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Posts posted by KittyPollitt

  1. I can not speak for others. I can only speak for myself. However, I do not believe that what the CO posted was uncalled for. They post what they believe is in the best interest of "people". I am sorry to took offense to this. Maybe you have reason to! I personally am thankful someone other then myself is looking out for my best interest as well as anyone else!

    Daniel Pipes is not looking out for your best interests.. the entire site is leaning in a particular direction.. scan though the section warning American women about Moroccan men.. I've posted both good and bad experiences on there.. only the bad got any kind of feedback.. They feed into each other's negativity on there.. You'd be far better off looking out for your own best interests, imho.. :whistle:

  2. Thanks Sarah, that makes me feel better. I would have gotten up a lot sooner if I didn't have those cuffs on my legs, I don't even know what they're called...the things that prevent blood clots in the legs or something.

    Your daughter is a cutie. I can tell how much she's grown in this pic. Love the outfit btw, she looks like a little Moroccan princess!

    they put those cuffs on you while you're in bed to keep the blood circulating because you're not moving.. if you wanna walk around, tell them to come take them off.. they would rather you walk around than keep those things on!

    Thank you! I've been waiting for that outfit to even remotely fit her :lol:

  3. Oh...so u have to be a resident for 6 months...and u can't get residency till after being there for 6 months right? And yeah...i'm hoping not to need to have to do it, but figure if i know it & have the stuff i won't need to, but if i don't then i will need it :wacko:

    Actually, since you're going to be staying in Morocco for longer than the 90 day visa waiver limit, you will be required to file for an extension of stay at the police station closest to Hicham's house within 15 days of arriving anyway. You can apply for a residency card then... A caveat: you have to hold that residency for a minimum 6 months before you become eligible to file DCF. You will have to be there probably 8 or 9 months minimum for DCF- add the time it takes to get permission to marry, and then after filing DCF, there is still a waiting period, albeit shorter than filing through USCIS- and I believe you must remain in Morocco during that period. I wasn't sure if you'd be able to stay any longer than the original six months you planned for.. If you can stay another few months, it might be a good option for you if (God forbid it) you are denied a K1. Just bring all the items listed on the consulate's website as a back up..

  4. Thanks. I checked out that site, squeaky. I was planning on going out of an NYC airport anyway. So the idea is to buy the ticket a day or two in advance? The site confused me.

    I don't know about that site.. I usually get my tickets directly from Royal Air Maroc.. the discounts you'd get on those travel sites are only 3-5$ for Royal Air Maroc.. I'd rather just buy from them directly..

    Also, if you do fly with them, you've gotta try the Moroccan beer they serve in flight.. for sh*ts and giggles.. it's just terrible, with the alcohol content of O'Doul's..

  5. Thanks for posting this site. I am currently looking at flights to Casablanca and this site is coming in handy! I also really like www.tripadvisor.com and www.cheapoair.com. Those are very good sites to get lower priced fares.

    I don't know what city in the US you're in, but I've found time and again that to go to Casablanca, it's easier and cheaper to take a train to NYC or a cheap commuter flight to JFK and then buy your direct ticket from Royal Air Maroc.. from there it's 8 hours, no European layovers, no losing bags.. and its usually only a few dollars more than laying over in Madrid or Rome..

  6. I've filed for the K1 visa, but I'm just researching just in case of denial, since there seems to be a wave of them lately. I will be living in morocco for 6 months, and will be able to get residency to do the DCF. Is there anyone who has done the DCF? What are your experiences? Time from, etc?? I'm better be safe then sorry & want to be sure to have what I'll need before I go just in case we get denied & have to get married in Morocco :) And hope everybody is having a successful journey.


    I asked a question similar to this and got a lot of good responses.. I think if you're worried about it, you should bring with you all the documents that you would need to marry in Morocco, just in case- the information is here:


    I'm not sure how recent the police record would have to be, if you're there longer than six months, you may have to send away for a new one.. Maybe someone who knows could help you with it. You would have to plan on being there for longer than six months in the long run, because you have to be a Moroccan resident for a minimum of six months before you become eligible for DCF. I don't know if this is possible, with your job. I hope it won't even be necessary for you!

  7. Bless your heart, I had an emergency c-section with Mehdi and it was the WORST experience of my life. I have to have a repeat because the hospital has a no VBAC policy and I am dreading it so much. With the emergency c-section I had to be put to sleep because I wasn't getting totally numb. I woke up from the surgery feeling like someone had poured gasoline on my stomach and lit a match. It was so painful. I have heard that the planned c-sections aren't so bad so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!


    I've had two, both emergency.. the second was a lot easier.. and I can attest to how much faster you will heal if you force yourself to get up and move around as much as possible, as soon as possible. I was up and down to the NICU the next day and made myself move around a lot when I got home, and I healed beautifully. I didnt even need pain meds after 4 days (I have a high pain tolerance, but I really felt great).. drink lots of water too ^_^ you'll be fine!

  8. You might have a hard time getting a doctor to do that. You could always bring things from here that are natural ways to help a baby or over the counter things. I dont know about Morocco but in Jordan they had every kind of medicine that we have here, the only one thing I couldnt find is pepto bismol, which I suggest bringing for yourself. (I had travelers diarreah in jordan for 2 months and there was no pepto in sight :( ) Stock up on baby motrin, teething tablets, gripe water, hydrocortizone, pedialyte, I would bring hypoallergenic baby wash and lotion incase she develops eczema or some skin probs which is common . Will you get her vaccinated in Morocco to keep her on a vaccination schedule? Wow thats a lot to think about! lol

    thank you! ^_^ yes, i plan on keeping up with her vaccinations.. its a huge amount to think about :P pray for me

  9. Hey ya'll, I'm going to the pediatrician this week for the baby's 2 month, and telling her about our trip.. She has a pretty cool doctor, and I was thinking of asking the doctor if she could write me some prescriptions for any minor foreseeable ailments the baby might get in the next 6 months, to take as a precaution- ie. baby laxatives, reflux medicine, etc. Do you guys have any suggestions for particulars I should ask her?



  10. You know, I have never seen one of these hole in the ground toilets that everyone talks about in Morocco. I remember reading "Culture Shock, Morocco" before I went there the first time and it mentioned this. I was freaked out, I even asked my husband if he knew what toilet paper was and if I needed to bring some. He was offended that I would think like that about Morocco. He had a western toilet in his apartment, so does his family's home(they have 2) and everywhere else we visited had western toilets.

    I can't imagine using one of those!

    My fiance lives in Sbata, Casablanca.. when I went last year- no sitting toilets, no hot water, no shower. They just put them in last month because I'm coming... people still live the old fashioned way in some places ;)

  11. It's funny you posted this because my fiance and I are at the beginning stages of planning to meet each other in Morocco probably around March. :thumbs:

    Not exactly sure where we'll go yet. Anyone have any recommendations for some place somewhat romantic? :wub: We don't have much money so we won't be able to go out much, but it would be nice to walk around and view some pretty scenery.

    Agadir and Essaouira are beautiful- great beaches and markets

  12. I think it is actually on the high risk consulates of Changdou, Manila, Lagos, and it might be on Cairo's - someone recently posted one for Tunisia and Algeria. I know that fraud happens everywhere as does love, but I would hope that people take these warnings for what they are worth. VisaJourney is such a small microcosm of the immigrant visa process, but the day-in/day-out visa scammers that the MENA consulates see is probably mind boggling. I actually wish that there could be a video taken at the USEMs where they show "A day in the life of a Casablanca (or insert other country here) Consulate Officer". I would love to see the guys that are coming up for their interview. Show the guy, show the pictures of his American fiance or wife, and show their evidence. What would we say to the images? What would we say to their relationship? What would VJ people come up with? Would it be "awwwwww, they are so in love!" Or would it be "#######?!?!?! F'ing scam artist!" I would also like to point out that this could and should be done with the Phillipines, Russia/Ukraine, and Nigerian consulates as well. Don't just limit it to MENA. That would be an awesome show. Just blur out the images of the people - let them justify their relationship and see how would you process them. Approve? Deny? AP? What would you do or say?

    At the end of the day, it's about protecting US Citizens from being scammed. :thumbs:

    I would totally add that to my TiVo, along with Hoarders, Intervention, and 16 and Pregnant.. that would be a great show! You should pitch it to A&E or TLC!

  13. I know how you feel about baby corner. I am the "bad" mom there who didnt breastfeed, who didnt use organic, who vaccinated their kid on schedule,who didnt cosleep, and who went to work after 5 weeks. However, I dont let it bother me. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and it doesnt get too heated. Ive made great friends there regardless of what we DONT have in common, we all have babies and thats what matters..

    I think that term is a matter of conjecture.. Zaid looks like a really happy kid to me, and that's all that really matters.. ;)

  14. The best coffee i ever had in my life was in the dirty, near empty bus depot in Rissani. There were flies and strange men buzzing about, and i swear it had to be made with goat milk or something, but damn it was the best i ever had.

    I love french pressed coffee.. my grandmother had a french press when i was a teenager, and i recognized it right away when i was in morocco- across from a bus stop in a crappy cafe in Agadir.. he yelled at me for giving our leftover sugarcubes to a bum.. lol

  15. lol, completely understandable. I remember when my parents bought me my first car (a real piece of work, but a car nonetheless) it was a STICK!!

    I was like, NOOOOOOOOOOO. I don't know how to do it. Sure enough though, after jerking around forever I got it. If it meant getting rid of her car my

    little lady would teach you! lol.

    Thanks anyway.

    Enjoy Casa!

    PS..Be sure to go eat at the port!


    Last time I went, my fiance's father came in and tried to give me the keys to his car to go drive around and see the sights (not that Casa has many "sights"), and it was interesting to see my fiance try to explain to him what "I will grind your gears and destroy your transmission" means.. :innocent:

  16. Lol! I could never shave my boys heads. Mehdi has the thickest dark hair. We just have got it trimmed up last month. I hated to do it but he was starting to look like a girl.

    I'd be so freaked if they shaved my daughter's head, because the hair on her ears is just as long and it would look totally bizarre! STILL waiting for it to lighten up some!

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