here- just PM me.


    i dunno the number want let me call it back i think it is sweden.4029820624 is the number i think it is someone callin form the embassy.He doesnt feel threatened but is careful.He is moving to arbil next week so it should be better there and he will have internet.thanks girl

  3. Salaam Bridget-

    You know most of my story. My SO fled Iraq due to the war and was living as a refuge in Syria for 3 years. It was a hard, hard life. His mom/dad and other family are still in Baghdad, although he has many other brothers in different countries around the world.

    We feared every day that Syria would kick him out. Getting a "temporary residency" card was harder each month- and finally for the last 4 months, he didn't have any. Last Sunday they interrogated him and almost sent him to the border. We had to pay $2000 to get this through... It was sickening. Not like living in Syria was a dream-world. It wasn't. They wouldn't let him work and he lived in deplorable conditions- but compared to living in a war zone, it was preferable. He had to depend on his family to send him money each month. Very hard for a man to ask for money like that. I felt for him.

    Everything changed for us last Wednesday when I picked him up at the CHicago O'Hare airport. That is a whole other story- He was in there SO long! (over 4 hours in immigration!)

    I am sorry your SO was deported back to Iraq. What a nightmare for you. You did tell me that he was living with people he knows. What city is he in? How do you correspond with him? Is he able to get to an internet cafe? Is he in an area where he lived? What is going on there?

    Did he have a temporary residency card for Sweden which they decided not to honor? That so sucks- there are just no other words.

    Keep praying hard. I know I am for you.


    Hi girl.Im so excied that you got your valentine..lol.Im sure they gave him a hard time a poe.But your dreams are finally coming true.I hope the beans and cerial havent been to bad either lol.Well Alen is in baghdad with a relative but she is leaving in one week so he will be on his own.No money, no job.I dont know what he will do ,he doesnt want me to send him money.He scared .He does have cousins inArbil i think so mabe he can go there i dont know.He is so pround and hates to ask anyone for help.We talk by phone .He doesnt have internet and want use internet cafe for fear he will be seen talkin to an american. I hope this is over soon..Someone keeps calling my hbouse from this overseas # named Larkin Parker.They just hang up.Weard they call off and on for 2 weeks now.i dont know what area he lives in other than baghdad.The situaion isnt good there .Still no electricity,bombings still happening daily.Alen says the more the us backs out the worse things are getting.Please pray for us.He wants out of there but im afraid if he leaves ,he will be in you fiancees shoes have to pay out the teeth for residency in another country that will not even let him stay.

  4. Hello all!

    My case was returned to NVC from the Consulate after my fiancees interview over a month ago. It was mailed January 14. I have the diplomatic pouch number. I called NVC to check on my case today and I get nowhere. Just 30 minutes of transferring to one mechanical message to another. I don't even know how to speak to a person. This whole process is very frustrating. :crying:

    i think they are closed today for presidents day...i hope you get some news soon.try again in the morning,dont give up.ill say a prayer for you.

  5. Well i havent seen any threads for iraqis.I just thought it would be nice to have a place to share our griefs and joys.I know alot of iraqis are displaced in other countrys.My fiancee was in sweden but he has been deported back to iraq last month.We are still in ap in sweden and they want transfer our case until we are out .Id like to know your thoughts an exsperances on interviewing and living in another country.And if any of you have been deported back to iraq?

  6. Has ayone here been deported from the country they were seekin asylum in after their interview.We tryed transfering our case but sweden wouldn't transfer it to iraq until we are out of ap in sweden.Now our attorney says we will probably have to go thru another interview in baghdad.Will we have to go thru ap again?Somehow the embassey had his permission to stay in sweden til our visa was finished revolked by the swedish police.They called my fiancee back to embassey saying they need to speak with him one more time so he goes and they call police to come get him .Then run out and take pictures as they handcuff him.He was detanded 1 week then released.Two weeks later they come to his house and tell him he must go back in 2 days to iraq .The put him on the plane and he goes back.We have now been in ap for 2 months.Im afraid for him there.Will they deny him now after we wait no telling how many months.Would we better getting married and filing k3.I dont know what to do.Any advice or answers? Or just someone in the same situation that i can talk to?

  7. Sorry for the AP and your fiancee's situation. My husband was in Iraq for the past 6 weeks on vacation he said everything is okay so hopefully the time will pass quickly for him and he will be safe. Good Luck

    He went to baghdad? good lord i just saw your timeline your still in ap?Is your hubby from Iraq too.Its ok about AP we expected that just not all the other stuff at our interview.This whole journey has become one big nightmare that i hope one day has happy ending.Good luck ...Hope you get out of AP soon.Bridget

  8. yr so right about that! the non-pitifully self righteous thing to do would have been to just say, "omg, mine's the same way! it must be cultural for these men! it's sooo mena to have a 'strict' husband who likes to deny his wife normal interactions with other human beings while he's thousands of miles away."

    my bad!

    i think the artist formerly known as the artist formerly known as prince is somewhat to blame as well.

    just wanted to find out if thats was your cute little fairy at the bottom of your post.what a doll....

  9. well just wanted to let yall know we are still in ap in sweden.a few days and it will be 2 months...i hate the waiting ...They didnt deny his visa at our interview,they just said we had ap for additional background checks.can they still deny you if your background checks come back clean.or our we approved as long as they come back clean. this whole process seems to be a big nightmare so im still so scared something will go wrong.we already both had 2 hr interrigations that they said was a normal interview.I dont think it can get much worse but you never know.now our attorney says we will probably have to interview again once they tranfer his case to iraq.i wonder if we will have to go thru ap again there.they want transfer his case from sweden til our ap is finished there.I guess im just scared.i miss him so much and now hes back in iraq im afraid everyday for him.I pray this ap gets finished soo.plz keep us in your prayers.

  10. Yes it would be Washington D.C since thats his first port of entry. :) Congrats! I'm excited for you. Soon you'll be reunited with your darling!

    congratulations...im just looking at for a ticket for if we ever get out of ap...where did you find one to fly out of iraq to the us...i cant seem to find an airline that flys out of iraq to the us.mabe u have some u know of ....would you let me know? thx bridget

  11. i worry my fiancee will be killed in iraq before i can get him here.i have been so depressed ,i dont leave the house,and im getting fat from eatting because im sad.It is time to get off my butt and go to the gymn.mabe find a job,i dunno i have had to pray really hard the last few days and just give all our worrys to god.ima let him carry my burden and take care of it for me.now ima try and take care of myself for a bit.Im gonna get ready for the birth of my to baby racehorses.woohooo....and ima get out and work with my horses more.....smiling today because i know it gonna be alright....yall say alil pray for me 2 ..thx.....bridget

  12. :dance::dance::dance::dance:


    Ghassan texted me at 8:15 this morning to tell me that he had his visa! Alhamdullilah!

    I didn't look at this text until after work as I went to call my son. What a wonderful surprise!

    It was 2 weeks since they took his passport.

    Now we have to work on this residency thingy- being an Iraqi in Syria.. need to make sure all the

    paperwork is on the up and up before he goes to the airport. So.... this is our next hurdle, but the biggest

    hurdle is over.



    Congratulations girl...I know it was a long time coming......When will he come? so very happy for you......i pray we are next....

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