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    luckytxn reacted to in Palin, I knew Reagan. You're no Reagan.   
    If "without a brain in" palin wins I will vote for Paris Hilton as a write in.
  2. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Gary and Alla in Woman strips to bra, panties for airport security   
    If they would just install a stripper pole at every checkpoint there would be a lot less complaints. Just take $1 bills with you
  3. Like
    luckytxn reacted to ^_^ in Temporary wives   
    You can lie to USCIS, they're infidels anyway.
  4. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Gary and Alla in TSA Outrage funded by Koch   
    Well thank goodness SOMEONE is taking on the TSA. Good to see it is Libertarians.
  5. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Obama 2012 in TSA Outrage funded by Koch   
    Yes, all the outrage is fake. Yup all of it. Geez.....
    What a garbage article to post in hopes of helping the government agencies grab even more power...
    NONE of this changes the fact of what the TSA is doing.
  6. Like
    luckytxn reacted to JohnSmith2007 in Reagan Budget Director Slams GOP for 'Theology' Of Tax Cuts   
    Nice backtrack. Expected. I proved my point that 48% of small business owners fall into the 250K bracket and you smoothly move to class warfare. To cite the CBO is a real laugh. They never get anything right. Its like a computer, garbage in, garbage out. They just take numbers given to them and crank out the result the instigators wanted. Give them different numbers and they get a different result. If you place your faith in that useless group then I can understand why you believe the partisan garbage you put forth here.
    The stimulus did absolutely nothing. It didn't create jobs and it didn't help the economy. Trickle down worked when Reagan did it. That is indisputable. What Obama and the dems did (with the help of the dumbazz reps) had little to no effect. Yeah, I know, now you will post some doom and gloom story about how bad things would be without the stimulus but it will also be based on supposition and theory. The only thing that matters is results. Trickle down saved us from the Carter recession. Keynesian economics is a total failure.
  7. Like
    luckytxn reacted to wshc in Reagan Budget Director Slams GOP for 'Theology' Of Tax Cuts   
    As the CBO notes, most Bush tax cut dollars go to higher-income households, and these top earners don't spend as much of their income as lower earners.
    Really? Where do they keep that money then? Is it under their beds maybe. Maybe they bury it in their yards. Maybe they put it in to a savings account. That would be terrible if they let a bank work with that money. That would produce economic activity. We can't let that happen.
    And businesses doing well are such a bad thing. I remember that once I was at a company and they were not doing too well, so everyday was a test to see if we got layed off or not. At one company I worked at, they were doing well and we felt like we had job security. But we can't have business's doing well, they don't know how to spend THEIR money as well as the Government. Again, the example being USCIS - are you getting good service for the buck?
    Businesses are not letting go of their money now because of the uncertainty the current government has created. President Reagan had true leadership and he made people feel like setting the economics of capitalism free. Today, if you even want to earn a better living to buy better shoes for your kids you are demonized as an evil greedy businessman of one kind or another.
    Your SPD/Democratic brainwashing is really showing through.
  8. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from sachinky in Fiancee has owes 200k on Credit Card. Help!!!   
    Exactly. The first thought I had when I read this was that she was a scammer and will be asking for money soon in order to be eligible to be able to leave the Phi and marry. Definitely would be asking for proof that there is a real credit card with that much owed. This story is an old one and many get scammed anyway.
  9. Like
    luckytxn reacted to scandal in Willie Nelson charged with pot possession in Texas   
    Busting anyone, famous or not, for simple possession of small amounts of pot is ridiculous.
    Certainly there are better things our LE should be doing that going after recreational personal use.
  10. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from one...two...tree in Willie Nelson charged with pot possession in Texas   
    Let the man smoke a doob now and again. Geez.
    I expected this one.
  11. Like
    luckytxn reacted to ^_^ in Giant Russian rat vs alley cats   
    Annoy him, apparently. Except he'll never tell you why. Snide passive aggressive digs are more his style.
  12. Like
    luckytxn reacted to peejay in Why Are We Still in Korea?   
    America can no longer afford it's position as primary policeman of the world. Prestige be damned. Of course we are more than capable of defending our homeland and our strategic interests. However, we cannot afford to save the world anymore (much less forever). It's time to face reality and look out primarily for our own interests. Let the leeches fend for themselves. We should have cut the cord long ago.
  13. Like
    luckytxn reacted to BishopM in At what age did you come to realize that God/Devil/Heaven/Hell/Angels/Demons are all man-made fairy tales?   
    In my opinion, it is a true shame and travesty that much of Christianity today does indeed paint this very limited and completely underdeveloped theological view of God. I, personally, don't have this view at all and never have...and hope that others don't either. Unfortunately, for a lot of people who are new to Christianity, or who have rejected it already, this is the limited exposure they receive. In this extremely limited view of God, it is all sin/shame/punishment/forgiveness...lather rinse and repeat. God is much greater than this!
  14. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from Nagishkaw in Sharia lessons for pupils aged six: BBC uncovers 'weekend schools' that teach pupils how to hack off thieves' hands   
    These are just barbarians but it is smart to indoctrinate them at the youngest age possible to assure they are able to then go on when older to do the most damage with no conscience.
  15. Like
    luckytxn reacted to BishopM in At what age did you come to realize that God/Devil/Heaven/Hell/Angels/Demons are all man-made fairy tales?   
    Brother Scandal, your conclusion is correct +1. I remember taking a class on Genesis and the professor stated that if we cannot approach the Book of Genesis in a literal manner (meaning that the world was created in 6 days, period, end of discussion) then we will never really be able to understand the truth of the Bible. I had to call foul on that line of reasoning!
    But, back to your point, I do take the Book of Genesis as allegory into the mystery of God. This is the allegorical point of the Book of Genesis: That the creation of 'everything' is too immense to understand and is cloaked in the mystery of God! The creation story of the Book of Genesis, including the creation of man/woman, is written to allegorically (and beautifully!) represent this basic truth. With that said, I have no personal objection with the advancement of all sciences which help us to unravel this beautiful mystery of God. In fact, such advancement should be cherished and eagerly anticipated because such scientific advancement is a purification in its own rite...a rite which continuously brings us closer to God. I doubt if scientist will ever get to the 'end of the story'...but the journey is utterly amazing.
    In my opinion, trying to read these books from a purely scientific view and then attempting to reconcile these allegorical stories with science would be an entirely futile effort, which you've also concluded correctly. Quite simply put, its not worth the effort. And, also in my opinion, a real injustice has been created against the glory and mystery of God by recent 'Creationists' who do try to strip the mystery out of God by placing Jesus on a dinosaur! Its just plain silly.
    As far as Noah, Jonah, others in the OT...I also take these stories more as allegorical. Did Jonah spend three days in the belly of a fish? I doubt it. One good thing about the Catholic Church is that we DO NOT take a stance on these books, out of the respect of the mystery of God. We realize that, contextually and textually, there is not enough definitive evidence to state that the entire world was flooded (Noah) or that Jonah stayed in the belly of a fish for three days before going back to Ninevah. In fact, again, it is a waste of time to really even try to delve into these unsolvable matters...but it is not a waste of time to try to grasp the theological meaning...which I believe is the point that God was trying to make through these inspired stories. Were Jonah/Noah/David/Soloman/Samuel real, historical persons? I believe yes is the answer...but I believe that God uses these historical personages through these inspired stories to lay quick waste to our short lived/ambitious lives...which kind of builds in a sense of humilty before the wonders of God.
  16. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from Robert de Bonda in HELP! He suddenly has the worst pre-wedding cold feet and we're falling apart!!!   
    I had been divorced for 15 years before I met my now wife. In that time I had been engaged 4 times and each time I got cold feet and took off. This time I had also gotten cold feet and tried to get out but for some reason my then fiancee just ignored me and kept making plans. I even started to say NO more loudly but she again just ignored me and went on. When it got close I finally told her my many misgivings and she asked if I loved her. I told her yes then she said then there is no problems. I of course being a lot older than her just chalked this up to her being naive. Her and I had a big chat and I extracted a promise from her that if after we got married and such and then either of us found out we were incompatible that she had to grant me a divorce and we move on and that I would make sure she stayed and become permanent.
    After she arrived we both got married in a civil union and recently have gotten married in a church wedding as she is Catholic. We have been together now over a year and a half and we are both very happy. I still have misgivings as I can't understand why this major babe is so in love with me and I am so happy.
    Many men get cold feet and woman are supposed to be strong and go on with it. If every time a someone has gotten cold feet and the other stopped it then we would have very few weddings. From what you have posted this is all it is and nothing more and less. Now go and get over here and show the moron how much of a one he was and get on with life. You two will be happy and live happily ever after.
  17. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from ^_^ in At what age did you come to realize that God/Devil/Heaven/Hell/Angels/Demons are all man-made fairy tales?   
    These are quotes from the old testament. He had a covenant with them that they failed to do as he commanded. He was angry at them and punished them severely. He also said he would not be this severe in the future. Now lets go to the future when he sent his son to show us the way and how to find him through him. He has given all who want to find him a new covenant and if we wish we can if we want come to him. If you choose to not come to God in this way then that is your choice.
  18. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from in At what age did you come to realize that God/Devil/Heaven/Hell/Angels/Demons are all man-made fairy tales?   
    These are quotes from the old testament. He had a covenant with them that they failed to do as he commanded. He was angry at them and punished them severely. He also said he would not be this severe in the future. Now lets go to the future when he sent his son to show us the way and how to find him through him. He has given all who want to find him a new covenant and if we wish we can if we want come to him. If you choose to not come to God in this way then that is your choice.
  19. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in At what age did you come to realize that God/Devil/Heaven/Hell/Angels/Demons are all man-made fairy tales?   
    These are quotes from the old testament. He had a covenant with them that they failed to do as he commanded. He was angry at them and punished them severely. He also said he would not be this severe in the future. Now lets go to the future when he sent his son to show us the way and how to find him through him. He has given all who want to find him a new covenant and if we wish we can if we want come to him. If you choose to not come to God in this way then that is your choice.
  20. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in At what age did you come to realize that God/Devil/Heaven/Hell/Angels/Demons are all man-made fairy tales?   
    God has spoken to many over the centuries and continues to do to this day. If any choose not to believe that then that is OK for them. To pooh pooh others faith is just being close minded. God does not mind that we question him at all and even welcomes it. Science is there to help us conquer our fears but it can never upend our faith. My brother also may not believe in God as I do but I love him regardless. I only try to guide him to help him be a good man not to change him. He has to come to God on his own.
  21. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from I AM NOT THAT GUY in At what age did you come to realize that God/Devil/Heaven/Hell/Angels/Demons are all man-made fairy tales?   
    I am sure you understand that this is a theory that also has many other alternate theories including different bag bang theories. The whole scientific knowledge to date can be used to explain any or most of the theories so far. Primrose actually came up with this many decades ago and right now is being shown to maybe not be as he says with more recent observations since he came up with this.
  22. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Ban Hammer in U.S. corn ethanol "was not a good policy"-Gore   
    he better get busy then, he's got a lot to admit.
  23. Like
    luckytxn reacted to Obama 2012 in Passenger chooses strip-down over pat-down   
    only person who needs to be arrested is the TSA Chairman......
    Of course, stripping down is coming next anyway though.
    Nazi Germany is back folks! Heil Hitler!!!!
  24. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from TBoneTX in HELP! He suddenly has the worst pre-wedding cold feet and we're falling apart!!!   
    I had been divorced for 15 years before I met my now wife. In that time I had been engaged 4 times and each time I got cold feet and took off. This time I had also gotten cold feet and tried to get out but for some reason my then fiancee just ignored me and kept making plans. I even started to say NO more loudly but she again just ignored me and went on. When it got close I finally told her my many misgivings and she asked if I loved her. I told her yes then she said then there is no problems. I of course being a lot older than her just chalked this up to her being naive. Her and I had a big chat and I extracted a promise from her that if after we got married and such and then either of us found out we were incompatible that she had to grant me a divorce and we move on and that I would make sure she stayed and become permanent.
    After she arrived we both got married in a civil union and recently have gotten married in a church wedding as she is Catholic. We have been together now over a year and a half and we are both very happy. I still have misgivings as I can't understand why this major babe is so in love with me and I am so happy.
    Many men get cold feet and woman are supposed to be strong and go on with it. If every time a someone has gotten cold feet and the other stopped it then we would have very few weddings. From what you have posted this is all it is and nothing more and less. Now go and get over here and show the moron how much of a one he was and get on with life. You two will be happy and live happily ever after.
  25. Like
    luckytxn got a reaction from one...two...tree in At what age did you come to realize that God/Devil/Heaven/Hell/Angels/Demons are all man-made fairy tales?   
    I have always been skeptical in anything I read and thought most stories were just words written by man. I also knew at an early age that most stories had a kernel of truth.
    I have since found out in life that there is a God and angels and demons for real. The stories that have been written by man may be fiction but that does not mean that there are no deities. I choose to commune with God and reject the demons and be comforted by my choice. Life has shown me that I am favored by God in giving me a good life. God shows me favor because I have given God a place in my life to guide me. Nothing is better in life then when I can be very content and gaze on a beautiful sight and feel awe. At this time I give my thanks for allowing me to feel this way to my God. It is very humbling to know that I am favored. Also since I am favored and am awed so often it makes me enjoy my life and become very happy.
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