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Posts posted by SteveColo

  1. Well, they'll both have to apply to adjust status once here in the US anyhow, for a cost of $1010 each, so what's the difference between that and the CR1? Other than the off chance there may be an additional wait time?

    It's not $1010 each ... my step-daughter would only be $600 ...

    With the K-3, they can file for just EAD for the foreign spouse (immediately), then wait up to 21 months to file AOS (K-3 visa is valid for 2 years). Defers the cost for more than two years.
  2. Good morning my ladies! (F)

    Haven't figured out what I am going to do with myself today. Usually, up until around 1:00 p.m. my time I am Skyping with Ksenia. But she is still in Kiev today, so I'm kind of a little out of my routine :P

    Looks like I was finally able to pick up that 2nd P/T job that I needed. Nothing glamorous, working as a security guard. But $10 per hour X 24 hours per weekend = $240 of much needed income per week to get over there for the interview and eventually get my Ukrainian ladies home :thumbs:

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day :yes:

  3. Cool! Seems ur case is moving EXPRESS STYLE!! :thumbs:

    What's cool about Ukraine is that you don't have to send anything in and then wait until you schedule your interview! Basically, as soon as you have the necessary paperwork filled out, you can schedule your appointment. So even if you are still putting things together, you can schedule your interview anyway ... the Embassy doesn't know if your done with your forms or not :P

    You just have to make sure you have everything by the time you go to the interview. Ksenia downloaded everything she needs from the Embassy website and has her stuff done already! I'm calling Monday to try and get our appointment ... our case should be in Kiev by then :thumbs:

  4. btw ... Ksenia and Sasha had their medical in Kiev today. Everything looks good ... :thumbs:

    In Ukraine, you don't even need to wait for the packet. As long as you have a case number, you can do your medical right away. I found out about our approval from the NVC, not the CSC, with a letter that had our case number and telling us that our paperwork would be in Kiev within a week :)

  5. Thanks for the input ...

    I was just curious. We can wait the 90 days for her to get the work card ...

    I totally understand your argument for the CR1 YuAndDan ... but for me, with a wife and step-daughter, you are talking an extra $1000 up front (which I don't have) for the CR1 AND the possibility of it getting hung up at the NVC for months for any old stupid reason. I see a lot of VJ members who have experienced this or are currently dealing with this.

    For us, getting back together a.s.a.p. is the most important thing ...

  6. Hey all B)

    Our goal is to have our interview mid-April. But because of finances, my wife and step-daughter will not be able to come home probably until June.

    My question is ... after she receives the visa, do I have to wait until she enters the country to file the paperwork to get her work card ... or can I file it right away? If so, when she gets here, 2 out of the 3 months of waiting will have already passed ...

    Thanks for your input :thumbs:

  7. K3 for us too ... a lot faster with a lot less hassles up front. I mean, how many people have you seen, even here, that go CR1 and then get stuck at the NVC for months? I know there are "short cuts" that can speed things up, but you see a lot of people hit a snag for some stupid reason or another and *bam*, they are still waiting 4, 5, or 6 more months. And you have more $$$ to pay right away for a CR1. And that figure really adds up when you add children.

    Things are too tight right now financially and with this economy, I'd rather have her here a.s.a.p. then go through the extra months the CR1 'could' take. I mean, what if things get worse and you can't get your loved ones here? Things are working out for my trip over for the interview now. It will be 6 months since I have held my wife by the time the interview gets here ... for us ... we don't want to wait anymore.

    Even with the immediate GC with the CR1, getting my wife & step-daughter home faster and cheaper "up front" made it an easy choice for us. We have two years to worry about adjusting. By then she will be working too, adding to the family income making the extra fees to adjust easier to manage.

    I perfectly understand anyone who goes with either visa ... but especially those who have been waiting through the VSC for 250+ days ... my reaction would be a no-brainer ... K3 ... it's faster.

  8. Hey Steve...good to see you. How are you making out at NVC?

    Thanks ... I feel kinda bad that I haven't been around much this week ...

    I'm calling Kiev tomorrow. They should have the paperwork by now and I'll be trying to set an interview date. Looking at April 20th ... I'll let everybody know ;)

    Since we are going K3, now it's just a matter of some paperwork for Ksenia. She downloaded packet 3 from the Embassy site and has it all filled out already. She'll get her police records in 2 weeks and she & Sasha are getting their medical next Friday.

    I think I have everything I need ... except a plane ticket to Kiev :(

    welcome beta :)

    Yes ... welcome! :thumbs:

  9. Hello my lovely ladies (F)

    Been a real long day on the road, but wanted to see how everything is going. I'm sorry I'm not seeing anything new and exciting :(

    I hope you all have been getting my {hugs} on FB ;)

    btw ... happy square root day ... March (3rd month) X 3rd day = 09. The next one will be April 4th, 2016 ...

    You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Come on VSC ... give these ladies what they deserve ... to be back with their husbands A.S.A.P. !!!

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