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Posts posted by Chrito

  1. Das war ein tolles Spiel, habs mit ner argentinischen Freundin ausm dog park geschaut... :blush:

    Ich sag nur: besser Katheter als ne geplatzte Blase, waer meiner Ma beinah nach ner OP passiert....

    Chnst: Hoffentlich ist alles gut! Drueck dir ganz fest die Daumen!

    Ansonsten: Training ist fast vorbei, mag die Arbeit total gern, Kollegen prima, Unternehmen klasse, setz alles dran im September uebernommen zu werden (bin im Mom contract ueber ne staffing agency, aber ausschliesslich fuer die Firma, die agency darf mich nicht irgendwoanders hinschicken)

    Hab grad ein bisschen Heimweh weil die ganze familiy in D am feiern ist, Doppelhochzeit von zweien meiner Lieblingscousins (Bruder und Schwester) und ich bin net dabei! :crying:

  2. hey coomies!

    dropping by to say good night!

    I have accomplished a lot today:

    ~ nap until the Germany game was over :whistle: Yay me! Next weekend I have to watch the game with my Argentinian friend...

    ~ cooked: lasagna, meatloaf, chicken and veggies (which turned out really yummy), prepared everything for tomorrow's pork loin on cream carrots

    ~ hubster did laundry! and ironing! :luv:

    ~ went to the dog park

    so apart from the usual mess everything is ready for the week, oh no, it isn't, in-laws are in town on thursday :wow: but they're cool :yes:

    all commies, have a great Sunday night, I have to go back and study, quiz tomorrow...

  3. Thanks Amby!

    I have to cook for the boys as well, all the had was burgers this week. Shaggie was off for two days, but of course he didn't cook (he usually likes cooking) lazy bastards!

    Sus: how's Anna (the little chubster) and the boys, and yourself?

  4. Chicken salad! that's a wonderful idea, I think I'll make that Sunday night. I like mine with rice, pineapple and curry, hm, could make curry as well!

    ha, 2 more on the list: chicken salad and Thai Green Curry (that was one of our signature dishes at the cafe, the more you cooked at once, the better it was, it has lots of veggies in it and if someone wanted it non-vegetarian we just threw some pre-grilled chicken in) this one is really easy to freeze and I can always cook some rice in the morning to go with it.

  5. Rhubarb! :help: I think I have a rhubarb trauma...every fall and spring: Sunday dessert (the only day we had dessert!) vanilla ice cream with hot rhubarb, rhubarb pie with that horrible egg white stuff on top, simple pound cake with rhubarb in it... :(

    I can't smell it, I can't eat it...

    I'll def put the shep pie on the list.

    Is there anything vegetarian or something with fish I can precook and freeze?

  6. Good morning Commies!

    Have I missed anything? Finally two days off! :dance: but still a lot to do, the house is a mess, laundry, ironing, all that stuff :wacko:

    Furthermore I want to precook dinners and freeze them, I'm fed up with eating sandwiches and salad during the day, coming home around midnight and being so hungry that I warm up some unhealthy fast food...and I'm pretty much sitting all day, I need to control my weight...

    So far I have on my list:



    Chicken breast on a vegetable bed


    Veggie and potato stew

    any more suggestions?

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  7. I looked at the menu and it's all "healthy" stuff, so far I've only seen shep pie, fish Caribbean with rice, veggie lasagna, roasts, turkey breast and so on...

    they only have one daily soup, 2 entrees (one vegetarian), and for dessert freshly baked pastries, a huge salad bar and an assortment of healthy snacks (fruit, yogurt, veggies). :dance:

    No fries, no pizza, no fast food, if you want some you have to leave for your lunch break and get it yourself...

  8. Morning Commies!

    I can't wait for those 3 weeks to be over. Working until midnight really gets to me. But the Training is fun, I like my new colleagues and we have a lot of fun! Plus, it's a really good company with a lot of opportunities for promotions etc., heck, everything is brand new in this building! And they have free soda, water and coffee/tea in the break rooms, plus every break room has a vending machine with sandwiches and other stuff you can put in the microwave (and those microwaves are fancy and every break room has at least 3!)and huge freezer/fridges! TVs to watch the games everywhere....(of course not where you're supposed to work :blush: )and free popcorn for the games!

    The cafeteria menu is great and reasonable priced, unfortunately it's only open for breakfast and lunch but I sure will enjoy it once I'm on my regular schedule and maybe I'll even go to the in-house gym after work!

    All in all it has been a great first week so far! Pudge is adjusting, yesterday a friend from the dog park picked him up and Pudge spent the entire afternoon at the beach with them and went swimming and later to the dog park to meet his friends. He really had an exhausting and exciting day, he is still asleep and won't come out of bed!

    so long my dearest commies, I have to go, hopefully I have some more time on the weekend!

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