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Posts posted by Peet

  1. And I got notice today also :P

    We are expected the 27th of July!

    Liz, it is the I-134 and just tell Pat to send the checklist asap, together with the forms he has to fill out.

    There will be time enough to get everything together.

    Don't be as silly as I was and wait until you actually have most of it, it is wasted time.

    :dance: YAY...congrats Peet and Adokenai! :dance:

    Peet - Thanks for the info! He got Packet 3 yesterday but we're going to slow it down just a bit ourselves....he wants to make sure that the interview will be in August sometime so he has time to get the funds together for the medical and shots.

    ok, I just got the info on that today:

    Physical: 155,-- euro

    X-ray: 50,-- euro

    I got the DTP and BMR shotsdone at my own doctor for 52,-- euro

    From what I understand, that is it.

    The interview will cost 99,56 euro

    oh, he needs to bring postage to return the passport also, which is 7 euro.

    Can you imagine that I am happy my son is still 14, a few months later and I would have had to pay the same for him.

    But now he can skip the x-ray and his physical is cheaper. :thumbs:

  2. Welcome Mark and congratulations on your interview going so well.

    Thanks for the warning about the guy, good to know that not all people there are like him :)

    So now you are waiting for your visa to arrive?

    Liz, the letter won't be a problem, my ex is very helpful and cooperative.

    I have an appointment for next Friday to sign the letter at the notary.

    He already sent me a copy of his passport by mail.

  3. LOL, I knew it would make you happy :jest:

    well, I called the consulate, they are so nice there :)

    Answered the questions I had, in Dutch, which was even better since this was about legal stuff concerning my son.

    As I expected, I need to bring a letter of consent from my ex in which he gives permission to me to take my son with me.

    I have an appointment now with the notary for the next week, so my checklist is going back to the consulate today.

  4. Liz, I so know how you feel, felt the same when I saw that happen around us.

    But keep in mind, yours is coming too :thumbs:

    Oh, please make Patrick happy with the mistake my pharmacist made when I called.

    As it turns out, the BMR isn't 193 euro's, but just over 30 :D

    Strange mistake to make, but I rather have it this way than the other way around.

    Anyway, I had to take the day off tomorrow, have to call the consulate and visit my doctor to get vaccinated.

    And both are only available in the mornings.

  5. it isn't really clear to me.

    what it says is this:

    "Evidence of support: Evidence which will show that you and your childeren , if any, are not likely to become public charges in the United States.The enclosed information sheet DS2000 lists evidence which may be presented to meet this requirement of law.

    If any affidavit is to be submitted, form I-134 must be used. The form can only be considered for acceptance if duly completed and supporting documents are attached."

    So do, or don't we need it?

  6. Probably asking something that I should know, or can read in the forms, but I really don't get it.

    With all the stuff to get ready for the interview, there was also a I-134 for a sponsor to fill out.

    Should I send this form to the US for my fiancé to fill out and for him to send back?

    He is sending some stuff over to proof that he makes enough money to support us (according to the guidelines), isn't that sufficient?

    Sorry if I am asking something that is answered way too often already. :blush:

  7. Hi Adokeni, welcome to our group.

    I see you have the same NOA1 date we have and we also just got our NOA2

    Have been filling in forms this weekend and sent them back sunday, now I am working on the checklist for the interview.

    Jack is sending some stuff and I think I have most of it covered, just need a lawyer to reply for a letter of consent.

    Almost got a heart attack today, the BMR shot costs 193,60 euro.

    And since they didn't use to give the full one when I was young, I'll need it.

    Patrick may want look into it also Liz.

    Glad my insurance covers most of it, didn't expect it to be this expensive. Also need the DTP since my last one was more than 10 years ago.

    LOL, I am on a roll here, also have the dogs scheduled for early vaccinations.

    My son is so glad he doesn't have to have any :P

    Anyway, time to start making dinner now, have a nice evening all.

  8. ~sigh~

    This is frustrating. I have to get official birth certificates and I am assuming I have to get those from the place I was born.

    The visa instructions make a clear difference between originals and certified copies (last one is ok for my son)

    But they don't give those different options on the website I ordered them from.

    Same goes for the marriage/divorce certificate I need, guess I need to get that also from the place I got married and where they made note of the divorce....

    Nope, not really clear to me.

    But maybe I worry too much.

    Can you tell I am getting nervous?

    I want to get that checklist back to the consulate asap.

    The forms I had to fill in are in the mail right now and should be there on tuesday.

    Hope to get the rest out before the weekend :blink:

    I know Johnny had to travel all the way to his place of birth, or where they are registered at in the Netherlands [it's one of the two] to get his birth certificate. He would probably be able to tell you more, but I'm pretty sure he had to go to the place they are registered at in the Netherlands.

    Maybe that helps clarify things for you, maybe it doesn't. I know here in the States we are able to call the office where our birth was registered and get more official copies but I don't think Johnny was able to do that with his, he had to be there in person I believe.

    Thanks Lindsey, I think I ordered the right ones. In the place I was born.

    These days you can get almost anything through the internet.

    But the different names confused me.

    Am working hard to get everything together for the interview now, wrote the letter of intent, am busy making copies of the blog we both write in, phone records. Have pictures and several things that prove I traveled to the US.

    Some letters Jack wrote to me and the receipt for our wedding bands.

    What the list doesn't say to bring, but what I think is needed, is a letter of consent of my son's father.

    Working on getting that done also.

    Phew, there is a lot you can get done on a sunday afternoon :yes:

  9. ~sigh~

    This is frustrating. I have to get official birth certificates and I am assuming I have to get those from the place I was born.

    The visa instructions make a clear difference between originals and certified copies (last one is ok for my son)

    But they don't give those different options on the website I ordered them from.

    Same goes for the marriage/divorce certificate I need, guess I need to get that also from the place I got married and where they made note of the divorce....

    Nope, not really clear to me.

    But maybe I worry too much.

    Can you tell I am getting nervous?

    I want to get that checklist back to the consulate asap.

    The forms I had to fill in are in the mail right now and should be there on tuesday.

    Hope to get the rest out before the weekend :blink:

  10. Hi Lindsey,

    welcome, great to have you here. We got our first NOA halfway Jan. and received our second one just over a week ago, so you may have to have a bit of patience.

    Blu, I am working with a guy from Franeker every day at the moment.

    Living in the north of Drenthe myself and working on the Friese, Groninger, Drentse border.

    So I am hearing all three dialects every day.

    It is a beautiful area to live in, lots of fields, forests and small villages with old churches and tiny old cemeteries.

  11. I am sorry to hear about your uncle Liz.

    Thanks, haven't heard anything yet.

    I am curious also, since this isn't just about me, but my son also.

    I would like to get my paperwork together, but have no clue where to start, can anyone help me out here?

    It is probably right before my nose, but my head is spinning with too much stuff going on.

    Not a good idea to start a new job, study and do a visa journey all together.

  12. So, today, TamTu went to the embassy to provide the signature that they told him they were missing. While he was there, he asked the lady many times "Are you suuuure there's nothing else that I need?" She laughed, and said she was absolutely sure there wasn't anything else. She told him that they were going to send him his passport, along with the sealed package, and not to open it.

    Finally, we're approved. :D!

    Ri - any updates on your case-status? :)

    I hope everyone's day is going great. :D

    Congratulations, you two did it!!! :dance:

    It is quiet inhere, everyone enjoying the weekend?

    Here it has been really nice for the last few days and I decided to take full advantage going out en about.

    Also making as much pics as I can, trying to create some memories that I can take with me.

    Tonight it resulted in this.


  13. Talked to Jack today, he is going to get in contact with his congressman and see if we can speed up stuff.

    I am aware of the fact that we are not at the 6 month yet, but I have seen two people now who got their NOA1 at the same date as us now, getting approved after contacting theirs.

    So we are going to try it.

    I have to say, it is mainly because we would like my son to start school at the same time as his class mates after summer.

    maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't, we'll see.

    In the mean time, Jacks stepson got married yesterday.

    Really hated not being there, both kids are so supportive of us getting together.

    Saw pictures though and hope the two f them and the baby will be there at our wedding.

    Which we today decided will be in Cape May, NJ.

  14. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    Today I checked the uscis site, and our case appears!! It says our was approved and that they sent an approval notice on May 21!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yesterday nothing was on the site (yesterday was the 21st), I even called yesterday and 2nd level "customer service" said you will you have to wait 6-8 months for a decision, but it looks like they had already approved it!

    Thank you to everyone on this board! Especially Gary!!

    Congratulations, now I have hope again.

    Secretly hoping they approve all NOA1's from the 14th of Jan. now. :blush:

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