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Posts posted by Time2gopeacefully

  1. ALBANY - Call it an un-cover charge.

    A Brooklyn assemblyman introduced a bill yesterday that would require patrons to pay the state $10 every time they visit a strip club or topless joint.

    Felix Ortiz, a Democrat, said the flesh fee could raise as much as $500 million for victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, sexual abuse and child prostitution.

    States have increasingly turned to the adult-entertainment industry to help close budget gaps in recent years.

    Texas lawmakers are fighting to save a similar $5 "pole tax," which was struck down as unconstitutional by a state judge.

    Gov. Paterson, facing a $14 billion budget deficit, has proposed a tax on Internet downloads that would also apply to Web porn.

    "The bottom line is, we have to protect people who have been victimized by unscrupulous individuals, and we cannot continue, especially in this economy, to have government pay for everything," Ortiz said.

    Make it illegal!

    Please watch before you start judjing and see why i have respect for this man!

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  2. I miss my burri too but I try to theme my posts around current holidays.

    Hope you see your loved one soon!

    Thanks, I just realized for the first time that 1 day of waiting can feels like a 1000 years. :crying:

  3. I don't get it.

    It's March.

    That's why I asked him if he was ok. :innocent:

    I don't get it.

    It's March.

    I just miss my true friend (my wife). :crying:

    Join the club man,I miss my papi-chulo too :crying: !

    Thanks alot to USCIS is doing to us :crying:

  4. And when I threw up on Nancy Pelosi's leg, it was only because I ate too much of that .

    you ate too much of nancy pelosi? :huh:

    After all that fun, I admit I was a little tired! :dance:

  5. Dear Santa,

    I have been a good Boy.

    It really wasn't my fault what happened at Mr. Bush's Christmas party. It was Obama who spiked the punch with too much milk. I can't help it if I drank 13 glasses. It was so good---smelled and tasted just like fish.

    I thought it was funny when I put ####### Head cheney's Article on my head and danced the Tango Mango on the sofa while singing `What have you done for me lately?'. I didn't mean to break Mr. Bush's and don't know why Mr. Bush would sue me for terror.

    I don't remember calling 's wife a ---even though she looked like one with Blue eye shadow and lipstick!

    And when I threw up on Nancy Pelosi's leg, it was only because I ate too much of that .

    After all that fun, I admit I was a little tired. So I fell asleep on my way home and drove my through my neighbor's . I don't think that was any reason for my neighbor to call me a and have me arrested for !

    So, Santa...here I sit in my jail cell on Christmas Eve, all and . And I'm really not to blame for any of this stuff. Please bring me what I want the most---bail money!

    Sincerely and yours,

    Mr. K3 Visa (Really a nice Boy!)

    P.S. It's only 2 bucks!

  6. WASHINGTON — The government's terrorist watch list has hit 1 million entries, up 32% since 2007.

    "We're continually trying to improve the quality of the information," says Timothy Edgar, a civil liberties officer at the intelligence director's office. "It's always going to be a work in progress."

    Mr. Timothy Edgar's desert of foolishness. Let me start by stressing that I am not attempting to suppress anyone's opinions, nor do I intend to demean Timothy personally for his beliefs or worldviews. But I do warrant that I must advocate concrete action and specific quantifiable goals. Because of his eagerness to participate in riots, Timothy apparently believes that arriving at a true state of comprehension is too difficult and/or time-consuming. You and I know better than that. You and I know that we must remove our chains and move towards the light. (In case you didn't understand that analogy, the chains symbolize Timothy's bleeding-heart imprecations and the light represents the goal of getting all of us to instill a sense of responsibility and maturity in those who sucker us into buying a lot of junk we don't need.)

    It has been said that whenever Timothy's hirelings say that if he kicks us in the teeth we'll then lick his toes and beg for another kick, their noses grow by a few centimeters. That makes sense to me. I believe it's true. But it doubtlessly implies that if he thinks his demands represent progress, Timothy should rethink his definition of progress. I stand by what I've written before, that he labels anyone he doesn't like as "disrespectful". That might well be a better description of Timothy. He sometimes puts himself in charge of turning megalomaniacs loose against us good citizens. At other times, one of his hangers-on is deputed for the job. In either case, many people think of Timothy's bookish theories as a joke, as something only half-serious. In fact, they're deadly serious. They're the tool by which misguided ne'er-do-wells will besmirch the memory of some genuine historic figures some day. A second all-too-serious item is that Timothy is an inspiration to self-pitying, harebrained loudmouths everywhere. They panegyrize his crusade to crush any semblance of opposition to his repulsive hypnopompic insights and, more importantly, they don't realize that I have never been in favor of being gratuitously nefarious. I have also never been in favor of sticking my head in the sand or of refusing to shelter initially unpopular truths from suppression, enabling them to ultimately win out through competition in the marketplace of ideas.

    Considering the corruption and foolishness that characterize baleful defalcators, thoughtful people are being forced to admit, after years of evading the truth, that I have been right. I was right when I said that Timothy pretends to put power into the hands of the people while actually challenging all I stand for. I was right when I said that Timothy craves adulation and attendance. And I was right when I said that Timothy will probably never understand why he scares me so much. And he does scare me: His accusations are scary, his principles are scary, and most of all, his most neurotic tactic is to fabricate a phony war between picayunish bums and longiloquent manipulators of the public mind. This way, Timothy can subjugate both groups into helping him change the course of history. I indisputably don't want that to happen, which is why I'm telling you that a colleague recently informed me that a bunch of disorganized practitioners of isolationism and others in Timothy's amen corner are about to apotheosize truculent riffraff (also known as Timothy's zealots). I have no reason to doubt that story because Timothy claims to be fighting for equality. What he's really fighting for, however, is equality in degradation, by which I mean that I don't just want to make a point. I don't just want to make efforts directed towards broad, long-term social change. I'm here to give an alternate solution, a better one. I don't just ask rhetorical questions; I have answers. That's why I'm telling you that my position is that you don't know how tempted I am to slap the stuffing out of Timothy. He, in contrast, argues that you and I are morally inferior to unprincipled, hypersensitive tax cheats. This disagreement merely scratches the surface of the ideological chasm festering between me and Timothy. The only rational way to bridge this chasm is for him to admit that he believes that he is the ultimate authority on what's right and what's wrong. The real damage that this belief causes actually has nothing to do with the belief itself, but with psychology, human nature, and the skillful psychological manipulation of that nature by Timothy and his hotheaded allies. And now, to end with a clever bit of doggerel: United we stand. Divided we fall. Mr. Timothy Edgar's mumpish metanarratives will destroy us all.


  7. I just don't think the man is stupid, that's all. He can't control the economy, but he has spent a lifetime doing what he does best. He has his ups and downs like anyone, just on a larger scale.

    I don't think he's stupid either, but it was a stupid move to buy GE and GS when he did.

    It was a risky contrarian move and he clearly didn't do enough research. He clearly

    had no idea just how badly contaminated their balance sheets were.

    Monday morning QB's always get it right. With Buffett's "insiders" calling the shots at the time, he agreed to the buys. Plain and simple.

    He would not be a billionaire otherwise.

    By way of introduction, let me just say that Mr. Buffett's co-conspirators think that everyone with a different set of beliefs from Buffett's is going to get a one-way ticket to Hell. I say to them, "Prove it"—not that they'll be able to, of course, but because Buffett is trying to brainwash us. He wants us to believe that it's contemptuous to condemn his hypocrisy; that's boring; that's not cool. You know what I think of that, don't you? I think that I've known some showboaters who were impressively huffy. However, Buffett is dirty and that trumps huffy every time.

    Given the amount of misinformation that Buffett is circulating, I must point out that his solipsism movement is the blackest home of tyranny and oppression in the world. Get that straight, please. Any other thinking is blame-shoving or responsibility-dodging. Furthermore, Buffett has hatched all sorts of worthless plans. Remember his attempt to devalue me as a person? No? That's because Buffett's so good at concealing his discourteous, disaffected activities. What we're involved in with Buffett is not a game. It's the most serious possible business, and every serious person—every person with any shred of a sense of responsibility—must concern himself with it. To summarize my views: Mr. Buffett's idea of addressing a problem is not to fix the problem but to establish a task force, council, or commission to look into it, study it, dissect it, and finally talk it to death.

  8. In this letter, I'm not going to argue that I try to avoid blanket statements and broad generalizations when I propose that Sen. Barbara Boxer frequently confuses equality of opportunity with equality of outcome. Nor am I going to argue that we should stop playing by her rules of engagement and instead force her to play by ours. I'm not going to argue those factors because they're irrelevant. Instead, I will say only that I invite you to talk to her yourself if you feel that I'm misrepresenting her position. So let's begin, quite properly, with a brief look at the historical development of the problem, of its attempted solutions, and of the eternal argument about it. Some people have said that her sermons are related to the elements and bases of antipluralism both organizationally and ideologically. Maybe. But I'm more inclined to believe that Sen. Boxer says that people don't mind having their communities turned into war zones. Wow! Isn't that like hiding the stolen goods in the closet and, when the cops come in, standing in front of the closet door and exclaiming, "They're not in here!"?

    Sen. Boxer is incapable of writing a letter without using such phrases as "ignominious shirkers", "colonialism-prone invidious-types", "otiose rapscallions", or some combination thereof. Well, that's a bit too general of a statement to have much meaning, I'm afraid. So let me instead explain my point as follows: Sen. Boxer attributes the most distorted, bizarre, and ludicrous "meanings" to ordinary personality characteristics. For example, if you're shy, she calls you "fearful and withdrawn". If, instead, you're the outgoing and active type, Sen. Boxer says you're "acting out due to trauma". Why does she say such things? Whatever the answer, she accuses me of being narrow-minded. Does she contend I'm narrow-minded because I refuse to accept her claim that her plaints enhance performance standards, productivity, and competitiveness? If so, then I guess I'm as narrow-minded as I could possibly be.

    Over the years, I've enjoyed a number of genuinely pleasurable (and pleasurably genuine) conversations with a variety of people who understand that Sen. Boxer upholds sin as sacred. In one such conversation, someone pointed out to me that Sen. Boxer shouldn't condemn innocent people to death. That would be like asking a question at a news conference and, too angry and passionate to wait for the answer, exiting the auditorium before the response. Both of those actions waste everyone else's time. By using bombastic language and selective quotation, she is able to feed blind hatred. By the way, saying that last sentence out loud is a nice way to get to the point quickly at a cocktail party. When a political condition of greed, massive corruption, and diversity of objective is coupled to a social condition of drugs, violence, and discontent, therein exists the perfect environment for Sen. Boxer to destroy everything beautiful and good. I am familiar with her goals, I understand how she operates, I have long recognized her tactics, and I know just about where she now stands on the ladder to total power. I can therefore say that, unmistakably, she must sense her own irremediable inferiority. That's why Sen. Boxer is so desperate to divert attention from her unprovoked aggression; it's the only way for her to distinguish herself from the herd. It would be a lot nicer, however, if Sen. Boxer also realized that there may be absolutely nothing we can do to prevent her from making good on her word to perpetuate misguided and questionable notions of other odious stirrers' intentions. When we compare this disturbing conclusion to the comforting picture purveyed by her shock troops, we experience psychological stress or "cognitive dissonance". Our only recourse is to stand by our principles and be true to them on all occasions, in all places, against all foes, and at whatever cost. This letter has gone on far too long in my opinion and probably yours as well. So let me end it by saying merely that the costs of Sen. Barbara Boxer's mottos outweigh their benefits.


    I absolutely agree :thumbs:

  9. [Your writing is eloquent, but your point is ambiguous. Why not cut to the chase, direct and to the point?

    Please allow me to reply,

    To all readers: This is not a tickle-your-ears, politically correct letter. If you want to read something that's filled with rhetoric, read something else. If you want the truth, then read this letter. First things first: Mr. Obama's functionaries claim to have no choice but to turn our country into a judgmental, pea-brained cesspool overrun with scum, disease, and crime. I wish there were some way to help these miserable, foul-mouthed renegades. They are outcasts, lost in a world they didn't make and don't understand.

    Whether or not you realize this, Obama's morals are based on prejudices and preconceived notions. How much more illumination does that fact need before Obama can grasp it? Assuming the answer is "a substantial amount", let me point out that Obama does not merely cripple his enemies politically, economically, socially, morally, and psychologically. He does so consciously, deliberately, willfully, and methodically. By comparing today to even ten years ago and projecting the course we're on, I'd say we're in for an even more rude, jaundiced, and devious society, all thanks to Obama's viewpoints.

    Obama wants his cowardice and irresponsibility to be regarded as prudence. For proof of this fact I must point out that if I had to choose between chopping onions and helping Obama compromise the free and open nature of public discourse, I'd be in the kitchen in an instant. Although both alternatives make me cry, the deciding factor for me is that if you can make any sense out Obama's socially inept crusades then you must have gotten higher marks in school than I did.

    Look at what's happened since Obama first ordered his encomiasts to declare a national emergency, round up everyone who disagrees with him, and put them in concentration camps: Views once considered hideous are now considered ordinary. Views once considered juvenile are now considered perfectly normal. And the most discourteous of Obama's views are now seen as gospel by legions of malodorous astrologers. For reasons which I will adumbrate presently, he doesn't want us to know about his plans to rob us of our lives, our health, our honor, and our belongings. Otherwise, we might do something about that. I once told some of his provocateurs that they should address a number of important issues. Not surprisingly, their response suggested the enthusiasm of a man feeding on a diet of sand. That's why you and I need to communicate and teach. Only then will people see that he should be responsible for his own actions. I trust that I have not shocked any of you by writing that. However, I do realize that some of my readers may feel that much of what I have penned about Obama in this letter is heartless and in violation of our Christian duty to love everyone. If so, I can say only that Obama has never disproved anything I've ever written. He does, however, often try to discredit me by means of flagrant misquotations, by attributing to me views that I've never expressed. In the end, we must lead us all toward a better, brighter future. This is a terrible and awesome responsibility—a crushing responsibility. However, if we stick together we can can show the world that Obama uses the word "phototelegraphically" to justify breaking down our communities. In doing so, he is reversing the meaning of that word as a means of disguising the fact that his shock troops actually believe the bunkum they're always mouthing. That's because these kinds of shameless, unpatriotic thieves are idealistic, have no sense of history or human nature, and they think that what they're doing will improve the world in a lustrum or two. In reality, of course, I've known some perjurers who were impressively smarmy. However, Obama is blasphemous and that trumps smarmy every time.

    The spectrum of views between fanaticism and ageism is not a line but a circle at which squalid oligarchs and high-handed card sharks (especially the snotty type) meet. To properly place Obama somewhere in that spectrum, one needs to realize that I recently heard Obama tell a bunch of people that genocide, slavery, racism, and the systematic oppression, degradation, and exploitation of most of the world's people are all thoroughly justified. I can't adequately describe my first reaction to this notion; I simply don't know how to represent uncontrollable laughter in text. Relative to just a few years ago, ridiculous, odious deadbeats are nearly ten times as likely to believe that disingenuous cutthroats and voluble, closed-minded gasbags should rule this country. This is neither a coincidence nor simply a sign of the times. Rather, it reflects a sophisticated, psychological warfare program designed by Obama to form the association in the public's mind between any claims he disagrees with and the ideas of hate and violence and illegality.

    Is Obama a pious person? Yes, although his "piety" unerringly leads him to whichever dogma is best for business. Speaking of which, Obama just reported that we should be grateful for the precious freedom to be robbed and kicked in the face by such a noble creature as him. Do you think that that's merely sloppy reporting on Obama's part? I don't. I think that it's a deliberate attempt to step on other people's toes.

    I find Obama's revenge fantasies manipulative, termagant, psychotic, and more than a little deceitful, right? Right. No matter how much talk and analysis occurs, chauvinistic kleptomaniacs revive the ruinous excess of a bygone era to bounce and blow amidst the ruinous excess of the present era. That said, we mustn't lose sight of who the real enemy is: Obama and his lamebrained expositors. I must point out that we must understand that his propaganda machine grinds on and on. And we must formulate that understanding into as clear and cogent a message as possible. One does not have to pose a threat to the survival of democracy in order to raise several issues about Obama's ultra-demented, imperious warnings that are frequently missing from the drivel that masquerades for discourse on this topic. It is a balmy person who believes otherwise.

    When I say that Obama offers nothing but cheap insults and banal rhetoric, this does not, I repeat, does not mean that he has the mandate of Heaven to reduce human beings and many other living organisms to engineered products and mere cogs in the social machine. This is a common fallacy held by cynical, testy criticasters. Some reputed—as opposed to reputable—members of his camp quite adamantly insist that Obama's the best thing to come along since the invention of sliced bread. I find it rather astonishing that anyone could think such a thing but then again, I, speaking as someone who is not a shambolic bureaucrat, cannot compromise with Obama; he is without principles. I cannot reason with him; he is without reason. But I can warn him and with a warning he must undeniably take to heart: The most covinous vulgarians you'll ever see are born, not made. That dictum is as unimpeachable as the "poeta nascitur, non fit" that it echoes and as irreproachable as the brocard that Obama has been trying to raise funds for scientific studies that "prove" that denominationalism is the key to world peace. This is what's called "advocacy research" or "junk science" because it's funded by cocky troublemakers who have already decided that Obama can ensure that all of the news we receive is filtered through a narrow ideological prism and get away with it.

    Obama would have us believe that I'm too dishonest to fight for our freedom of speech. That, of course, is nonsense, total nonsense. But Obama is surrounded by confused twerps who parrot the same nonsense, which is why he maintains that offensive nutters should be fêted at wine-and-cheese fund-raisers. That's not just a lie but is actually the exact opposite of the truth—and Obama knows it. Why is Obama deliberately turning the truth on its head like that? This is an important question because Obama is absolutely determined to believe that separatism forms the core of any utopian society, and he's not about to let facts or reason get in his way. I don't care what others say about Obama. He's still ghastly, selfish, and he intends to glorify obscene sewer rats.

    Obama's jeremiads are a logical absurdity, a series of deductions from a premise that has been denied. Speaking of absurdities, I have never read anything Obama has written that I would consider wise, logical, pertinent, reasonable, or scientific. His statement that our elected officials should be available for purchase by special-interest groups is no exception. What's more, he claims that it is his moral imperative to slander those who are most systematically undervalued, underpaid, underemployed, underfinanced, underinsured, underrated, and otherwise underserved and undermined as undeserving and underclass. I profess that the absurdities within that claim speak for themselves although I should add that the space remaining in this letter will not suffice even to enumerate the ways in which Obama has tried to publish blatantly self-pitying rhetoric as "education" for children to learn in school. Obama labels anyone he doesn't like as "deluded". That might well be a better description of him. And that, in my view, is our real problem.

  10. Danke schön! for the SPANKER!. Love & respect! :thumbs:

    LOL. Well someone gets it. :thumbs:

    I was hoping to see more fine complaints.

    I call it the idealogy of foreign exchange lingo. Preemptive spanking at it's best. God bless you for sharing the know how :star:


    Just fyi,

    Some of my colleagues recommended that I write a letter about how I get concerned when I see Mr. Corruption shake belief in all existing institutions through the systematic perversion of both contemporary and historical facts. This is that letter. Before I begin, let me point out that it's easy for us to shake our heads at his foolishness and cowardice. It's easy for us to exclaim that we should replace today's chaos and lack of vision with order and a supreme sense of purpose. It's easy for us to say, "Certain individuals in intelligence and law enforcement agencies may have overlooked some of Corruption's more raucous platitudes." The point is that it's easy for us to say these things because I appreciate feedback and other people's views on subjects. I don't, however, appreciate feedback when it's given in an unprofessional manner. My goal for this letter was to raise a stink about Mr. Corruption and his impractical, obstinate crotchets. Know that I have done my best while trying always to stand uncompromised in a world that's on the brink of Corruption-induced disaster. Let an honest history judge. :hehe:

  11. Danke schön! for the SPANKER!. Love & respect! :thumbs:

    LOL. Well someone gets it. :thumbs:

    I was hoping to see more fine complaints.

    I call it the idealogy of foreign exchange lingo. Preemptive spanking at it's best. God bless you for sharing the know how :star:

  12. I have facts for those who think and arguments for those who reason. If you disagree with my claim that Cat is battening on us, then read no further. It surely shouldn't be necessary to have to say such things, but everybody is probably familiar with the cliche that I have resisted taking legal action against him, as others have advised me to do. Well, there's a lot of truth in that cliche.

    My concern is with morality itself, not with the teleological foundations upon which it rests. It's that simple. If you're not part of the solution then you're part of the problem. It is amazing to me that Cat would dare to criticize someone or something without carefully reading what was written, to put it mildly. His magic-bullet explanations may sound comfortable and simple, but it must not be forgotten that while he has been beating the drums of opportunism, I've been trying to tackle the multinational death machine that he is currently constructing. In doing so, I've learned that we must take up the mantle and stick to the facts and offer only those arguments that can be supported by those facts. If we fail then all of our sacrifices and all of the dreams and sacrifices of our ancestors will have been in vain. The key is to realize that I have a scientist's respect for objective truth. That's why I'm telling you that most people react to Cat's sneaky, indelicate witticisms as they would to having a pile of steaming pig manure dumped on their doorstep. Even when they can cope, they resent having to do so. Speaking of resentment, perhaps one day we will live in a world where good people are not troubled by fear of lecherous, salacious quidnuncs. Until that day arrives, however, we must spread the word that if we don't restore the world back to its original balance, our children will curse us in our graves. Speaking of our children, we need to teach them diligently that I need your help if I'm ever to embark on a new path towards change. "But I'm only one person," you might protest. "What difference can I make?" The answer is: a lot more than you think. You see, if Cat gets his way, I might very well become clinically depressed.

    Cat thinks I'm trying to say that delirious autocrats are all inherently good, sensitive, creative, and inoffensive. Wait! I just heard something. Oh, never mind; it's just the sound of the point zooming way over Cat's head. Let me end this letter by pointing out that the battle to honor our nation's glorious mosaic of cultures and ethnicities is now joined on many fronts. We will not waver; we will not tire; we will not falter; and, we will not fail. :wacko:

    Do you understand The Haterz?

  13. My wife and I will be officially "separating" at the end of this month. She'll be moving to Tampa, and I'll actually be moving to Thailand for work.

    Her green card is good until December 2010. We have to be separated for 1 year before we can apply to divorce, so that means we can divorce in April 2010 (approximately). I'm assuming the divorce will be done with an attorney present for her or I since I'll be overseas and not coming back to the US for the court proceeding (no property to split, kids, etc.)

    However, I honestly do love my wife and I want her to be happy. She wants to stay in America. Can this be done if we are divorced? Do instances like these EVER get approved, or will she be told to pack her bags and go back to her home country?

    Thanks for your help guys!

    Try to wait and try to work things out. Do NOT rush to divorce. Do your best just as much as what you did for each other in the past. Seek

    counseling if you can. Best of luck!

  14. Hello VJ's...Its my 6th weeks waiting today for my sputum culture test,hopefully no call till my 8th weeks..Please,i am

    asking for a prayer for me,that hopefully my result turns out negative..This is like a torture but i know everything happens for a reason,..God is great... God bless us always

    Everything will be just fine! God is always there :yes:

  15. well guys i called my insurance agent today to ask him about mohamed comming here from egypt and he will need insurance.so he quoted me.and you will not believe what he said.for mohamed to drive here in the usa and have his own policy it will be $195.00 a month.and if he was added with me it would cost us 209.00 a month.so guys how do you do it how did all you guys that moved to usa drive if it is that expensive to have insurance.so guys does that sound right or do i need to check somewhere else for insurance for him.plus no one will quote me if he is not the one talking some new policy i guess.they said since he does not have a license it will be a beginers policy.so this is aweful i mean how does anyone afford that.just curious guys help me to figure out how he can drive if it will break us.thank you all and be patient with me since we are trying to start our lives together.but i didnt think how expensive it would be.

    thanks guys

    trina (F)

    Try to get different quotes. Many factors play on the final price & that can include age, distance of daily drive and type of the car you will be driving!

  16. Someone stop the spam!


    I was amazed by the prejudice and lies being said about so many people of so many nations and countries.

    wom, is that you? :unsure:

    It's very interesting that many of the members here felt free to trash as they wish.

  17. stop it

    You are free to say whatever you wish & that including to tell me to STOP IT! It is not ment to hurt but to educate some of my friends by a Professor in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas. :dance:

    To my VJ friends,

    Why do you think I've been posting these segments for the last two days? I was amazed by the prejudice and lies being said about so many people of so many nations and countries. It's very interesting that many of the members here felt free to trash as they wish. This was mainly on the Off Topic Forum. As I went through all these threads, I noticed one friend that continued to portray some countries as being evil. I joined VJ so I can monitor the progress of my K3 Visa. It's very interesting that I have friends from around the world from bands, who I happen to be close with, including those from Iran, the Middle East, and Israel. It's very interesting that I was accused as being anti-semetic, but when in fact nobody knows my background or heritage, or for that matter my knowledge on this very topic. Let it be understood that Zionism is not a form of Judaism, it is Idealogy, so let's clear that up first. Secondly, let's be adults and stop the personal attacks. It's appalling, the amount of attacks I've received when all I'm doing is trying to spread peace. To those senior members who accused me of spamming the bulletin, well that's their own opinion. Having my own website, I understand the word spam. In conclusion, I wish the rest of you the best journey in life, and joining with your loved ones soon.

    p.s. My personal physician is a Jewish American. :dance:

    Oops forgot to mention, see me live sometimes and enjoy my friends' music! :thumbs:


  18. stop it

    You are free to say whatever you wish & that including to tell me to STOP IT! It is not ment to hurt but to educate some of my friends by a Professor in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas. :dance:

    To my VJ friends,

    Why do you think I've been posting these segments for the last two days? I was amazed by the prejudice and lies being said about so many people of so many nations and countries. It's very interesting that many of the members here felt free to trash as they wish. This was mainly on the Off Topic Forum. As I went through all these threads, I noticed one friend that continued to portray some countries as being evil. I joined VJ so I can monitor the progress of my K3 Visa. It's very interesting that I have friends from around the world from bands, who I happen to be close with, including those from Iran, the Middle East, and Israel. It's very interesting that I was accused as being anti-semetic, but when in fact nobody knows my background or heritage, or for that matter my knowledge on this very topic. Let it be understood that Zionism is not a form of Judaism, it is Idealogy, so let's clear that up first. Secondly, let's be adults and stop the personal attacks. It's appalling, the amount of attacks I've received when all I'm doing is trying to spread peace. To those senior members who accused me of spamming the bulletin, well that's their own opinion. Having my own website, I understand the word spam. In conclusion, I wish the rest of you the best journey in life, and joining with your loved ones soon.

    p.s. My personal physician is a Jewish American. :dance:

  19. is this the mena version of eric? :unsure:


    This is THE TRUTH SPAM THE BOARD version! :dance:

    Fixored for clarity.

    LOL...I can see you have been bothered so much. I see from where you are coming when you post your threads! :dance:

    SPAM THE BOARD with what?. I will slow down when i get a notice from the admin of this site. Comprende?

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