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Posts posted by Princess_Maricar

  1. Hello VJ's i need more clarification...is it necessarry to send the marriage contract of my parents just to let them know that i am thier daugther or son? And do i need to send also a birthcertificate of my sister or brother to let them know that we have same parents?Thats what i read in the I-130 info....IF that so...what i'm gonna do....my brothers and sister have same name of my parents and just only me have different name but we have same parents...just only there written in my birthcertificate.....

    Thanks u...happy new year in advance...

  2. i'm going to hav my medical 2moro can anybody give me any last minute reminder? i would gladly appreciate it..

    any documents i need to bring as reference for filling up the form for SLEC?

    Good luck to your medical tomorrow...the last thing i can give u..is ..be positive and trust god.... merry christmas..

  3. I do a little of both

    I lighten the blonde on top and darken it on the bottom.

    I never blonde my hair or dye on it cuz i'm scared that my hair brittled when i apply hair straigthening.

    But i'm still glad that i have a long black and shiny hair....

  4. LONELY BLUE SPOUSELESS VJs this Xmas, Post here, let's share our pain and sadness.

    I'm going to spend Xmas without my husband for the 1st time since we met... I'm so sad... we were planning a big American Xmas with all the family but Immigration ruined our plans... GGGGRRRR!!! It will be a sad cold crappy Xmas. I'm MAD!!!

    Anyone else?

    :star: Merry Christmas :star: to all, LOTS OF LUCK in the new year!!!!!!

    I"m also lonely this Christmas cuz my husband is not here....we only spend together in my birthday and his birthday cuz we are same month,and on the wedding .....i miss him alot and cant hold my tears full down when i heard our favorite music.... :crying: Merry Christmas to all....

  5. Christmas makes me happy! :dance:

    Food, booze and prezzies, lights, candles, cold weather, decorations, gingerbread, advent calendars, christmas songs! :dance: What's not to like, seriously?

    I agree with you Ms.Squirrel,I love christmas too.Its doesn't matter u cant give a gift to your family as long as your presence is thier.Thats the most important,the whole family will be together.We both know that sometimes our christmas cold i mean lonely cuz we are far from our family,love ones but thats not the reason we hate christmas.Here in the philippines when the sounds BER mean christmas is coming like september,october and so on..its really exciting.Its better to spend the money on christmas like food,decoration,candles than wasting money in useless.


  6. Had our interview today. Our day started out when we left the house at 4am and arrived at USEM before 5am.

    5:00am - Immigrant visa applicants with a 6:30am interview were called to fall in line in front of the gate and present appointment letters with a valid ID (apparently, youngh children are exempt from the valid ID). We were then told to have a seat and wait to be told to enter the building.

    6:00am - After what must've been like forever, we were allowed to through the gate and into the Embassy but not without again presenting the appointment letters and the valid ID. Alec and I were able to get a seat in the front row and thus was among the first to be given numbers. Appointment papers were again asked for prior to issuing numbers. Again told to have a seat and wait for our number to be flashed.

    7:15am - We were called to Window 15. Greeted by a nice young Filipina who asked me my name and asked Alec her name. Asked who my petitioner was, when and where was he born, where he lived, what he did for a living, when and where we met, when we first met personally and how many times he has been to visit, when he last visited, and asked who his parents were. Asked for phone records, money remittances, wedding pictures and letters and emails. No NSO docs presented, no NBI's, no CENMAR/CENOMAR. Asked if support was being given via the bank and I said yes. Oh...asked too when we were married. Also asked if I was married to Alec's biologic father. Afll these in about 10 mins or so and I was asked to have a seat again and wait to be called for finger-scanning.

    7:30am - Biometric finger-scanning done. Again, Alec was exempted from this. Told again to have a seat and await calling for the final interview.

    8:20am - Called to Window 32. Interviewed by a kind middle-aged American gentleman. Greeted me by my married name and Alec as well. Of course, I greeted him back. Asked my petitioner's name, when we were married, how and when we met, when was his first visit and his next visit and if he has been back since our marriage. Asked if he was married before and if he had any children during that marriage. Gave me back the letters and emails, scanned thru our wedding album, then asked about Ryan's family, his mother and siblings, where they lived. Also asked what he did for a living....actually, he asked that twice. Scanned my DS-230 and asked what specialty I was practicing, which I answered accordingly. All the while during the interview and reviewing the docs before him he would pause at times to type into his computer. I asked if he needed my CENMAR (because I saw that the pre-screener had written that I did not have a CENMAR) and he said that he had my CENOMAR dated August 2007. Told him I had gotten a new one as per requirement and he took a look at it and gave it back, then typed some more, stamped our papers, then typed some more then finally closed the folders and told me, "Okay, ma'am, your visas are approved. You will be called again one last time at Window 37 where you will be given instructions." I smiled at him and thanked him..."Thank you very much!"...and left the cubicle trying to stop smiling. I was out of that room a little after 8:30am.

    8:35am (or so) - called to Window 37 and given a pink slip :star::star::star: Told to go to the Delbros counter and pay the delivery fee.

    Was out of USEM at 8:50am :dance::dance::dance:

    I am so very very happy!!!!! My OCD paid off quite well :D :D

    Called Ryan soon as I got in the car and he has since posted on the IR/CR page and called my mother-in-law and posted also on the familt group site. Indeed a very, very Merry Christmas for me!!!!

    Am offering a month-long thanksgiving at a church. God is oh so good! Praises be to Him!!! :innocent:

    Now...some notes to those yet to be interviewed....

    1. Do not bring even a single electronic device into the embassy....not even a simple calculator. A lot of applicants had a problem with this.

    2. Double-check that you have all necessary forms filled out. Some pre-screeners hav a short fuse and will blatantly let you know.

    3. Pre-screeners ask for different things. Is better to have more than you think they will look for rather than not hand them anything when they ask for it. So check your papers...docs, proofs of relationship especially, and photos. They will always ask for photos.

    4. Pay attention to the numbers being flashed on the screen. Numbers are not called in any particular order and if you miss your turn, you will have to wait a LOOOOOONG time before your number is called again. Plus, you will be awarded with the ire of the pre-screener or interviewer.

    5. Bring a jacket, for those who are cold-intolerant. Dress appropriately. There were those who came in in jeans and sneakers and a pre-teen boy in long shorts and sneakers...there was even a man dressed in a plain shirt with an unbuttoned fatigue-print jacket and pants and sneakers. They are honestly not enticing to look at. Remember, your appearance already will create an impression on the pre-screener and the interviewer.

    So...I can now sit back and await visa delivery, place my ticket reservations and start wrapping presents...not to mention start reviewing Alec for her exams :)

    Thank you to everybody in this VJ Family...you have all been a big help and a big inspiration to me and Ryan.

    To those still waiting.....just be patient...your time will come and you will be ready :star:

    Hmm....I believe we have just set a new record...from filing to approval... :innocent:

    wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww congratst...im so touch for your success...im so happy every filipina got aproved..thats a blessing for you.





    _________________________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________




  8. ay oo nga pala tedjen ire-review pa nila ulit di ba..I mailed my documents today...I hope Ill get a response from the usem soon. Let's wait and pray..

    hello Pinkria, wag kang mawalan ng pag asa....god will find a way...I'm so touch in your situation naiyak tuloy ako.even we didnt filed yet i know now how difficult it is....maybe those person who review your document not in the mood thats why he/she ask for more....

    Kaya mo yan...cheer up.

  9. Hello guys,

    I ask again about biographic information,I apply CR1/IR1 .In applicant's employment last five year,list present first.do i need write all the companies where i work before?The last job i have,they didnt give me employment certificate cuz my husband want me to resign and stay at home while waiting for his coming and also i didnt give a resignation letter cuz i know they dont let to resign on that time.Does they need the employment certificate as evidence that i work in that company?What File number and alien registration number?or leave it blank ?thanks for the help

    Just put the present and past jobs you've had in the last 5 years.

    Put NONE where it asks for A [Alien] # and File number. You will get them later in the process.

    Don't leave any questions blank or unanswered.

    thanks,another question,the last job i have before i start 2006 and it is only casual means 6 months and after that i have a gaps of 2 months and then i re applied again....then 6 months to work...then re applied again until i reach may 2008.Do i right every 6 months in form or i write down the whole year.?Do i need to get certificate of employment?

    anybody can help?

  10. Hello guys,

    I ask again about biographic information,I apply CR1/IR1 .In applicant's employment last five year,list present first.do i need write all the companies where i work before?The last job i have,they didnt give me employment certificate cuz my husband want me to resign and stay at home while waiting for his coming and also i didnt give a resignation letter cuz i know they dont let to resign on that time.Does they need the employment certificate as evidence that i work in that company?What File number and alien registration number?or leave it blank ?thanks for the help

  11. Hi Princess!

    I saw that have just got married last October. Congratulations! You seem to be confused on the matter of being peitioner under a CR1 visa. Here's a little help.

    One, do not worry about the documents, hahaha! Just kidding. I do not know about the Affidavit of Bonafide Relationship. We didn't prepare such document. As pushbrk said, it's a useless document. What your hubby needs to submit is the original copy of your marriage contract. The one that you and your hubby signed at the time of your wedding is enough for the meantime that he is still filing the petition. Once it is approved by the USCIS, he will be hearing from the NVC and will be asked to submit some sets of documents. Thus, for the meanitime that you and your hubby are waiting for the NVC notice, you apply already for the NSO authenticated copies of your marriage contract as well as your birth certificate. You can also file for the CENMAR already because all these documents will be needed also when you have your interview at the US Embassy. So maybe, get three copies of each. Once you get these documents, send them to your hubby so that when he submits the other documents to the NVC, he can include these NSO documents.

    Later on, your hubby's petition and all the documents he submitted will be forwarded to the USEM. You will be receiving a notice telling you when the interview will be. Once you receive it, go for the medical examination at St. Luke Medical Center in Bogobo St., Ermita, Manila. Pay for the Delbros verification fee ahead of time, if possble, as soon as you receive your interview appointment letter. Keep the receipt just in case it will be asked by the Consular Officer.

    Good luck on your journey!

    Thanks Riza,pushbrk and nickoftime for the information.....at the time am waiting for my original copies from NSO...

    Hi Princess!

    I saw that have just got married last October. Congratulations! You seem to be confused on the matter of being peitioner under a CR1 visa. Here's a little help.

    One, do not worry about the documents, hahaha! Just kidding. I do not know about the Affidavit of Bonafide Relationship. We didn't prepare such document. As pushbrk said, it's a useless document. What your hubby needs to submit is the original copy of your marriage contract. The one that you and your hubby signed at the time of your wedding is enough for the meantime that he is still filing the petition. Once it is approved by the USCIS, he will be hearing from the NVC and will be asked to submit some sets of documents. Thus, for the meanitime that you and your hubby are waiting for the NVC notice, you apply already for the NSO authenticated copies of your marriage contract as well as your birth certificate. You can also file for the CENMAR already because all these documents will be needed also when you have your interview at the US Embassy. So maybe, get three copies of each. Once you get these documents, send them to your hubby so that when he submits the other documents to the NVC, he can include these NSO documents.

    Later on, your hubby's petition and all the documents he submitted will be forwarded to the USEM. You will be receiving a notice telling you when the interview will be. Once you receive it, go for the medical examination at St. Luke Medical Center in Bogobo St., Ermita, Manila. Pay for the Delbros verification fee ahead of time, if possble, as soon as you receive your interview appointment letter. Keep the receipt just in case it will be asked by the Consular Officer.

    Good luck on your journey!

    Thanks Riza,pushbrk and nickoftime for the information.....at the time am waiting for my original copies from NSO...

  12. Hello VJ's,

    My husband and I didnt filed a form I-130 yet since we dont have enough document to submit.

    My husband tell to me to taking care of this..gathering info since he is busy to his son cuz his son under go an operation

    this week in state and I fully understand that situation. :huh:

    I know that the petitioner will be the one to fill up the form 130 but i want to clarify in #7 question ABOUT YOUR RELATIVE:OTHER NAMES USED(INCLUDING MAIDEN NAME),what do you mean by that?Is it my middle name when i'm still single ?or my mother middle name?And also in letter C: Information about your alien relative(continued),that refers to the petitioner and his children?or to the beneficiary?Cuz i've seen in the example given,its written there the name of the husband.

    Any info are very welcome...thanks..:)

    Hi there,

    You can fill up the form I -130 as long as your husband signed the form. Dont have to be him ..as long as you know what to answers on the form.Question # 7 means if you have other names used like may ibang name ka on other legal documents. Alien relative refers to your husband or the petitioner which is him.

    I do not mean to confuse the issue but on section C question 17, the alien relative refers to you, not your husband. his name would be listed there since he is your spouse. if he has any children, they would not be listed. only your children would be listed if you have any children.

    Thanks Vj,so i wont write the names of his sons anymore ,right?


  13. 3:45 Woke up, took a cold shower... around 4 I checked all the document's folder again, I was clear, I organised the folder according to each section of the process, 1st. appointment letter. 2nd. the whole ds-230 copies, in case they lost something and so on 'till the proof of relationship part.

    4:30 My Brother-in-law gives me a ride to Caracas, He works close to a subway station so he dropped me there, the subway was close when I arrived there so I had time to review some questions in my mind, you know grabbing the folder like life...

    Arrived to Caracas at 5:30, took the subway to another station where they told me I could take a bus which drops you right in front on the US embassy in Caracas. Nice I saved a lot of money on buses.

    6:20 arrived to the embassy, there were already some people there, all of them for the tourist visa section, I asked the security guard at what time they will let the immigrant applicants and he told me at 9, wow I thought I had arrived too early, well the consular section is not too comfortable, just a bench for like 100 people or more, nice view of Caracas I must say.

    8:45 started calling immigrant applicants, wow! Finally in, must say I didn't have any breakfast before I went to the embassy, I have a weak stomach.

    through security fast, went to the immigrant section, there were some other people there before me, I grabbed a number from a ticket dispenser, you must take one in order to be attended by the pre-screener.

    11:00 Finally with the pre-screener, nasty, my goodness, she was kind of rude... don't know why! PROBLEMS!!! I have three names, but in the birth certificate only appeared 2, so the pre-screener told me that I must get another birth certificate, otherwise I was going to have issues with the interviewer. I was praying hard for a miracle, only two more people and it was my turn for the interview, then GOD kicks in... we got a yellow paper asking us to come back at 2:30 for the interview because they were going to take the lunch break. NICE! ran outside to call my mom so she finds that old document that I knew has the three names there and to bring it to me before 2:30.

    More drama, since they couldn't find the paper fast, my mom was not home, I didn't remember her number so I called my sister's in law so she could give me my sister's number and once my sister gave me the number call my mom, well I got my mom's number but my mom was not home so she rushed to the house to find that birth certificate, wow they searched everywhere until they found it... wow, it was 1:15, and it started to rain in Caracas, for the ones who know Caracas, you know that it is impossible to get anywhere on time, but well I prayed hard so I GOD CONTINUED TO HELP THERE.

    2:15 I was in a mall close to the embassy praying hard, decided to take the bus back to the embassy, that would give my mom some time to arrive, when I got to the embassy, my mom was not there, wow I started to panic, I went to a phone booth there and called my mom she was 10 minutes away from the embassy, wow right on time, it was GOD once again there it is impossible to make such a good time from my house to Caracas, but well she arrived and handed me the document, wow what a relief, well time to go in for the interview!

    3:05 Called my name, the officer a nice american lady, left-handed, she started looking through my documents... then she starts looking at my passport picture and the forms pictures and asked me if I was the same person and I said yes, what happened is that I gained some weight due to marriage, the she asked other workers about the pictures and they all concluded that I am the same in all pictures. NICE!

    Well, the interview was easy, only 5 questions... When and Where did you meet? which I answered and proved it with pictures and emails, Nice touch there, in law's names, another piece of cake, Ever applied for a tourist visa? NO! ever been overseas? NO! then we went to talk about the birth certificate, she was stamping and sigining some papers in my folder... She noticed the "two name" birth certificate thing, I handed her the old birth certificate with the three names, and then everything went ok, she received and accepted the document, then fingerprinting... well they she gave me the most beautiful hand sign ever, TWO THUMBS UP! Sir you are approved... wow, the happiest moment of the month, I was so excited!!!

    Later on I called my wife, and all I heard was screaming, screaming screaming!!! yeah! She was happy.

    Now POE, ATLANTA, 4th of December 2008. All the way to Spokane, WA.

    Good luck to the others!

    Jesus Bless you all!

    wowowowwwwwwww congrats..you made it....pray to god nothing impossible...

  14. happy reunion! and happy thanksgiving!

    btw, what flight did your wife take? I'll be in Dallas too on Dec 11 and it's my POE. Can you please ask your wife if she can find some time to post her POE review? I will greatly appreciate it. :)

    God bless your family!

    flight was JAL to narita tokyo japan..then american airlines to dallas,,POE was very simple.no questions.only took packet and my passport and said welcome to america.and then return passport..no problem.



    congrats to you guys......and happy thanksgiving ....thats really bless by GOD.

  15. I guess I gets no love from anyone. I am truly at a crisis right now and I have gotten hits and bits of helpful info. from this site. But I guess that's the way it goes.. no one has responded to my question as of yet and 52 views? Wow...........it's ok though...... Good luck to you all still

    Hello,Im sorry of what happen but never think that nobody love you and care for you here....Maybe they dont have any idea how to help you.We understand what u feel.We know its not easy to have that kind of problem.In my opinion,u need to go a lawyer which is very popular in this case and tell them whats really happen.However,never think since you got a lawyer ...u didnt do anything also..u ask any information to other person.Try to open this site www.gurfinkel.com ..he is a lawyer and he is expert in immigration.

    Hope this can help you..Be positive sweetness....never give up.

  16. Hello VJ's,

    My husband and I didnt filed a form I-130 yet since we dont have enough document to submit.

    My husband tell to me to taking care of this..gathering info since he is busy to his son cuz his son under go an operation

    this week in state and I fully understand that situation. :huh:

    I know that the petitioner will be the one to fill up the form 130 but i want to clarify in #7 question ABOUT YOUR RELATIVE:OTHER NAMES USED(INCLUDING MAIDEN NAME),what do you mean by that?Is it my middle name when i'm still single ?or my mother middle name?And also in letter C: Information about your alien relative(continued),that refers to the petitioner and his children?or to the beneficiary?Cuz i've seen in the example given,its written there the name of the husband.

    Any info are very welcome...thanks..:)

    Hi there,

    You can fill up the form I -130 as long as your husband signed the form. Dont have to be him ..as long as you know what to answers on the form.Question # 7 means if you have other names used like may ibang name ka on other legal documents. Alien relative refers to your husband or the petitioner which is him.

    Thank you Gigacer,sa info.nabunutan na naman ako ng tinik ....

  17. Hello VJ's,

    My husband and I didnt filed a form I-130 yet since we dont have enough document to submit.

    My husband tell to me to taking care of this..gathering info since he is busy to his son cuz his son under go an operation

    this week in state and I fully understand that situation. :huh:

    I know that the petitioner will be the one to fill up the form 130 but i want to clarify in #7 question ABOUT YOUR RELATIVE:OTHER NAMES USED(INCLUDING MAIDEN NAME),what do you mean by that?Is it my middle name when i'm still single ?or my mother middle name?And also in letter C: Information about your alien relative(continued),that refers to the petitioner and his children?or to the beneficiary?Cuz i've seen in the example given,its written there the name of the husband.

    Any info are very welcome...thanks..:)

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