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Posts posted by gmjdmj

  1. I posted this question over a month ago and the majority of responses that I got was that I needed to answer question 11 with "I intend" and how I intend to support my fiance. I think people have done it both ways but there was someone who went to an interview and did not have that box ticked and the CO was going to make them change it and send it in. I had sent the 1st one to my fiance like the example on here and then mailed another one after I had so many responses to change it.

  2. The I-864 if the affidavit of support form that you submit when you file the AOS. It is a more in depth form that is required when you adjust status. As far as the value section, you can put an amount. It doesn't matter either way because they are going to be looking at income information anyway...Glad to hear that you got the tax transcripts so fast and eay...thank is great! Also, make sure on question 11 of the I-134 that it is marked "I intend" and then a brienf statement of how the fiance is intended to be supported. Hope this helps...

  3. Hopefully, someone can tell you that they went to the interview and everything was fine without having the tax returns but most everyone takes them. London is more concerned about the I-134 than almost anything else that you will bring to the interview. The tax transcripts can be requested on the phone and faxed while you are on the phone with them. Your fiance can scan and email them to you. The thing with it is, it doesn't take but 20 minutes of time, they will fax them to you for free and is it worth having delays with your visa for not having them?? You are going to have to have them for the AOS, so why not take the time and go ahead and get them just in case. Personally, we have waited too long and put too much time into this process to have a delay over a tax transcript. I would send a DNA test at this point if they wanted it...It is your call. You can take the risk but is it worth worrying over it when you can just make a call?

  4. Yes, you have to have a police certificate from every place you have lived in the past 5 years. Yes you can contact your GP for your vaccination records and actually get the vaccinations from you GP it is much cheaper in some cases then getting them at the medical and you will HAVE to have the long version of your birth certificate for the interview that has your parents names on it. If you take the short form, they will request it and not issue the visa until you have it...Hope this helps..

  5. Your support of this and statements lead me to believe that you came to this country illegally and very well are still here illegally.. and because of people like you...the immigration process has become the way it has for the rest of us who have respect for the process. You will NEVER get support from people on this website and I will NEVER support illegals coming to this country! There are hundreds of people that have gone through this process, who have sacrificed more than you will ever know to do it the right way.

    Please also, tell me how illegals pay taxes...I would really like to know.

  6. I sent a copy of my W-2. Anything that had to be signed, I sent originals of. We have not had our interview yet...a week from today...but as far as scanning and emailing the W-2, that should be fine. I am going to be scanning and emailing a copy of the 2008 tax transcript this week, along with updated paystubs. I have asked around and been told that copies of those documents are fine.

  7. The amount of time that NVC typically has your file is just a few days but it can take longer depending on how many files they receive, etc... You can contact the NVC or DOS and check on the status of your file. You will also be assigned a new case number. After your file is sent to the consualte, you will be able to get updates about your file from DOS. The number for NVC is 603-334-0700 press 1 and then 5. DOS is 202-663-1225 press 1 and then 0. I hope this helps...

  8. I wanted to see if anyone that has already had an interview at the London Embassy and owed taxes that showed on their tax transcript or tax return that you provided with you I-134, if you were asked to show proof that payment had been made or that a payment arrangement had been made...

  9. The visa is good for 6 months. That is certain...no worries there. Would you want to move to the states by Christmas? or do you need to come back before leaving again? If so, you can put on the checklist that you wish to have a January interview date and I can get that you will get one. We got notice of ours yesterday that it is in 10 days, which we are very happy about but if you want to insure that you do not get scheduled while you are away I would put a date for later in January to be sure. There are so many people wanting to have December interviews, I am sure that the Embassy will be happy to schedule one for a later date.

  10. Once the visa is issued you have 6 months to use it so you can get an interview at any time and still make your deadline. The London Embassy typically schedules interviews based on the dates that you put on the checklist. Is Dec 5th, the expiration date for your NOA2? I would just make sure that you get your packet 3 and checklist in by then to be on the safe side. If you have an interview in December or January, your visa would be good until June or July depending on when your interview is...

  11. You should be okay..but there is no sure way of knowing...It took 4 months for our petition to be approved and we are headed into month 2 since getting our NOA2 and we still do not have an interview date. You have given yourself a good cushion but at the same time, there is no way to know what delays will come up in this process. If it were me, I would not book any tickets or put any large deposits down because you just never know. I never thought it would take this long just to get an interview...We still have not planned a date yet and we are getting close to the end...

    Congrats on the NOA1! Good Luck with everything!!!

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