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Everything posted by Kanja

  1. Request an expedited/emergency appointment due to the illness but he will get denied again if he doesn’t show ties to somewhere. Many expats still have ties to other countries. Has he been back to Tunisia since you all have lived in UAE?
  2. I’m not familiar with the application or request for expediting but it wouldn’t hurt to say you not working is delaying groundbreaking research for cancer 😊
  3. By any chance does this job have anything to do with healthcare? I’ve anecdotally heard that they are more likely to expedite EADs for healthcare workers and healthcare fields due to the shortage in labor since the pandemic.
  4. I doubt the financial loss argument will be enough. Your spouse had to submit documents basically indicating they were Financially able to support you (with or without a sponsor).
  5. Hi, What is the expedited process? You are definitely not going to make your deadline. Though I’m not familiar with the expedited process so I’m not taking that into consideration. - you can marry whenever legally possible in your state -I don’t think it would be worth your time but I guess all you lose is gas money -you are not correct, you don’t need a social to execute AOS paperwork -I don’t know the answer to this because I’m not familiar with the expedited process
  6. This is very helpful and makes sense! Thank you. im speaking specifically about research, like medical research for example . In college I worked at a lab where we gave folks $25 for their blood . We didn’t consider it a payment more like a stipend for the inconvenience that they can use for lunch and transportation.
  7. Hey all! have a question that may be helpful for others as well. Few months ago I posted about an international student that may be having financial difficulties and challenges paying tuition. Luckily, seems as everything has worked out and they are all set with their tuition. But another question came up, are research studies that offer incentives such as amazon gift cards and visa gift cards allowed on a student visa? Or would that be considered work? The student mentioned they often see posters around their school asking for volunteers. None of the studies that they have seen offer cash but incentives such as lunch or gift cards and all are under $200. I did a lot of studies when I was in college but never knew if it was considered work. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  8. My brother did k1. His fiancée arrived in December of 2021, she received her work permit in august of 2022 and green card in September 2022. It is a long wait, but quite frankly I don’t think she would have likely been able to begin working any earlier than a few months before she got her work permit. It was a big culture shock for her and she needed the time to adjust. During the time she waited she took ESL courses, studied for her driving permit, learned how to take public transportation, and learned about things like ebanking, and using a debit card, online shopping etc. With that being said, that’s not everyone’s situation and at the very least the restriction of travel is challenging. In my brothers case the k1 made sense because due to his job and pandemic there was no way he was going to be able to go to her country within a reasonable amount of time to have it make sense (he proposed in 2019 and then pandemic hit… submitted her petition during the pandemiC). I know if he didn’t have the limitations of travel he would have gone the cr1 route.
  9. Very smart. He should go back to Nigeria, maybe do the youth service corps. When you get your documentation you can petition for him but unfortunately as others have mentioned he may have incurred a ban.
  10. Of course. You could ask him or her to hold off on signing the paperwork until you do counseling. You can even do counseling after paperwork is filed and remarry. You may want to get families involved to help you navigate through your issues. However if you have these issues before you even lived together you all definitelty have some work to do.
  11. Sounds like your son has no option but to return to Nigeria unless of course he was married to a US citizen but there is no path for him to adjust through you or your spouse
  12. Does not seem you qualify for VAWA. Do you want to be with your spouse? If so, maybe try to work it, get counseling etc instead of trying to file for VAWA. If not, return to Trinidad and find another legal pathway to living or visiting the USA.
  13. Is it a visitor visa? If so, they need to show their own documents to prove they will return to their home country. But please clarify what type of visa it is.
  14. So sorry for the loss. She can go with her green card and Passport from the Phillipinee.
  15. Yet you admitted domestic violence. , which is a crime. You admitted kicking someone out without going through the proper channels. Which is a crime. What have I done wrong? Literally everyone is telling you the same thing- you are a little upset because I figured out that you are the same person on the last post. I’m not on your case, I’m replying to a thread on a forum which I have the right to. Meanwhile you are calling names. I came on VJ back in 2008 for advice and guides to petition for my first husband. Guess what- he came, it didn’t work out and he was horrible to me. I moved on. Karma got him bad. you can’t start a thread and be upset at some of the responses. I never called you a name, I answered your questions and also addressed the pieces of information you chose to disclose . That means I have a gang mentality? Please Word of advice on this forum, if you don’t want comments on decisions you have made (such as shoving your wife or kicking her out), don’t post them on the forum. It really is that simple.
  16. Lol 1) how am I punishing you? 2) how am I prejudiced against you ? i pointed out the obvious and you didn’t deny it.
  17. Here he asked how he can withdraw his Affidavit of support. Everyone told him it’s not possible so now it seems like he’s looking for another way to get back at her by reporting her for working unauthorized. Even the language is same.
  18. I am convinced this is the same poster that came here a few weeks ago saying they were in New York kicked out their wife and he shoved her. We gave him same advice then he decided to attack some of us in our inboxes when the thread was locked. This profile was opened a few hours ago. I think we are wasting our time replying.
  19. You can move On. find another relationship. Have fun. Try out a new hobby or read a new book. There is a lot you can do. You are deciding to focus on your ex.
  20. I’m not assuming, it’s a fact. Inquire with a lawyer if you are very invested. They will tell you. USCIS won’t write that out explicitly on their website for obvious reasons.
  21. Based on what you posted (screenshot from USCIS), it says there are certain exception. The exception is she married a US citizen. That violation is forgiven.
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